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We tryed :(

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Marty, Oct 23, 2006.

  1. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    Thank you!:D
  2. cheekymunkee

    cheekymunkee Top Dog

    You guys are WAY more patient than I am. Good job!!
    1 person likes this.
  3. debodebo

    debodebo Top Dog

    Damn I just got threw reading that entire thread. It seems that some people might have changed their minds. Some people like Julie already had their mind made up about our breed. They just don't understand about having to chain a dog because they have never had a true dog. These dogs are are family and if chaining them will keep them safer than kennels why wouldn't we chain them. Maybe you guys changed a few peoples point of view.
  4. Suki

    Suki Guest

    yup, imo, it was going smooth, til she stepped in.....
    ah well, .....

    and if we suceeded in changing even one POV, then, imo, it was all worth it!:)
  5. Attila

    Attila Guest

    I will go back when I can read it. I am not a member and not sure I want to be I will just read it over. I did see a picture of one of your dogs. What a beauty.
  6. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    i know we are here to educate but damn,, i get sick of trying to explain to all tom dick and harry's why i have pitbulls,,,most ppl don't want to here the truth,,, they just believe what they want anyway,,,if they knew the truth it might be different,,,but some don't care whether or not pit bull exist,,,and those are the ones we are and have been given us trouble,,,

    it all boils down to they can have what they want but don't try to tell me what i'm gonna have,,,it's my right to have and own my apbt's just as anyone else's shitzues, lab's and pinchers,,,,,
  7. kane85

    kane85 Top Dog

    men i give you guys props i only got to the 22 thread and it was over i was like this people dont listen to reason
  8. Hey, everyone. I just wanted to say that I am from Chaz and the people on Chaz care about dogs.....ALL dogs, and just want the best for them. These people are not naive or ignorant when it comes to bully breeds. These people never have and never will have a problem with bullys, so you never really changed anyones mind. I believe in educating also, but you have to go about it the right way. Reading peoples posts wrong and thinking that they were directed to certain people and then replying in not so nice of a manner is not the way to go about it. I understand that there are people that don't agree with everything you believe in and there will be some controversy but saying that the people on Chaz are anti pitbull is definately not true. We are very much pro-pitbull. We believe that every dog is of the same value regardless of breed. Trust me, I am for bullys all the way and the people there all know that. I have never had an arguement or harsh discussion with anyone of the regulars on Chaz over pit bulls. We are very much anti-bsl. Yes there are people there that don't know much about APBTs but please don't think that we are all a bunch of pit haters because that is the furthest thing from the truth. If they were I would definately not be on that site.
    1 person likes this.
  9. X

    X Banned

    I wouldn't say "dogs" I think "pets" would fit better than "dogs." It seems to me that most members (of your site) would rather somebody with more than one dog give or sell them to somebody else that's not going to take care of them and probably help fuel the "BSL" (that you are supposedly trying to stop) rather than putting them on a chain. There has been nothing negative posted here, and you can continue to post, but don't be surprised if there are negative comments made because of your post and posts that have already been made on your site, on both of the threads, not just the one linked.
  10. Many people on that site have more than one dog. People on that site do not think that you should not have more than one dog. I have 7 and no one has ever told me I shouldn't have them.

    I don't understand why I would get attacked for being on that site. Not once did I say anything negative. I just wanted you all to know how people "actually" are on that site. You can't really judge how people are from one thread IMO.

    Why would you say that I am "supposedly" trying to stop BSL? Im just curious as to why you would say that? That is my passion, and for someone to question that without knowing me bothers me a bit.

    Again, I am not trying to be negative or rude. I am just trying to educate you on how it actually is. :)
  11. LuvinBullies

    LuvinBullies CH Dog

    Wow Marty. I am really speechless about that. I am formulating something civil and educational to say to them, but I gotta tell you- that post on that site really stung because I love the hell out of Lil Bit- I have admired her since my first day here. I love her videos and in her pics her spirit jumps right out of the screen, not to mention her heart and talent. I don't see how anyone could not appreciate her when I admire her so much and know first hand how much you (and Shon!!) adore her. It bums me out people could use a pic of her and find any fault at all. :(
  12. X

    X Banned

    As "silverpawz" said, among many others, if you can't have more than one dog and have to worry about them "tearing into one another" why have more than one? Nobody ever said anything about having more than one house pet that gets along with every "pet" you have.

    Nobody said anything about judging "everybody" on that site because of a certain thread, people that actually posted to those threads, that's a different story. And, there has been little judgement passed from the beginning, I'm not sure why you're even trying to defend it (at least it doesn't make as much sense as defending something because certain people say that a dog has been "juiced" or "starved" when they clearly do not know anything).

    I never said that "you" were "supposedly" trying to stop BSL, I was talking about "your forum." And, unless they would rather see dogs biting people, killing other animals, or being killed, there should be less focus on the whole "chaining" issue and more focus on the ones who are irresponsible and allows a dog to escape and attack another animal, and everybody responding saying that they are so sorry that it happened and it wasn't their fault... when clearly it was. There are a lot of excuses being made on your forum for irresponsible owners, and much more "babying" members who have anything to say that doesn't relate to a chain.

