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Water bowl --> HELP!

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Jenn, Jan 3, 2005.

  1. Jenn

    Jenn Top Dog

    :mad: *^&#*$&(#

    Had enough! Maddie is freaking impossible - I need some new ideas because I have exhausted the ones we can think of!
    She is constantly dumping the dam things over. I don't know what her freaking fetish is but she is content not to have a drop of water. If it's in a bowl she sticks her foot on the side and dumps it out, we filled up a 5 gallon bucket and she dumped it out and chewed it up. So we bungeed to bucket tightly to the fence - she chewed the bungee cord in pieces and dumped the bucket out then chewed it up too. We got a metal bucket from the feed store and she just keeps dumping the dam thing! It's huge and I thought once it was full there's no way she could be strong enough to dump it over ---> GUESS WHAT - I WAS WRONG. I don't know what else to do with her she just started this when she came back from her 24 day vacation :rolleyes: ... If we poured cement or something in a bucket to weigh it down I fear we wouldn't be able to clean it properly or it may harm her - We don't have any large rocks but I think she may just dump it again. Today she has been filled 3 times and in the morning I guarentee the dam bucket will be empty on it's side and she will have no water.... HELP ANY suggestions???
  2. maybe instead of concrete in the bucket you could screw a metal bucket into some wet concrete anchored in the ground, then seal with some safe caulk around the screw. or maybe she's teaching you a trick....what if you don't fill the water until the next day?
  3. Marty

    Marty Guest

    We use concrete flower pots or you could form up around a cut off 5 gal bucket and pour concrete around it about 6 ins out and about 1ft deep.

    try that , hope it helps. :)
    CRG likes this.
  4. The Watcher

    The Watcher Till The Wheels Fall Off.

    got cinder blocks? and I like the trick-if she dumps it no more water today.

    ps try giving her more exercise...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2005
  5. chainsoff

    chainsoff Big Dog

  6. Whiskey Bay

    Whiskey Bay Top Dog

    I have the same problem two different ways.I have one female that chews any regular plastic bucket all to hell.I have horses and we use these thick rubber flat back forti-flex brand buckets .That is the only bucket she has not destroyed in 5 years.I tried the concrete bowl.she lost a few teeth but she managed to destroy it.The female of mine that likes to dump her water has this fetish of sittng in her bucket.So I cut a plastic 55 gallon drum in half (standin upright).I fill it completely with water and she likes to crawl right into the middle of it.Then I have a forti-flex bucket latched to the fence for fresh water.Haven't had any problems since.
    CRG likes this.
  7. XxKonnectionsxX

    XxKonnectionsxX Top Dog

    Damn that. Hey if the dog is smart they'll eventually figure out that bowl turns over, NO WATER. I wouldn't fill it up until your dog learns not to do that. If she does it in front of you, then she could be trying to just get your attention. When you are gone, then your dog is just bored. If she turns her water over, let her go a few hours or the rest of the day without water. I guarantee you a couple of those trials and she won't be doing it again. Sometimes you have to give it to 'em tough. Plus its not too hot outside so she won't dehydrate. I wouldn't try this method in the summer time though.
  8. Vador

    Vador Big Dog

    Remember do what best for the breed jenn.
  9. XxKonnectionsxX

    XxKonnectionsxX Top Dog

    Best for the breed? How about best for that particular dog.
  10. Vador

    Vador Big Dog

    True x your right thats what I meant
  11. SFK

    SFK Top Dog

    Do some checking on the net for concrete water bowls. My bud has a guy who makes them somewhere in Soth East TX cost I think like $15-$20 ea. Cannot be turned over! They are invaluable when it comes to a dog like that.
  12. LadyRampage

    LadyRampage Top Dog

    The whole "take the water away till the next day" thing usually doesn't work in my experiences anyway..lol The concrete water bowl is the way to go. We also have 55 gallon barrels that we've cut in half, filled full of water, and it works for awhile until they realize that they can chew the plastic. We've tried cinder blocks in the water container to try and keep it stationary, no luck, the male busted his nose open grabbing the side of the dish and pulling while his nose constantly hit the block (keep in mind this is a male that was close to a barbwire fence, worked the fence until he could get a strand in his mouth, and proceeded to try and pull the fence down) doing more damage to his face.. The concrete bowls are worth their weight in $..lol

    Its just as bad in the winter time as the summer to let your dog go without water. They can get dehydrated just as easily. I wouldn't let one of my dogs 24 hours without water no matter what time of year it was. Frustrating, but once you figure out a system that they can't dump its worth it.

    Good luck
  13. 5555

    5555 Pup

    u could probly take a wooden box fill it with concrete and push some 1 gallong dog bowls into the concrete till they are flush with the top and then the dog couldnt tip it.
  14. Jenn

    Jenn Top Dog

    I will try some of the concrete dish/suggestions. Thanks everyone for your suggestions - she does like to sit in hers too. It has not been cold at all for the last week but actually around the 70's. She will dump it and get in the mud or sit in the bucket or just chew it up. Yesterday they were both out in the yard while I was off of work - they did have to stay outside but I was winter cleaning. ;) She was tired and I think it's just simply the water for her. It seems she wants to be in it or play with it I don't know what her deal is. THIS is new for her. As a pup she would climb in the bowl/bucket and swimming pool or pond during the summer but never intentionally dumped anything over. LIKE SHES DOING NOW it's just frustrating and she really pissed me off yesterday after the 3rd time! Thanks again for the help Jenn & Maddie ;)
  15. Jenn

    Jenn Top Dog

    I live in S. East Texas if you could give me some more info that would be great.
  16. Jenn

    Jenn Top Dog

    What is a forti-flex bucket? Get it at a feed store?
  17. Jenn

    Jenn Top Dog

    MY GOD!! THOSE PEOPLE WANT $250 for the form to make the concrete bucket yourself.. That was a shock!
  18. SouthALknls

    SouthALknls Big Dog

    Yea i said the same thing...I will figure out my own way to make a concrete bowl. I like Martys idea with the flower pot..I am gonna try that one.
  19. Marty

    Marty Guest

    Yeah I think there only about $10.00 at wallmart they work for me.

    As far as forms you can buy the wood and build them yourself its easy.

    Good luck ;)
  20. ibcbt

    ibcbt Pup

    i think 555 got the ideal make a form push in a water bowl. and see how long that last

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