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Starting off BAD

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by JC-Pitbulls, Jan 10, 2005.

  1. JC-Pitbulls

    JC-Pitbulls Top Dog

    This year has startedbad for me. Babyface had 10 pups(12-20-04) , she killed 6.The remaining 4 are fine they are 3 weeks old now Denali had 5 pups(12-6-04) she killed 4 the other day, and they were 4 weeks old. I saved one and I am hand raising him, hopefully he will make it. Sno had 9 pups all were fine until Ghostface came down with some neurological problems, he is getting better though.The other 8 are fine. At one time I had 24 pups and in a matter of days I was down to 14. So much for my rebuilding year.
  2. Vador

    Vador Big Dog

    Sorry to hear that...thats horrible. I didnt know they killed they're pups. Why is that if you dont mind my asking...
  3. JC-Pitbulls

    JC-Pitbulls Top Dog

    Babyface did the common thing and laid on hers when they were a couple of hours old. Denali laid on hers , but they were 4 weeks old and moving around really good.I still can't understand her not knowing they were under her.
  4. Vador

    Vador Big Dog

    Ouch a major loss. sorry to hear that again.
  5. Whiskey Bay

    Whiskey Bay Top Dog

    Some kill them for different reasons.Some by accident.They may lay on them and crush em or suffocate them.I feel for ya JC.This year started bad for me too.I lost my red brindle pup,SinSin and my female that had pups on Dec 13th suffocated one of the champagne females at a week old then just Friday I had to put one down because she bit it and gave it nerve damage.The baby couldn't move except rolling or flips.
  6. JC-Pitbulls

    JC-Pitbulls Top Dog

    Well Whiskey, I hope things don't get any worse for us, If they do we won't have any dogs. Sorry about your loss.
  7. JC-Pitbulls

    JC-Pitbulls Top Dog

    My wife just called me , the 1 pup that was left out of Denali's litter just died. She went to pick my daughter up from pre- school and when she got back he was dead.Down to 13. I hate this S#*t.
  8. Jenn

    Jenn Top Dog

    AHHHH - hate to hear that! So sorry - It's just the beginning maybe things will start to turn around soon for ya!
  9. Nigerino.com/

    Nigerino.com/ CH Dog

    JC do you have a whelping box? It really helps keep the mother from laying on pups.

    Attached Files:

  10. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    sorry for y'alls losses, jc & whiskey. i truly hope everything else turns out well. My good friend's Ca da Bou (from Puerto Rico) gave birth at around 2:45 this am, & we did all we could, but we lost 4 out of the 7 pups born. He was hearbroken as I'm sure y'all were/are. Keep your head up.
  11. Gamest

    Gamest Pup

    Sorry to hear about that.


    Sometimes they kill them if there is something wrong with them. Even if they act and look healthy ther still may be problems there. Some my feel overwhelmed by the litter after a while and get very shot with them and that ant a good sign. Hope the rest of the pups turn out ok!!!
  13. Marty

    Marty Guest

    JC sorry to here about your loses, Whiskey you too, just think about it this way atleast you do have some to show for you breeding's.

    Good luck with the others, hope they all make it keep us posted.

    ps as Miakoda says keep your heads up ;)


    Sorry everyone! If my spelling ant up to par I may need to go back to school...
  15. zombie106

    zombie106 Big Dog

    Maybe it means that the remaining pups will be exceptional. Remember, there is a reason for everything...
  16. JC-Pitbulls

    JC-Pitbulls Top Dog

    Yeah, my welping boxes are 4ft X 4 ft, plenty of room, I guess it wasn't meant to be.
  17. Saiyagin

    Saiyagin Guest

    In your welping box do you have the safety side hinges around the box? This helps prevent the mother dog from accidetally smashing her pups in the corner or the sides of the whelping box.
  18. JC-Pitbulls

    JC-Pitbulls Top Dog

    No, maybe I need to check in to that.
  19. LadyRampage

    LadyRampage Top Dog

    So sorry to hear about all your recent loses, things will look up and as someone mentioned earlier everything happens for a reason. We've been through our share of disasters here over the years and there is light at the end of that tunnel.

    We've switched to the extra large igloo dog house, you can take the top off and look straight down inside, that have the 1/2 circle indention around the inside. We haven't lost any from being smashed since we started using these. The pups can roll into that indention and mom can lay on them without hurting them. All you have to do is get in there and move the pup back out when you hear the problem. Keep in mind that this is in the house where we keep a close eye as well. Some bitches just don't pay attention to their pups, almost acted bored with them, and tend to stay where they are regardless of whether or not they are hurting that pup. If they are young, so will grow out of it some won't. Every female is different and every litter is different.

    I've taken a bitch who would kill every pup she gave birth (out of 3 litters) to with 2 days and had a full litter of 13 off her without losing any of them. She nursed them and took care of them beautifully, but since she left here they haven't been able to get a litter that she won't kill.. Some females are just picking about their situation, high strung, or just flat out can't be within hearing distance of another dog to have healthy pups..

    Good luck, and keep your head up, things have a way of working themselves out.

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