    No reason to educate when action (the action of typing) speaks louder than words. Clearly there are plenty of people against different things and don't care to hear anything about it because "it won't make any difference." All of the facts are clearly stated in black and white, no need to attempt to reiterate.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 25, 2006
  13. Some of them do not know much about APBT's and I am glad that you are willing to educate them. If you look back in those posts I even educated them. Yes, there has been some judgement passed at the beginning of the thread, but this site has done some judging of us as well so it is two sided.

    I am sorry I misunderstood you. I thought you were talking about me in particular :D. No one there excuses anything that an irresponsible owner does, that is for sure. They just more believe that dogs should live in the house and be with there owners most of the time. I personally can't see a problem with people wanting that for dogs. I do understand there was a chaining issue there but I think that has been resolved now. For the most part I think a lot of people have a problem with dogs being chained 24/7/365.
  14. X

    X Banned

    Show me where any judgement has been passed that was unprovoked here? There is none, everything that has been said here has been absolute facts according to what has actually been said by members of your forum to the thread(s) at hand. All of the judgement is being tossed around by your members, not members here.

    Oh God no.... The only thing anybody has to offer is either "I'm so sorry this has happened to you" or "it's not your fault, the cat was out too" if you call that not being irresponsible, that's ok... but we do. And, about the "chaining issue" being resolved, there have been many things I thought had already been discussed, but certain people are either too lazy or too inconvenienced to read what has actually been posted.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 25, 2006
  15. Yes, there has been judgement passed by members of this forum. That we all hate bullies, which I can assure you is the absolute farthest thing from the truth. That we are close minded people, which we are not.

    If you are calling me lazy for not wanting to go through the entire thread then so be it. I am not lazy. I have dogs and birds to look after. I don't always have all the time in the world to look through 22 pages of stuff.

    Anyways. I did not come here to fight with you all. That was the furthest thing from my mind.

    Have a good evening.
  16. X

    X Banned

    Nobody said that here, that was actually said or insinuated by a member of your own forum, you should actually read what it says before saying that any type of judgement has been passed by members of this forum when it was from somebody from your forum that said it all.

    I didn't call you lazy, but the people who continue to repeat themselves on that thread have just as much or more responsibility than you have, they don't have all the time in the world to keep repeating themselves and trying to defend every word they post. People there can talk all they want to about "pit bulls" being starved, "juiced," neglected, fought, and everything else, and they continue to say so and bring up old subjects with their "opinions" after it has already been discussed. I see no difference.

    I know you didn't, and you have a good evening as well. :)
  17. My mistake, I apologize. It is late and I am tired and this whole thread has my head spinning in circles lol. All I know is that not everyone has been so nice to each other (your forum or ours). When people have different opinions, heads seem to butt.

    By the way, I just read the thread that started this whole thing. I didn't realize how it all got started. I would like to apologize on behalf of everyone on the other forum too for that thread. Some people there don't know a whole lot about APBTs, thus the reaction to the photo. And there were some people there that were very right....that we are acustomed to seeing fat, lazy dogs and that is why that photo was shocking to some. I must say that it was not very respectful to post photos of someone elses dogs for people to bash. I would be upset also if someone did that. So I apologize to you all for that as well.

    I just wanted to let you all know that we are truly dog lovers there and everyone just wants the best for dogs, as do you all.

    Like I said, lots of people don't realize that is doesn't take much for a well bred APBT on a high quality food to get like that. Some also don't know what it takes to restrain a dog with the drive and power that APBTs possess.

    Well now that I am done apologizing for some peoples behavior I think I may go to bed.

    Have a good night everyone.
    1 person likes this.
  18. X

    X Banned

    That is exactly how everybody feels that has posted anything on your forum, from this forum (except for pits4life, or whatever). There is no reason to apologize for anything, it's not your fault other people have their own issues, you should only worry about your own. :)

    I'm hoping something will actually come of this discussion between the two sites, although I'm tending to lean toward the worse than the best because of what a majority of the posters have said, but there is always hope and risks involved in nearly anything. At least, so far, everything that has been said has been left up rather than being deleted, edited, omitted, or closed, and that is saying a pretty good bit. It's just that there is so much animosity, there leaves little room to actually put up with it.
  19. LuvinBullies

    LuvinBullies CH Dog

    Thanks so much for that apology. I was really upset to see Lil Bit's picture getting picked apart like that- it was really an ugly gesture on the part of whoever originally put her pic up for scrutiny- even though some people did have some well deserved compliments for her.

    But thank you for standing up on behalf of your group- it was appreciated. I'm sure some (myself included) were prepared for a spectacular debate in Lil Bit's honor.:)
  20. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    Just out of curiosity (& I'll ask this same question over there), would y'all rather all the dogs be kept inside in kennels for almost all the day, be let out for 2-3 hours, then put back in? This way the dogs are inside with the family & in the house almost 24/7, but I for the life of me doesn't see how this allows a dog to actually LIVE. IMO, it's cruel. Even moreso then putting a dog outside to lie out in the sunshine, play with a toy outside & have the room to throw it, pounce on it, & overall play when on it's on.

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