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Discussion in 'Rescue & Adoption' started by chloesredboy, Jan 11, 2007.

  1. chloesredboy

    chloesredboy CH Dog

    OK im sure Ill get alot of crap for this but here goes ,My brother lives next door to some people who own a wonderful pit.The problem is they smoke meth and the dog is constantly running the neighborhood.He comes to my brothers house to play with their dog and get some food and love.The last time i was over there I got so pissed I went to take the dog home and see if I could educate them about letting pits run free.The city I live in is very unfriendly towards pits the local pd loves to shoot them and all pits picked up by ac are automaticaly killed.When I told the woman this she told me that the dog had actually been picked up 3x but they had a tag on him at the time and her son (who is in prison now) went and picked him up she said it cost about 200 $ each time and that she wasnt going to pay it if he went back ,well if no one claims him he will be killed they do not adopt out pits here.This dog is magnificent just too skinny but otherwise beautiful he is wonderful with the other dogs and my 2 yaer old niece he is just very nice and well behaved my point is I have been thinking about bringing him home with me.I dont want to steal someones dog but they obviously dont care also I just love dogs and would not be able to forgive myself if he got picked up ,stolen by some idiot who would use him for byb or try to fight him or run over by a car I have plenty of room and would get him fixed immediatley.Any opinions ? should I try to save him or just let it be ? Any HELPFUL feedback would much appreciated,Thanks.
  2. Jake01

    Jake01 Big Dog

    Ask them if you can have the dog. If they say no, offer some money if you really feel that you want him. Ice heads never pass up cash.
  3. Yeah! NEVER PASS IT UP...hell you could buy the dog from them for pobably $20.00. Although I would offer more than that....but they would take it!
  4. I've been in situation almost just like this. There are some meth heads that live next to my girl friend. I would go to see her and see this pretty but under feed buck skin pit runnin in a cage full of his shit. It almost never had water or food. They never showed it any attention. So one day when i was over i went to talk to them about it. I ended getting the dog for 10.00 I took it home and it was a great pit. It died a while back from heath problems... probaly from when they had him. I say go a try to buy it and if they dont want to sell it next time u see it on the street... take it home before it gets killed
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2007
  5. Riptora

    Riptora CH Dog

    I got one for $5 and a pack of smokes once! Yeah, I would ask, then offer money, and you can pretty much bet you won't have to ask for long! Let us know when you get him!
  6. SteeleBlu

    SteeleBlu Pup

    Obviously, I think the first and best choice is to offer a little money for the dog. This way you could have him without question or confrontation. I have seen the exact same problem before in my old neighborhood, but I did something a little different. Because I already have a male pit, and this dog was male, I obviously couldn't keep him. My dog doesn't do well with males at all, and the lowlives who owned this other dog had trained him to fight...and tried to make him intimidating and human aggressive, but he wasn't buying into all of that.

    I had these neighbors that had a male pit and as soon as I got mine they asked if I wanted to let me dog come into their backyard to "play". I guess they thought I was naive, since I am a female, and that I didn't know what the hell they were referring to. I said "Hell no, I'm not stupid" and just went about my day. This happened a few more times. One night I was walking Steele, and next thing you know, this little black and white pit runs around the corner from about 2 streets down and immediately attacks Steele. I was living with my mom at the time, so I asked her to take him inside. As soon as she did I grabbed the black and white dog and recognized who's dog it was....SOOOOOO, I called my friends who own a shelter and told them what was goin on. I told them if they allowed me to bring him there, I'd bring my dog's kennel and I'd come in every day to take him out and take care of him...so, they said ok. Of course, this was way after they closed, but the owner went back and opened up the shop so I could bring him in. The poor little guy had a small chain around his neck (no collar, no tags) and had a torn electrical cord tied to the end of that.... I took him into the shelter and every day for a week or so, I went in there and took care of him. I know he saw me as his savior because every time I would come in there, he would act just like my dog does towards me! He'd bark at the sound of my voice and get all excited and just all over me and shower me with kisses. After about a week, they found him a home with some of their friends who had a lot of land and they had fallen in love with him! So, he got adopted rather quickly for a pit. (They still have a couple that have been there over a year!)

    A few days later the guys were walking around the corner, and they asked had I seen their dog, because he had ran in my direction. I said "Nope" and went on about my day. ;) Sadly, they had already gotten a new puppy, so I felt for him, and of course I was just waiting for the day that he got out and I would take him away too.

    So, I would start with offering money...that should work. And I admire you for getting him fixed ASAP. See what you can do, because the poor pup probably needs a lot of help and love.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2007
  7. diva

    diva CH Dog

    I'd probably offer to buy the dog too. Like southeastern said, you could probably get the dog for like $20 since they are meth heads. But, I would try to get something in writing stating you bought the dog or they gave you the dog or whatever. If it is her son's dog, when he is released from prison (IF he is released) then he may try to come claim his dog. Get it in writing and he will have to take that up with his mother.
  8. SteeleBlu

    SteeleBlu Pup

    Good idea! Getting stuff in writing is always the safest way to go, escpecially when making purchases. And u know how those types of people are....they need those dogs as a "status symbol" or "protection"......so, he may try to take him back. I'd get an agreement in writing or a receipt of some sort....can never go wrong that way, and you'd rather be safe than sorry.

    Also, get him microchipped in your name ASAP. That's one of the best things you could do for your dog. Mine is, and it can make the difference between life and death for your dog. Also, if the guy tried to put up a fight, the police would see he's chipped in your name.

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