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saying hello! [pic heavy]

Discussion in 'Photography, Artwork & Videos' started by kingleonidas, Jan 7, 2012.

  1. I have been a PBC member for awhile, and have been reading on here too but just more recently joined here because we're about to start our first keep in March and I find there's a lot more on here in terms of conditioning/keep info.
    Figured we'd put a face with the name and say hello! Leon is the APBT, and Maci is the yorkie. :D
    [and yes I work BOTH dogs and BOTH are going to go through the keep. Yorkshire Terriers used to be working dogs before they started breeding 2lb mutts. Maci loves a good flirt pole session just as much if not MORE than Leon lol]

  2. fonzie

    fonzie Top Dog

    Hey threre
  3. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    Why do you wanna put your dog through a keep?
  4. coop-dog

    coop-dog Big Dog

    Hi welcome nice dogs
  5. mccoypitbulls

    mccoypitbulls Underdog

    Welcome---nice pics.
  6. outrightmike

    outrightmike CH Dog

    Nice!Love the pics and good luck with them.
  7. bgblok68

    bgblok68 CH Dog

    Welcome, nice pics. What about Izzy?
  8. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    Maybe she wants to show him maybe she wants to get him and keep him in good shape and maybe she wants to do it for the hell of it hell it is her dog who are any of us to question why she wants to do anything with the thing her property not mine or yours it isn't our place to question anyone on there decisions to do things with there dogs and besides that it is good for the dog
  9. Icepick

    Icepick Banned

    Good luck with your first keep, whatever the reasons. Can the Yorkie work a carpet mill lol?!?!?!? That would be impressive as hell if he could!
  10. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    Keepin a dog in shape and puttin em through keep is different
  11. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    what you trying to teach game dogs 101 over here or something i'm sure the OP already knew this and most if not all on here know this or are you trying to confirm it for yourself
  12. Hamish

    Hamish Pup

    i seen a couple of king charles spaniels on a mill and they loved it lol
  13. Icepick

    Icepick Banned

    Where they on a slat mill, or carpet mill?
  14. Julez

    Julez Big Dog

    using the yorkie instead of a cat on the mill?? hehehe sorry, I had to...

    Good luck either way girl!
  15. BTOIP

    BTOIP Pup

    God damnit girl, you're hot !! :D
  16. Let's see here...
    1. I want to put my dogs through a keep for the sake of doing it. Leon is far from the perfection of the APBT, but he has potential and someday I plan on owning some real well bred dogs, when that time comes I want to know exactly what I'm doing. Plus it never hurts a dog to be put through a keep if you do it right. Obviously my keep is not for the purpose of fighting. I'd like to get to a point where Leon is at his best performing weight/shape/etc and where I can tell you just from what he has done and been feed and etc what he weighs. I am doing a modified keep, a mix of some old school stuff with some of my own stuff. I want to find what works best for ME. And putting a dog through a keep and then keeping him in shape can definitely be combined. The world of Keeps and how they are done is limitless.

    2. We don't have a mill yet, but I'd say if I made her a custom one, she'd run it all day. I keep her body/neck shaved down when she's in shape because she has a nice tuck and stacks really well. :D

    3. Thanks everyone :D
  17. These aren't her best stacks, and I believe she's facing the wrong way... but they are free stacks. I usually never have a camera laying near by when she is stacking so I take what I can get when I do have it on.
    So far she stacks 100% better than Leon lol.
  18. Hamish

    Hamish Pup

    sorry for late reply it was a slat mill easyier to run admitedly but was fun to see lol
  19. How'd you know about Izzy! Damn we miss that dog! She was 1/2 Am. Bulldog and 1/2 APBT, she was one HUGE dog.
    I remember the day I pulled up to her owners house and she was tied to the back of an old broken down truck on a 3-4ft chain. Completely filthy, no manners, had been kept out side for 6 months straight with minimal human interaction or any type of stimulation/exercise. I wasn't going to take her because I knew how horrible she would behave indoors. [And I was right... she jumped on my counters, tried sitting on my lap at dinner, made going into the kennel a game of "tug me as hard as you can i'm not budging, knocked stuff off the TOP of the fridge, ate food off the counters if i looked away for even a second while cooking, she would howl out of boredom even after a 4 hour walk/run...etc etc etc]

    Yet I took her anyways, lol should have seen the car ride home... one hour of hell! I ended up fostering her for over a month. I broke her from every bad habit except leash pulling when she saw small dogs but I did mentor her new owner in continuing that training with a prong collar and corrections. I kennel trained, house trained, and taught her basic commands then gave her to a friend who's pitbull had recently died after being maulled by a bear. It was a perfect match as soon as they met and my friend has a yard and setup, which Izzy REALLY REALLY needed. She lives about 3 blocks from me so I still get to see her :D

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