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Video:Michael Bryant identifies a Presa Canario as a "Pit Bull" (must see news video)

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by miakoda, Oct 28, 2005.

  1. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

  2. Will Power

    Will Power Big Dog

    Re: Video:Michael Bryant identifies a Presa Canario as a "Pit Bull" (must see news video)

    what a dumb ass! He was quick to play stupid.
  3. catcher T

    catcher T CH Dog

    Re: Video:Michael Bryant identifies a Presa Canario as a "Pit Bull" (must see news video)

    dumb ass and stupid are a pre-requisite of that position.
  4. apbtluver

    apbtluver Top Dog

    Re: Video:Michael Bryant identifies a Presa Canario as a "Pit Bull" (must see news video)

    <-----Blood is boiling. I liked the reporter, the vet, and the pit owner for sticking up for the breed. That guy is a real A$$! I really wish there was something we all could do. How they could pass a leg. without consulting experts shows how ignorant they are. Not to mention this jerk can't even tell which dog is the type of dog he is banning. Makes a whole lot of sense to me.
  5. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    Re: Video:Michael Bryant identifies a Presa Canario as a "Pit Bull" (must see news video)

    Did you notice something? On the original "Pick the Pit" page, the true "Pit Bull" was dog #16 & that's what he pointed at except they pulled a fast one & changed the order around. It seemed he's tried to memorize. But remember, this is a guy who released a murderer, who even raped & murdered her own sister, after only 12 yrs saying that she's done her time.
  6. pitbulllvr25

    pitbulllvr25 Big Dog

    Re: Video:Michael Bryant identifies a Presa Canario as a "Pit Bull" (must see news video)

    He's just another slack jawed yokel, proving his stupidity.

    The dumb F*** doesn't even know what a pitbull is!
  7. Re: Video:Michael Bryant identifies a Presa Canario as a "Pit Bull" (must see news video)

    yeah this guy is an idiot... notice how he didnt pay attention to anyone unless they went along with him... isnt the whole point of deciding a legislation is to say if its fair first and foremost... y should many suffer because he feels pit bulls are dangerous... come to think of it he just talked to the people who got attacked, not the intelligent people who know about dogs and pit bulls in general... how did this pass, so many organizations protested it and didnt like it... ass wipe... id love to wish reincarnation as a dog that merely looks like a pit bull on him but that would be mean...
  8. Re: Video:Michael Bryant identifies a Presa Canario as a "Pit Bull" (must see news video)

    weazly a$$ politians!
    He all tryies to slide his way outa the fact that he has no damn clue...

    MB- "the point here is that, ya know, you don't ask a, a Health Minister, to, um, aa, be a, be the surgeon. You don't ask the Attorney General to be a dog expert"

    Reporter- "But your making the legislation and you yourself can't tell which dog is the pitbull"

    "I, I'm not going to be the one to determine, I'm not the judge as to what is a pitbull and what isn't a pitbull, My job is to put together the legislation to give powers to people to determine what the pitbull is.
    Thats a really neat trick... "
    (points to the find the pitbull paper *no I'm not stupid you tricked me!*)

    Reporter- "it's not a trick"

    (speaking over and ignoring her)
    MB- But the bottom line is it's gona be up to the experts"
    (*something I'm obviously NOT*)

    Jeeze Luise how dumb can ya be!

    Ok so He's not a dog expert, self admitted,
    yet he has no qualms creating Pushing legislation against dogs...
    an area he knows nothing about.

    thats just f-in nice let me tell ya... I understand that the leaders can't be experts in everything but COME ON if your hell bent on an issue you should become an expert befor you go passing laws that affect people!

