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Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by kygm, May 28, 2010.

  1. kygm

    kygm Pup

    hey man yeah you can still get the shots. Go for the 7 in 1 since your puppy is already big. I would go to a vet so they can specifically tell you when to bring them back and so on. After you get the 1st set of shots, you'll need about 3-4 more booster shots. In the mean while, try not to take your pup out so much, if not at all! Parvo is a very common virus and it can be almost anywhere. When you take him to the vet, carry him, don't let him walk on the floor(there are always sick dogs going in and out). Take as many precautions as you can with your pup until he has had enough protection. Then you can take him wherever you'd like. Oh and as far as the big and stocky goes, well that all depends on the parents and what they look like. It's all in the genes.
  2. Burger

    Burger Pup

    Re: Blue dogs ???

    As far as I'm concerned, dogs get about 27 shots TOO MANY in the course of their lives. back in the day my parents and grandparents NEVER EVER vaccinated their dogs. .... EVER... The whole vaccination BULLSHIT scare is just that, PARVO is the only thing your puppy is susceptible too and even that is subject to controversy. Most of the antibodies a puppy gets is from its mother. I gave my dogs ONE parvo shot, that's IT THAT'S ALL... do you know why vets do BOOSTER shots.... because they are too lazy to run blood work to see if any antigens were created, its like a lazy mans way to fail safe the shots, and it also burns out your poor dogs immune system in the process...

    I say stay away from shots all together, when your dog is over 5-6 months old it will be bullet proof.. Immune system wise.

    By the way what ever happened to the swine flu???????? Yet another gimmick to extort money through fear and intimidation!

  3. kygm

    kygm Pup

    Re: Blue dogs ???

    yes you are right about too many "fake" shots out there. I personally only vaccinate my pups with the 5 in 1 then the 7 in 1. All those other shots, you are right. But with parvo, corona virus,etc. its better to be safe than sorry. It ends up being cheaper that way too, four $15 shots vs. $100+ if your puppy gets sick, and still then you have no guarantee of survival, IM GOING WITH SHOTS. Sure your grandparents never vaccinated their dogs, neither did mine.

    But Burger, times have changed. There are diseases, viruses, infections around now that weren't ever a problem in the time of our ancestors. So what you think about that?
  4. Burger

    Burger Pup

    Re: Blue dogs ???

    I think you buy into the hype that big pharma wants you to buy into. Nothing has changed in the way of these viruses and bacterias, its the same shit that's been around for decades.
    people have become so used to having doctors and other people guarantee things, the fact is even the shots don't guarantee your dog will be immune.

    Kygm, I could shit in a box and stamp a guarantee on it, and what do you have ???? Just a guaranteed box of shit is all you have.

  5. kygm

    kygm Pup

    Re: Blue dogs ???

    haha.. well to start off, i never said it would protect your dog 100%, just that would better help defend your dog. and i mean come on now, you can't completely be ignorant of whats going on in our present time. Do you think a hundreds years ago diseases like obesity, depression, etc. were as widespread and as much of a problem as they are now today??????

    I'll tell you one thing, nowadays doctors hand out meds as if they were handing out candy. Some people a majority of their lives doped up on so many meds, all for a false sense of security that by taking those meds, they'll become healthy again or at least feel better. However all they are doing is killing themselves slowly.

    Same thing goes with animals. Parvo kills, period. Would You skip your child's vaccinations? I know i wouldn't because those vaccinations were designed for viruses that in the past have killed. Most meds however are complete bs, let the body heal itself. Don't give your dog any extra vaccinations, besides for the Parvo, and rabies, because you never know what you are really giving your animal....
  6. Burger

    Burger Pup

    Re: Blue dogs ???

    Your proving my very point???? Why are you arguing with me if you completely agree with me? and if you completely agree with me why are you getting shots for your dog?

    Ignorant is the blind faith you put in your vet and the drugs they promote.
  7. kygm

    kygm Pup

    Re: Blue dogs ???

    hey burger, idk.... i'll give my pup it's 5 in 1 at 6wks, 7in 1 at 8,10,12,&16 weeks. also rabies shot at 16wks, and after that no more vaccines until a year goes by. thats all im saying, now back to the subject, blue pit bulls.....
  8. Burger

    Burger Pup

    Re: Blue dogs ???

    Jesus man, do you ever think for a second why dogs nowadays are getting cancer etc etc??? Your over vaccinating, your fucking crazy.

    Your dog needs 1 parvo shot AT BEST, then never ever needs another shot again. My dogs are almost 2 and a half and have been around thousands of dogs at shows/weight pulls and various events. They DO NOT need that many shots...

