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Please help..

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by mopower440, Mar 15, 2008.

  1. about a month ago i got a 6 week old rednose puppy girl. I have had her for 4 weeks now and am having the WORST time housebreaking her! I take her out frequently to use the bathroom and she does, but she is still doing it in the house. She wont give any kind of sign that she needs to go out, she will just potty in the house. Now, this is not my first one. I had no trouble housebreaking my male at the same age. What could be the problem? We crate her while we are gone, sometimes she wont go in the crate and sometimes she will..HELP!!
  2. Pirbul

    Pirbul CH Dog

    How often and for how long do you take her out? She shouldn give you any sign, you gotta build a routine every day, at the same time, 4-5x (for pups) at least 30-45 min and when she does poop or pee out, give her lots of treats and nice words.

    Do that every day and you'll see results but you gotta do it everyday at the same times, not once or twice for 15 min or wait till he gives you "the sign".
  3. Bullyson

    Bullyson CH Dog

    Whats always worked for me is putting the dogs nose in it, not litterally IN it, but close enough that they can smell it, and give it a good firm pop on the rear and a stern NO, POTTY OUTSIDE. Then put the dog outside. Praise when they do business outside as well. Best of luck.
  4. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    She is only 6 weeks old, she should just now start coming out of the whelping pen with momma. A few weeks will make all the difference in the world.

    Why did you get a 2 week old puppy?
  5. GABulldog

    GABulldog Big Dog

    the pup is 10 weeks...i would just keep taking her out frequently and she will learn where its ok to potty and where not to just give her a few weeks, shes still real young.
  6. pennsooner

    pennsooner CH Dog

    When you take her out, wait till she goes, and then say, YES! good potty (or whatever) and give her a treat. Do this every time. Just ignore her if she goes inside except to put her outside. UNLESS you catch her and then give her a sharp NO!!

    Make sure when you praise her to sound upbeat and happy and act like her going outside is the greatest thing in the world. And make sure and have some GOOD treats, I like microwaved little chunks of ham.

    In a week or so you should have her very close to housebroken. Oh, and get some oxy-clean or something to get the smell out when she goes inside. If you don't get rid of the smell she'll keep going there because that's where it smells like she should go.

    It takes a little work and thought to housebreak a pup but it can be done if you are consistent and on top of things. Oh, and a young pup can NOT hold it very long at all. An hour or two at that age at most.
  7. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    She's only 10 weeks old. At that age, it is only reasonable to expect her to be able to hold her bladder for 2 hours maximum (but 1 hour is most accepted). And this is only when she has not had anything to eat or drink for a couple of hours beforehand.

    Honestly, when you are not there, she needs to be in the crate. If she goes in her crate, oh well. Wash it out and deal with it. You cannot punish a dog for something it did 10 minutes to 5 hours previous. Dogs don't have the logic or reasoning to understand the punishment like humans do.

    When you are home, she needs to be going out every hour to 2 hours. And when you take her out, strongly emphasize, "Lil girl...let's go OUTSIDE and go POTTY." Pick her up and carry her outside and place her in the grass still emphasizing where you're going and what she's to do. When outside, just stand there. Do not walk around and do not initiate play until she's urinated and/or defecated. When she has, give her lots of prays and pats on the head and then a short playtime. This way she'll learn that going to the bathroom outside brings good, desirable things her way.

    Also, when you're home with her, keep her restrained by your side via a long leash or something if you're going to be up and moving about. This way she will not get the chance to sneak off and do something in the house. Only allow her to be unrestrained/unconfined if you are actually sitting in the room with her. And if you see her start to squat or posture, run to her, pick her up all the while emphasizing "Let's go OUTSIDE to go POTTY." No need to scream or yell as this weill only make her go hide from you to do her business vs. just doing it in front of you.

    She's just a pup. A very young pup at that. So give her time.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2008
  8. bahamutt99

    bahamutt99 CH Dog

    At 10 weeks, she's just a baby, so don't expect miracles. Praise her for pottying outside, and keep her near you when she's inside. If you see her starting to sniff for a spot to go, take her outside. Go easy on the corrections, because if you're too harsh during this developmental stage, you may discourage her from pottying at all while you're near her, and that's not the message you want to send.

    Also, teach her how to let you know when she needs to go out. Don't just expect her to know how to relay that to you. (Some dogs work it out on their own, others don't.) My preferred method is to teach the dogs to put their feet on the door when they need out. Simply, I encourage them to paw the door, and then I open it after they do. By that, they learn that if they want out, all they need to do is paw the door, and the food lady will come open it.

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