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what do you do for excersise with your dogs in the winter? (for indoor dogs)

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by thunderhead, Nov 28, 2006.

  1. for you guys that keep your dogs indoors, how do you excersise your dogs in the winter? do pitts mind the cold much to play out there or do you go in the garage? what do you do?
  2. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    They still romp around in the snow, its more jumping then running most the time. Dont let them do it for too long at a time, keep em warm, but they still need to excersise. This winter, I'll be setting up a springpole in the garage and seeing what happens. Pulling sleds is a game they love to play ;)
  3. Suki

    Suki Guest

    mine LOVES the snow, doesn't even seem to notice the temp drop. but after awhile, her feet are bothered. But until they start to cause her problems, she runs around like a crazy dog, just as if it were still summer.
    When it's really cold, I have a whole room set up down stairs where she can play, run, jump, etc.
  4. Attila

    Attila Guest

    We don't get that cold here. But it is muddy and slicker than cow snot. I hate mud but the dogs don't seem to give a hoot about splashing in it and getting it all over me. Such is life.
  5. scratchin dog

    scratchin dog CH Dog

    In the winter I mainly use a slatmill, but on the nicer days we play a little flirtpole in the snow.
  6. kensloft

    kensloft Big Dog

    My dog always loved being in the snow. The fresher the fall the happier he is. I am usually cold long before he is which makes sense because I am standing still and he is all over the place sniffing all the dog trails in the area. He loves to walk in the snow on his normal routes but I try to avoid patches where there has been salt thrown to melt the snow. If it is just a bit below freezing then it isn't too bad but if it is really cold then you must realize that that wet is as cold as the air around it. Snow is approximately 32 degrees even if it is 20 below. Scientifically water should be above 32 degrees but because it is made to happen with the salt then the temperature is whatever the temperature outside is, hence, if it is twenty below then the water is 20 below. Snows fun and if you ski... they love to pull.
  7. malachi

    malachi Big Dog

    Great Thread as I was just thinkiing about this today myself. This will be my litte boys first winter and I am worried since when we go out to potty in the morning he does a little skip when there is frost on the grass hurry ups and does his business and runs back in as fast as he can. He is not fond of the cold and he as something coming for his butt cause it is not even cold yet. I got him a sweater though.:eek:
  8. pennsooner

    pennsooner CH Dog

    I've been real pleasntly suprised to find out that if I put a sweater on my dog, he copes with cold and snow really well. If I can stand to be outside he can. If its just so cold we can't get out, we play tug o' war inside. One big problem can be walking dogs in the city, rocksalt burns their feet so I have to watch out for that.
  9. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    My dog absolutely loves snow, when we plow the driveway and have a huge mound he will run full speed at it and break right through it with his chest and after that he'll run like a mad man around the yard through the fresh snow. After he's done all that he'll stretch out in the snow and start eating the fresh snow, its crazy to watch how much he loves it but hey i don't mind i can just sit back and watch him work himself out.
  10. mydawgs

    mydawgs CH Dog

    We run, play with the tennis ball. My boy is 11 and last year for the first time he refused to run with me when it got really cold, he had never done that before...so I too violated his male pit bullness and got him a ...cough cough...doggy coat.


    Although my husband ROFLAO...he runs with me wearing the coat! Mission accomplished.
  11. MercedesMama

    MercedesMama Guest

    Mercedes loves the snow, she runs around like a crazy woman! She loves to have snowballs thrown at her, she tries to catch them in her mouth. When they dont plow the streets we'll take our sled out and let them pull Blaize up the road (on leash of course). He loves it and so do they. The other two dont much care for cold, they'll play for a little while, but not more than 20 min or so, they come up whining to come in.
  12. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    OMG he looks so pissed off LOL thats great, i put an old hoodie on a dog i had once and she just stood there and didn't want to move with it on LOL
  13. The idea of pulling us on a sled in the back yard sounds like great fun! What equipment do I need besides the sled? Also, my dog seems to bite his leash and jump up and down like mad when I first take him out for a walk/run. Why is he doing this? Is he just being playful? He's only 1.5 years old. It's embarassing given his breed and the stares I get from people. Thanks

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  14. MercedesMama

    MercedesMama Guest

    He looks pissed! LMAO!
  15. mikelia

    mikelia Big Dog

    I find the deepest snow that I can and make the dogs run through it, chase after a toy and play tug in it. Sweetie has a coat aswell, a couple of them actually and I just bought her muttlukks, booties for dogs. I don't drive and take her everywhere with me that I can so I try to make her as warm as possible as sometimes we are out in the cold for a long time. Plus the salt hurts her feet so I thought the booties were a good idea but she doesn't agree. Oh well.
    Oh, and I love to take the dogs on long walks through the woods in the winter, it is so beautiful and gives them a good workout as they have to jump through the snow to get to the good smells.
  16. mine dont mind the cold and having a bunch that get along i throw on some sweats and get out there and throw toys all over the yard they run and chase till they are happily tired and then they get to come indoors and play in their own room .. or garage.. im wondering when all this continuous movement is going to slow down.. the lil ones dont seem to have any sense right now.. prophecy does know what i want of her so thats a plus.. its fun and i like it too the big back yard is such a plus.. if you dont have that long leash 30ft at the park helps get the job done....
  17. malachi

    malachi Big Dog

    Hey watch it! Malachi has a full wardrobe.:D All he needs is some shoes...LOL

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