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Discussion in 'Rescue & Adoption' started by Fedor23, Nov 8, 2006.

  1. Fedor23

    Fedor23 Big Dog

  2. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    I'm not sure we are hearing the whole story here. Although I sympathize with this lady to a degree, she canNOT blame someone for putting up a fence even if it stops rainwater runoff. And furthermore, she can't blame that person & that person's fence for the death of two puppies. If it was raining that hard & she KNEW the yard flooded, it was her own damn fault for not bringing those pups in.

    And don't even get me started of the fact she's breeding wild animals. The ONLY reason someone breeds wolf hybrids is for the money. And that makes her nothing more than a trashy byb & puppy peddler.
  3. Attila

    Attila Guest

    Why is the lady spying over the fence? creepy. I have lived around wolves most of my early years. Never had issues with them. I don't believe in mixing with dogs. I do know one thing I would not be talking about it with others as someone invading and harassing me would end up in the ditch. No joke that is just creepy. Jeeper creeper kinda creepy. What a freak. The mention of PETA in there is a red flag for F'ing Freaks. I hate PETA no matter what they are after. dogs eat meat too. I eat meat I am a flesh eater ahhh run away. lol
    When ever PETA is involved there is only one side. I was hunting with a cousin once and they came marching onto my land with big ass radio's on their shoulders. I shot one of the radios and took aim on the person next. Had my young cousin not been there I would have left something for the buzzards and coyotes for sure. I hate their guts and livers.

    However raising wild animals isn't wise. Mixing wild animals with domesticated ones is really stupid. There are two stupid elements here. However I would have to just hate the PETA freak for good measure. I wonder if she would smile like that with a bolt of a cross bow stuck in her head. lol PETA folk are not human right?! lol
  4. missybee16

    missybee16 CH Dog

    That just sad to see all the dogs dead like that. That lady needs to pay big time!!!
  5. db_798

    db_798 Pup

    I agree she has a right to put a fence on her property and if she wants to block the camera he put up to spy on her i believe she is well within her rights. The whole situation seems screwy.

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