  9. kygm

    kygm Pup

    Re: Blue dogs ???

    idk dude, i've seen that shit happen to many times so thats why im vaccinating. I seen healthy dogs, not puppies, all of a sudden get skinny, they stop eating and then they die. Or, if you do take them to an emergency animal clinic, they scare you and you end up paying $250+, and you still get no guarantee that your dog will live. Look at puppy mill owners, half of the time those people don't vaccinate their puppies, and buyers, unknowingly end up purchasing a sick puppy. Parvo stays on the ground for about 2 years. There are thousands of dogs, daily, walking around in the same parks. Now do you think every single owner in that park has vaccinated their dog against parvo? HELL NO. Here's a simple fact for you, not all dog owners are responsible owners. All i know is im going to do my part so that my dog doesn't run a great risk of catching something and then suffering from it. And i still don't see how one year is over vaccinating..
  10. kygm

    kygm Pup

    <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> To Burger
    idk dude, i've seen that shit happen to many times so thats why im vaccinating. I seen healthy dogs, not puppies, all of a sudden get skinny, they stop eating and then they die. Or, if you do take them to an emergency animal clinic, they scare you and you end up paying $250+, and you still get no guarantee that your dog will live. Look at puppy mill owners, half of the time those people don't vaccinate their puppies, and buyers, unknowingly end up purchasing a sick puppy. Parvo stays on the ground for about 2 years. There are thousands of dogs, daily, walking around in the same parks. Now do you think every single owner in that park has vaccinated their dog against parvo? HELL NO. Here's a simple fact for you, not all dog owners are responsible owners. All i know is im going to do my part so that my dog doesn't run a great risk of catching something and then suffering from it. And i still don't see how one year is over vaccinating..
  11. ShakaZ

    ShakaZ CH Dog

    I know where to get five in one and six in one but where do i pick up the seven in one? also where do i get pyrantel dewormer? i've seen others but I prefer to go with pyrantel for pups.
  12. ATEXAN

    ATEXAN Big Dog

    Burger: Your pups wouldnt make it down here in Texas. Parvo is no joke round here, one shot wont cut it.
  13. kygm

    kygm Pup

    You can find them at a store that mainly sells things for livestock. I get mine at a store called tractor supply, you can buy the injection needle there too. They sell stuff for horses, cows, etc. They also carry the diamond brand food, taste of the wild, etc and none of the lower quality dog food that walmart carries. If you don't know any stores like that around you, well then you just gotta go to your vet and either ask him to vaccinate your puppy or tell him that you'll inject your puppy(only if you know how) and that you just wish to buy the vaccinations. They usually sell them for around $18, tractor supply's got them for around $8.

    As far as that dewormer you want, idk. I use panacur, and i usually get that from the vet because the dewormer sold at most retail and general stores isn't as good. Is the one you use better, what's the difference? Enlighten me...
  14. Phebes

    Phebes Pup

    Tractor Supply has the 7 in 1 shots.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2010
  15. kygm

    kygm Pup

    ATEXAN that's exactly what i was trying to tell ol' hamburger. I''m from central Texas and that shit aint no joke, it'll kill puppies before you even have the chance to take it to the vet
  16. simms

    simms CH Dog

    Re: Blue dogs ???

    Ive seen many adult dogs infected with parvo and distemper, kennel cough, lepto. All it takes is being exposed. But one can lesson the odds with a vaccine protocol.
  17. ShakaZ

    ShakaZ CH Dog

    Tractor Supply is where I get the five in one and six in one. The TS I go to doesn't have a seven in one. Pyrantel promate is what the vets give as a general dewormer, so I figure if it's what the vets give to worm out it's gotta be at least ONE of the best general dewormers out.
  18. kygm

    kygm Pup

    it all depends on the area where you live. 7 in 1 might not be necesary in your area. The six in one should have your dog covered. Ask the salesman at TS what's the deal with the Texas TS's having the 7 in 1, but you all not.
  19. budboy88

    budboy88 CH Dog

    you can get the same exact thing as panacur over the counter its the same dosage of fenbendazole and is called safe guard
  20. Re: Blue dogs ???

    Here's my two cents on the whole vaccination deal:
    It's vitally important that a dog gets all of it's shots in the first year of life. I've had a puppy almost die from Parvo after it had already had two of the series of four parvo vaccines.
    However, after the first year, they only need boosters every three years at most (and only for Parvo and Rabies), and that's coming from my vet.
    Getting the Kennel Cough vaccine is kind of trivial and pointless because Canine Bordetella is akin to the common cold in humans: uncomfortable, but usually not life-threatening if the dog is in good health and properly cared for. Also, in order for the vaccine to work, you have to shoot it up their nose every month, which to me is a huge waste of money and is just not worth it. Realistically, how much time is your dog going to spend in a kennel/shelter/whatever with a bunch of dogs with Kennel Cough if you're a responsible dog owner (not suggesting that anyone here isn't)? It makes sense to give them ONE application if you're going out of town and have no choice but to board your dog, but other than that, to give it to them is impractical in most cases IMO, and certainly not good for your dog.

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