    Oh and he doesn't just make legislation to ban pits he "put together the legislation to give powers to people to determine what the pitbull is"
    WTF kinda statement is that anyways????:confused:

    Chopm on that a bit....
    they needed legislation to have "powers to determine what a pit is"

    And the "experts" are just thrilled, shickled titless, and rearing to go....
    *we don't know what a pit is, but thankgod michael gave us powers to determine what a pit is.... then we rid the world of these evil animals!
    but first we have to, um, ya know, determin what they arel....*

    yeah if that doesn't scream idiocy I don't know what would.... :mad:
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2005
  9. hillbilly

    hillbilly Big Dog

    Re: Video:Michael Bryant identifies a Presa Canario as a "Pit Bull" (must see news video)

    i would send this guy a letter or something,but you know he propbaly wouldn't know of a monkey or human had wrote it!!!! DUMB A$$
  10. MPD

    MPD Big Dog

    Re: Video:Michael Bryant identifies a Presa Canario as a "Pit Bull" (must see news video)

    This guy is idiot! I swear I outta.....

    Bata a este asshole de mierda con un palo!!!:mad:
  11. TrubsDiary

    TrubsDiary Banned

    Re: Video:Michael Bryant identifies a Presa Canario as a "Pit Bull" (must see news video)

    it's idiots and yahoo's like him that are making life for responsible pit owners living hell. i would rather move to a pit-friendly place than to get rid of my dog. I'm glad that the video showed both sides ... and got 'expert opnion'... isn't that what the politicians are supposed to do? to use "expert opnion" to prove their point on why a bill should or should not pass... seems like these crazy canadians.. and i mean that respectifully... missed a step in the whole legislative process.... it's a sad day in the pit bull world.
  12. auggiedog

    auggiedog Pup

    Re: Video:Michael Bryant identifies a Presa Canario as a "Pit Bull" (must see news video)

    MB = asshole
  13. Flipside

    Flipside CH Dog

    Re: Video:Michael Bryant identifies a Presa Canario as a "Pit Bull" (must see news video)

    I 2nd that!
  14. NORTH

    NORTH Top Dog

    Re: Video:Michael Bryant identifies a Presa Canario as a "Pit Bull" (must see news video)

    What an ass...
  15. Mrsdano

    Mrsdano Big Dog

    Re: Video:Michael Bryant identifies a Presa Canario as a "Pit Bull" (must see news vi

    I haven't read everyone's comments to this post yet but I have to tell u all that this Michael Bryant guy he has a German shepperd that has bittin someone before. And the a**hole is singleing out our dogs but not His?? Oh wait, I forgot all rich people have German Shepperds and so do the Cop., Neways thought I would share gonna go back and read now.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2005
  16. Mrsdano

    Mrsdano Big Dog

    Re: Video:Michael Bryant identifies a Presa Canario as a "Pit Bull" (must see news video)

    Sorry, but yea the ass was tricked but if he's gonna ban our dogs he should do some research and know what our breed is and what it looks like instead of memorizing 1 picture, Show's how much he really know's I think he just through this ban out there just cause, He said qoute unqoute that all dogs that look like a pit bull, wag there tails like a pit bull, barks like a pit bull, walks like a pit bull, or has any other charactoristic's like a pit bull it MUST be a pit bull,and be banned in ONTARIO.
  17. Flipside

    Flipside CH Dog

    Re: Video:Michael Bryant identifies a Presa Canario as a "Pit Bull" (must see news video)

    Well of course he was tricked.....they well knew he was informed to pick #16!
    I'm glad they made him look like the idiot he really is!

  18. DryCreek

    DryCreek CH Dog

    Re: Video:Michael Bryant identifies a Presa Canario as a "Pit Bull" (must see news video)

    MB is a waste of good oxygen my dogs could be breathing.

    "If ignorance is bliss, they've wiped the smile off my face."
    Rage against the machine........
  19. JC-Pitbulls

    JC-Pitbulls Top Dog

    Re: Video:Michael Bryant identifies a Presa Canario as a "Pit Bull" (must see news video)

    He wasn't playing, he is stupid.

  20. Re: Video:Michael Bryant identifies a Presa Canario as a "Pit Bull" (must see news video)

    now I second that...

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