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Responsible Peddling?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by BoiBoi, Feb 21, 2007.

  1. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    I've been on this forum for a while now and i've read damn near every post about people getting blamed for peddling pups, shoot i even did some blaming, but now i have a question that has come to my mind lately.

    Small kennel operations that breed and sell pups are often critisized by many on this site, yet large kennels like TG's kennel and many others that do the same thing get high fives all around.

    My question is why does one peddler get the shit kicked out of them for selling a few pups, yet a large kennel that has many breedings a year gets by without anyone saying anything. Now keep in mind im talking about gamebred kennels, not the big blue kennels. Large kennels make plenty of money off of their pups, shoot people have even stated that to get a pup from TG u'll be paying like $900. Now i know that some people on this site do breed, and i have no problem with that but does it make them a peddler too if they decide they want to sell some of the pups and keep some for themselves?
    1 person likes this.
  2. MAXIM

    MAXIM Big Dog

    I dont get whats all this talk about peddling and selling pups..If pple wanna sell dogs why cant they? Im so new to all this, and so confused at the same time...Whats wrong with selling pups out of ur litters? S**t, i cant wait to breed Max with my best friends pit bull and then sell them to my other good friends who have been wanting pit bulls for a long time...Does that make me a peddler? Or better yet, does that make me a bad person?
  3. Michele

    Michele Guest

    This is my take on it. A responsible breeder, breeds to "better" the breed. If you can't do that, then don't do it. I might get flamed but this is how I feel.
  4. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    that right there would make u a definate peddler. U'r dog is unproven and im guessing so is ur friends dog so now u are planning on breeding 2 subpar dogs. U should just love ur dog and get him fixed, because there is no reason for u to breed that dog at all. What im talking about is working kennels that have proven dogs not back yard breeders, thats the class u would be considered, just another BYB, so please don't breed that dog its not the right thing to do
  5. MAXIM

    MAXIM Big Dog

    Can u explain it to me plz, im so new to this, theres so much i dont know...I dont get the whole breed to "better" the breed thing!
  6. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    There is no reason u should get flamed for that, its a very true statement, the only reason to breed is if the individual is definate that the outcome of the breeding will be for the improvement of the breed.
  7. dakota

    dakota Pup

    In South Africa, everyone that owns a male and female pit, will breed them.. just cause they can. Normally they have a litter of pups every 6 months. No one would say anything about it, even when they come out all skew and big, cow hocked and everything. They basicly breed cause their friends want puppies and they will make loads of money. Then when the guys that know what they are breeding for, have maybe 3 litters in a year (from 3 different females) - people start critisizing and calling them puppy peddlers. Strange strange world..... :rolleyes:
  8. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    Hey MAXIM read my signature about lesson one, it should answer some of ur questions
  9. Michele

    Michele Guest

    I don't think i'm qualified to answer that question but there are plenty of people on this board that can explain this to you.

    To me, there are good breeders and bad breeders. Bad breeders will breed anything and they don't give a damn. It's the money that motivates them and only the money. They would inbreed because they just don't care. And what they create is horrific.

    Good breeders check the lines of the dog to maintain and keep perfection to the breed. Good breeders have responsible homes lined up for the pups before the pups are even born.

    If i'm not explaining this the right way, someone correct me. Thanks.
  10. MAXIM

    MAXIM Big Dog

    Well, i only wanted to breed mine once, and only because i would rather some of my good friends and family members buy one from me and not elsewhere...Oh and we were gonna keep one pup for us cause i was thinking about having a baby in the next couple of yrs and kind of want more than one dog around...Also i wouldnt charge an arm and leg for the puppies unlike some pple now days do, its crazy!!!...Then Scott and I talked about fixing him, even though in my culture (Russian) its not good fixing dogs, and its kind of against my beliefs, but still i def want to fix him later, but I want to breed him at least once b4 doing that....
  11. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    There is nothing wrong with inbreeding, many respectable dogmen practice inbreeding and line breeding to maintain a certain trait. I think good breeders only breed if they plan on keeping all the pups for themselves and the only way they ever get rid of any pups is if they feel the pup is not up to their standards. Most responsible breeders will cull hard to maintain quality, and only way a pup leaves their yard is if it is fixed and given to a pet home, or farmed out to a close friend to see how the pup turns out.

