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Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by eastend, Oct 30, 2010.

  1. eastend

    eastend Big Dog

    Lets see whats left out there were are all the brindles gone???
    I love em1!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. the first dog i saw was at eds place circa 1978/79 brindle male ,i was reading lots of books back then , has a 15 year old it made a big impression on me it must be said . At that time i was the owner of a stafford bought from a guy in ripley surrey a friend of mr reids i cant begin to tell you all how dissapointed i was when my parents refused to let me have another dog .and just out of interest what other blood lines made it over back then ??
  3. T.A.K

    T.A.K Pup

    why, have u got some????
  4. eastend

    eastend Big Dog

    a little bit but not pure i was looking for a pure brindle bitch pup..
  5. reids skipper

    reids skipper CH Dog

    why brindle ?????
  6. homer39

    homer39 Banned

    maybe because there was plenty of brindle champs
  7. reids skipper

    reids skipper CH Dog

    no doubt there was a lot of good brindles.... but wasn't archie red ?? and he was said to be a good one .
  8. reids

    reids Big Dog

    archie was red.im on the same view as eastend brindle all the way!!! i bred a good reids litter 1 fawn 3 reds a brindle and a white honey coulerd 1 red ones were ok fawn 1 was above the reds the brindle a absoulute nut case unstopable by all means..
  9. reids

    reids Big Dog

    art at 11 month
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2010
  10. reids

    reids Big Dog

    he only about 11 month thare:D
  11. reids skipper

    reids skipper CH Dog

    do you not think that was just coincidence that the best was brindle reids ??
  12. reids

    reids Big Dog


    .no im prety sure that the brindles are the ones the only reason a took the fawn one was coz the other half loved it and a was full of dogs at the time so 2 wasnt a option and a fall out with her wasnt eather lol
  13. reids

    reids Big Dog

    i think the brindles hold the key genetics aswell ota my expieriences thay seem to have alot more fire under thare arse from a early age compared to the coulerd ones the fawn and reds was well slow on starting compared to the brindles
  14. oldtymer

    oldtymer Top Dog

    imo it was ch max,his sons and grandsons that put the brindle dogs on the map. Most of the litters skipper threw there was a higher percentage of brindle dogs,the majority ended up in pet homes being bred for a quick buck and in the hands of idiots that wanted them because they were pitbulls and were hard lol and did'nt know diddly squat about what the dogs were about,back then them reid dogs were big mofos .
  15. reids

    reids Big Dog

    still are big mofos lol i wish a was born in the eara of when ed was punting em out lol a woulda bought the lot and been in my element a wont entertain any other strain/type than reids and when my bitch dies that a got left thats me.:mad:
  16. oldguy

    oldguy CH Dog

    Redeye's Archie was a (red) 48lb belly brother to champions Yogi and Hagar... He was never the kind of dog that could be owned by someone who was inexpirienced or nervous around pitbulls ... His first roll was into a son of Hall's Ch.Old Swamper called Topgun (aka Maverick)... Archie blew straight through Topgun in 12 minutes... Those at pitside could only stare in disbelief at the destruction or hide behind each other when Archie got too close to the pit wall for comfort ... NKK picked his dog up and declined to scratch Topgun back into Archie who was absolutely going crazy in his corner.

    Topgun eventually lost game in over 2 hours against East End's Ch.Dirty Bertie but everyone who was present that day knows Archie would have killed Topgun in 15minutes... I saw Ch.Dirty Bertie against Gr.Ch.Bill and I still consider Bertie to have been a good (dead game) dog.

    Archie was rolled into Redeye's Clever Charlie 2xw... Charlie was the dog who defeated Scar Kennels Ch.Klogger 4xw and made it look easy... Redeye stopped the roll between Charlie and Archie in 6 minutes, both dogs scratched hard but Charlie never walked properly on his front left leg again.

    Archie collected a forfiet from the owner of Ch.Fletcher... Apparently Fletcher's owner was tipped off about Archie and never even bothered show up while Archie waited for him at 49lb... I don't know what happened to Ch.Fletcher after that, but I do believe Archie would have killed him that day.

    Archie was eventually taken and destroyed by the RSPCA... He was matched against a very worthy opponent called Nailer 1xw... The last thing I remember before the coppers bust in was looking up at the faces of the spectators with their mouths hanging wide open... I think they knew they were witnessing something pretty special!
  17. reids

    reids Big Dog

    yea the reids stuff had. what was the breeding on nailer 1xw.pm if like
  18. eastend

    eastend Big Dog

    you guys ever heard of AA's Bomber??
    anyone know of his breeding??
  19. oldtymer

    oldtymer Top Dog

    Bomber was owned by that peddler down in Brum , the only thing bomber did was mount any bitch put in front of him and the majority of which were not purebred. He is suposed to be out of ollie x katie but whether he is or not is open to debate . The only thing that his owner was interested in was making £££££'s from the dogs he has had.So if i was you i'd stay away from anything that has bomber in its ped.
  20. oldguy

    oldguy CH Dog

    Northern Lad's Nailer 1xw was a belly brother to Nuttal's Black Max 2xw (Ch.Klogger x Ch.Sheena Black) Nailers owner was one of the gamest and most honest dogmen I have ever met in the game...

    Who ever it was in Brum who peddled the Ch.Curstopper blood for money, they are a fucking disgrace, clearly they have no feelings or respect for the dogs who made that line great in the first place.

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