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Tudor / Carver. Creating a new topside.

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by ziggy311, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. ziggy311

    ziggy311 Big Dog

    Even though these dogs are already in the family I change up & mix up the recipe from time-time to keep the family Vigor.

    Alligator is nothing more than a Tudor /Carver Cross & so is Maloney Too a Tudor/Carver Cross. Especially with Bolio on the bottom.

    Creating a new Topside for the family.

    Old Top side using same dogs.
    http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Public&file=printPedigree&dog_id=456182 .

    The only new thing is the Miss Texas on the bottom side of Tiger but ,Alligator is Alligator.
    You can see the same topside of Tiger , Battendorf's , on the bottom side of Crossfire coming thru Co Co Puffs.

    And even further back in Bad dream's ped. bottom side side coming thru Novak's Co Co.

    Just like refreshing a drink sometimes you need to refresh you family of dogs.
  2. ziggy311

    ziggy311 Big Dog

  3. Great ped's
  4. ziggy311

    ziggy311 Big Dog

    Thank You Sir.
  5. Two of the best dogmen that ever lived.a lot of great dog's came out of those yard's.
  6. nittpittx

    nittpittx Pup

    Zigg thats am interesting, but not far from the family. I know that line well we should keep in touch. Should freshing things up enoug all things considered
  7. ziggy311

    ziggy311 Big Dog

    Yes Sir. Just bringing what's in the back up to the front again.
    Your rum and coke will get a little weak if to much ice & sit around to long.
    Just adding a little more rum without the ice & coke sort of speaking.

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