    Now the problem starts when breeders start selling pups, that is where i get all messed up because u have some people that sell dogs and get bashed but other get away with it. Can i get some experienced people to answer my questions
  12. MAXIM

    MAXIM Big Dog

    No i get it...And yeah im def not trying to breed Max for $!!!!
  13. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    Think about it this way, Are u prepared to keep all the pups if the need shall arise. Don't assume that ur friends are gonna stick to their word, are u gonna be able to care for a whole litter of pups, which may i add could be around 10 pups if the litter is larger. U have to understand that even if u breed him only once it still doesn't make it right. Ur friends can find a pup from a responsible breeder if they really want one, there is no need for u to breed for them
  14. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    Maxim, this should answer your question right here ...


    Do you want to produce THAT?? That is what happens when one doesn't breed to better the breed.

    To better the breed you want to produce individuals better than the ones you have. I doubt your dog or your friend's dog has had any health testing, drive testing or temprament testing & their peds are probably subpar. As such nothing from such a union will "better" the breed.

    If your friends want a pit bull, tell them to go to Pit Bull Rescue Central. There are literally hundreds if not thousands of pit bulls looking for good homes.

    And as a side note, they come in all colors from blue & merle to black & buckskin. They also come in all sizes from XXL to small & all ages from senior to puppy. Most are trained as well.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2007
  15. MAXIM

    MAXIM Big Dog

    I understand & respect that, and no, I dunno if i can care for a HUGE litter!
  16. MAXIM

    MAXIM Big Dog

  17. Phebes

    Phebes Guest

    There are thousands of dogs who need homes and people keep breeding them so they can sell a few to their friends and many of these friends find out they don't like the corner bitten off their antique table in a space of 2 seconds or a hole 2 feet around chewed in the carpet cause they just took a quick shower and didn't put the 18 month old dog in a crate......so in their anger they take the dog to the shelter. That's if the the dog is lucky some people just drive a few miles from home and throw them out of the car....that's how my daughter ended up with her APBT. I was at a school parking lot 8 years ago when a car drove up and a woman threw a 3 month old white and dark chocolate brindle out of her car and drove away. Broke my heart to see this little puppy chasing after the car. I called the pup grabbed her and took her to my daughter house. Told my daughter to come out to the car and she said "You have a dog in there don't you? Well I am not taking it" then she looked in the car, it was love at first site. This is a beautiful female APBT absolutely wonderful with my daughter's 2 and 3 year old daughters who might have had a horrible life or no life at all.
    Don't breed your dog for your friends if they want an APBT let them go and adopt one. Cause if you breed it will make you an irresponsible back BYB.
  18. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    His name is Leroy & he was produced by a man breeding to sell dogs to his "friends."
  19. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    Ok i feel we're gettin a little off topic, we've been through the whole why should u breed thing a thousand times on this site, MAXIM do some serious reading and research on this site and u'll get ur answer as why not to breed.

    Now can we get back to the original question of why its ok for some people to sell pups but not ok for others
  20. diva

    diva CH Dog

    In my opinion, if you are one on this board going on and on about puppy peddling, then you should not sale any puppies or dogs, especially for a lot of money. You should keep EVERY dog born on your yard, cull it, farm out, or rehome an altered animal without making any money from it. Otherwise, it doesn't make you any better than the people you've bashed time and time again. I'm not saying You specifically boi, just a general term.
    I'm no expert, far from it....still learning more and more each day. But, from what I'm reading in to it, folks breed for different reasons. You say to better the breed........what does really mean? It is ILLEGAL to fight dogs. Period. What a person does with their dogs is their own business. But, that can't be a sole reason for breeding dogs. That can not make a dog proven worthy to breed.....because it is ILLEGAL to do so. Now I've read people say a CH or GR CH in conformation or weight pulling does not make the dog worthy of breeding. I've read people say hog hunting does not make a dog worthy of breeding. So, what LEGAL activities can make a dog worthy of breeding?

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