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Question for the men

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by lovemybull, Jun 3, 2010.

  1. littleblackdog

    littleblackdog Big Dog

    Better yet, if you want him forever make him work at it just like a bulldog, give him enough to want more and he will be yours forever. Make it easy on him and it will be a notch in his bed post. I HATE GIVEN THE ANSWER TO THE GAME BUT THAT IS IT ON A PLATTER!
  2. magdalena

    magdalena Big Dog

    Well I'd hope that once you are married he wouldn't be making any new bedpost notches. :D I think the original question was should a wife be a little coy or just attack sexually...
  3. redrumdog

    redrumdog Top Dog

    Well then just hit him over the head with a 2x4.He'll get it then
  4. magdalena

    magdalena Big Dog

    I hate it when they don't move though...:p
  5. junkyard

    junkyard CH Dog

    speak for yourself.
  6. lovemybull

    lovemybull Big Dog

    See the hubby says he always tired..I know he is but Jezz. So I have decided to act like I don't want any and it seems to be working. Even though last night I gave in and took advantage while he was asleep.:o

    Yeah they all know the massage trick but most are too lazy to use it.
  7. brindlexpitt

    brindlexpitt Top Dog

    lmfao. i should try that.
  8. Nell_Bell

    Nell_Bell Big Dog

    Try a different time of day. Like in the morning. Men are usually ready to salute at reveille ;)
  9. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    Naw Nell thats just a piss hard in the morning hun i need to stretch and shit before im ready to go at it LOL
  10. Nell_Bell

    Nell_Bell Big Dog

    Aren't you just the romantic LMAO!
  11. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    Not really a romantic but hey i can get the job done and havent had any complaints so far :p
  12. lovemybull

    lovemybull Big Dog

    Yeah but its still functional in the morning. Hey you got any good stretches for the jaw?? LOL..jk
  13. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    aww hell no you didnt LOL only good streches for a womans jaw i know of is my umm yea you get it :p
  14. lovemybull

    lovemybull Big Dog

    Like most men..lol. Also some men might think they are stretching the jaw..when in reality..well they're not..lol. Not saying you..but ya know.:p
  15. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    im just gonna stop posting now before i dig a hole i cant climb out of or before the admins just delete this shit because it got a lil to dirty :goodnight:
  16. lovemybull

    lovemybull Big Dog

    Me too opps.
  17. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    Oh and sorry i couldnt post a reply that actually had texture but as a man hell i dont even know what i want the majority of the time besides a full stomach of food
  18. coop-dog

    coop-dog Big Dog

    Me I like it when the ladies dress sexy and are ready to go ,I hate that playing hard to get stuff.
  19. lovemybull

    lovemybull Big Dog

    Its ok I understand. Well my husband has his stomach full with some great homemade Italian food every night, so he should be fulfilling every one of my needs...lol.
  20. PurePit19

    PurePit19 CH Dog

    The easier and the freakier.... The better!! Once the relationship is established, no need for playing hard to get, teasing can be fun sometimes but for the most part.... I'm trying to $&@# ever chance I get and it's great when you got a woman who feels the same. For most of us high strung men, sex is a big deal. When the sex stops, the major issues start. JMO

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