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NON gamebred dog breeds/dogs

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by viegas703, Feb 25, 2010.

  1. viegas703

    viegas703 Top Dog

    I know nothing of the tito fight. I cannot comment on that. But as far as pitbulls go, no dog comes close. I see many times a small or average pitbull destroy MUCH larger dogs through skill and heart alone. I could care less if a 150+lb dog beats a pit, what does that show? nothing at all. Its like me beating a 15 year old.
  2. ShakaZ

    ShakaZ CH Dog

    i just came back from a bully dog show and i really can't see how one would beat a full grown bulldog... they can't move fast enough imo.... a bulldog pup that ain't started yet? yeah i see it happenin but a full grown started bulldog... hhhheeeeelllllllll naw.
  3. viegas703

    viegas703 Top Dog

    Lol, I doubt they can even take an 8 month old.
  4. junkyard

    junkyard CH Dog

    ive posted twice this being three. vote two for the gayest thread in history. veigas , ive never said said i had the cream of the crop, but i did do a couple of years of research befor ei jumped into the breed., can you say the same? im sorry if i think that its stupid i just do.
    the whole thread is a green as hell thread, and anyone who knows anything understands that its a question you should know the answer too before you even start typing.

    how is a fat windless mutt that cant even turn around on itself going to be able to whip a finley tuned athlete? the question answers itself.
  5. viegas703

    viegas703 Top Dog

    You can think whatever of the thread, thats cool. By cream of the crop im reffering to your breed of choice, which in regards to the [] is the cream of the crop. I really just wanted to see if anyone knows of anyone pitting these dogs, thats pretty much it. Just because a dog is fat and overweight doesnt mean it cant out muscle a much smaller dog and win, or am i wrong? Tosa for instance is a fat, overweight dog imo, but look at the results.
  6. junkyard

    junkyard CH Dog

    tosas are far from fat and overweight, they are built more athletic than most mastiff type dogs. they just dont look like Apbt.

    to make this easy for you too understand, A bully is a showy dog for showy people, and has never been bred for the box. an apbt has for hundreds of years. go figure.
  7. ShakaZ

    ShakaZ CH Dog

    bullies are bred for a look (a nasty look but a look nonetheless) and an apbt is bred for performance. the only way an ambully would win is maybe by sitting on an apbt (although it would have to sit really fast lol)
  8. viegas703

    viegas703 Top Dog

    I understand what each is bred for. But don't you ever wonder with the amount of people that sell these mutts off as real won't and the people that own and believe they are real apbt, the amount of people that try to fight these dogs? That's all I was trying to get at.
  9. CTG

    CTG Big Dog

    anyone trying to use bullies as performance dogs are uneducated about the breed.
  10. viegas703

    viegas703 Top Dog

    That's the point being made. People actually think these are pit bulls.
  11. junkyard

    junkyard CH Dog

    thats the point being made by us not you, the op was a question not a statement, you specifically asked for answer opinions and when you got them you answered like you allready knew the answer??? which cancels the need for the entire thread in the first place.
  12. junkyard

    junkyard CH Dog

    and what experience do you have with dog fighting from the "streets" perspective? you have stated you have been exposed to it? im just interested.
  13. popper

    popper CH Dog

    exactly ... in the thread he was asking how the bully breed would fair out in a match.... since y9ou already knew , why post up a thread about it
  14. viegas703

    viegas703 Top Dog

    I've never fought a dog in my life nor would I. I live close to Washington dc, where a lot of people fight dogs.
  15. jrpitdog

    jrpitdog Pup

    Just joined and yippee! Im replying to a thread with a topic as old as dirt. Bottom line 9 times outta 10 a real fast lane bulldog will destroy ANYTHING (of another breed) even close to its own weight. Now speaking of going into a much heavier dog, it would have to be a really rough, mean ass dog. First of all one good bite from a bulldog and that cur would be thinking twice about his decision. I get a kick outta the replies to those kangal vs. pit videos, ok so let me see you are bragging that your 150-200lb monster bested the 40-50 bulldog? HAAAAAAAAA! Try putting that same Kangal in a bout with a rough dog that weighed 500lbs. The only dog that SOMETIMES has a chance is a trained Tosa, but then again the bulldog is usually giving up 100lbs. You gotta consider the source of those vids. Final thought on this I dont trust videos on the internet anyways, sometimes you cant really tell what breed of dogs they are, and the losing dog is always stated as a "champ" and the winner was just a pet, ya right. I highly doubt any fast lane bulldogs are being used in trashy back alley, back woods, back yard, back of the truck matches. Pound for Pound APBT KING!!! (and often pound for more pounds).
  16. popper

    popper CH Dog

    good post man ..... welcome
  17. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    most people understand that, and WE ALL know you are right. Thats not even up for discussion. My thing is if someone is gonna have dogs and they ask a question you find silly why not answer it anyways. if they think a bully have more power they may end up cross breeding think that they are improving power or something. it might seem silly to you but if someone ask then obviously its not to them. its not hard 2 get 2 dogs and stick them together. threads like this might do more good then u realize
  18. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    and you both are correct. there are A LOT of ambullys where i live to say the least and people let them go on each other. you know those you wanna be thugs you see on tv and such... yeah thats who does it here. they all think there dogs are tough and they talk about weight and head size as the determining factor of whose dog is toughest. al im sayin is this stuff happens.
  19. ShakaZ

    ShakaZ CH Dog

    yeah but it happens by ignorant and stupid people.... nobody who knows better would even attempt it with those abominations.
  20. popper

    popper CH Dog

    lmao abominations, that abiout sums it up

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