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what happeneds to a man biter?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by gatorfangs, Jan 14, 2005.

  1. i was looking around to today on the net i i found this this that had somethign about a man biter so i looked at it then saw the 5 pics that was there. i dont want to give anyway whats in the pics but its kinda good then kinda bad imo.

    here's the link: http://www.ogrish.com/archives/dog_owner_chokes_dog_after_attack_Jan_13_2005.html

    look at the pics and share your feelings about how he took care of him problem.

    DEACON ROM Top Dog

    if the dam dog was latched on to my arm.... you better belive i leave em stiff. and get him off me not matter what it took, flame thrower, time bomb lol whatever. maneaters should not be tolerated at all. period.
  3. Jenn

    Jenn Top Dog

    I'm sick that I even looked at that... I wouldn't have a man biter anywhere near me either - but that website is horrible
  4. LadyRampage

    LadyRampage Top Dog

    what exactly is the good and bad? Its all bad if you ask me. First it was a manbiter, which is bad and exactly why you can't keep one alive and second there is absolutely no reason to show a pic of a dead dog (manbiter or not)..

    Who knows who saw that site and now may have a picture in there mind about another vicious pitbull.. Needless to say it just makes it worse for everyone else out there that owns pitbulls, showing "another attack"..

    Horrible, horrible, horrible.. I don't see any good in showing that kind of stuff..
  5. well lady you said my reasons for being good and bad, good that there is one less man biter and bad for people who look at the site and say "yea typical pitbulls"
  6. Crash97

    Crash97 Top Dog

    Damn gatorfangs.......You almost had me goin over to my buddies house to choke him out.....lmao That dog was a dead ringer (sorry for the pun) to a dog I gave him a few mo. back. Had the same damn collar on too.....And I know that dog ain't no man biter. By the way the deeper into the site you go the sicker the shit gets.....Lmmfao.
  7. LadyRampage

    LadyRampage Top Dog

    I didn't even think about going further into that site... those pics were bad enough I can imagine that else is on there..
  8. pit stop

    pit stop Pup

    I am in agreement with ya'll. No need to publish the picture. Just allows the sicko's to get their jollies.

    ...as to whether the action taken was appropriate or not....whatever it takes. I might have done the same thing in a rage, but most likely would have just blown the dogs head off with my shotgun.
  9. Mudville_Monsta

    Mudville_Monsta Top Dog

    Yeah I agree that the pics are going to put more bad emphasis on the breed. Dogs that bite people are bad to the breed. Unless they're protecting the owner,family or property. But nobody has put thought into what this owner might have been doing to this dog. One side of the story is no story at all.
  10. JCleve86

    JCleve86 Big Dog

    Dammit...I just wrote this whole thing out and it didn't work. Here goes again...

    That picture is disgusting. What's more disgusting is that ya'll are amused and/or are condoning it. It's not the dog's fault that it has poor genetics...the guy probably bred the thing himself or got it from a bad breeder, which makes it his own damn fault. The dog should be HUMANELY put to sleep or at the very least shot between the eyes, not drowned for something he has no control of.

    DEACON ROM Top Dog

    i agree the picture isnt good publity at all.
    only one side of story= no story(very good point)
    lmao @ crash "same collar too"

    " what's more disgusting is that ya'll are amused and/or are condoning it. It's not the dog's fault that it has poor genetics...the guy probably bred the thing himself or got it from a bad breeder, which makes it his own damn fault. The dog should be HUMANELY put to sleep or at the very least shot between the eyes, not drowned for something he has no control of"

    good breeders have man eaters also the gene does/can skip generations some times ya just dont know when it will pop up and that goes for all breeds!
    put down humanley? please.....i like to see you say that when some big ass dog got ahold of you and wont let go. be realitistic.
  12. Crash97

    Crash97 Top Dog

    None of us truly know the story on this. For all we know it could've been staged. The guy could've tormented an already unstable dog. I will tell ya one thing, I can almost guarantee that was not the first time that dog showed human aggression. IMO the guy probably got what he had coming. Maybe he thought this was some great "guard/protection" dog. It worked the dog protected him from possibly allowing the dog to get someone else who truly was innocent.

    And not to jump on ya JCleve but if the dog had hold of your arm, you might have done the same thing. Me I'd have probably slit it's damn throat, it would then have no option but to let go. But no matter what, I'd have gotten it off my arm.
  13. Mudville_Monsta

    Mudville_Monsta Top Dog

    I agree if any of my dogs ever turn on me or anyone I know they'll have 6 38's for ther last dinner. Might be a alittle to drastic but we're talking about life and death sometimes in these situations.
  14. Rockstar

    Rockstar CH Dog

    There is more to that story than meets the eye - guaranteed. I used to know a guy who owned this big beautiful Great Dane. He constantly beat the hell out of that dog, for no other reason than that it made him feel like a man, I guess. Well one day this piece of garbage went a little too far, and the dog removed his thumb. So did this dog deserve to be put down? Not in my opinion. The dog deserved an award. His owner never hit him again though.

    Some crackhead broke into my car once while I was talking on a payphone. One of my dogs was in the back seat - he didn't take too kindly to this invader. I was very disturbed by the whole incident, and was seriously considering having my boy euthanized. It was the police who talked me out of it. They had nothing but praise for the dog. They said he was only doing his job. I replied that it wasn't his job to hurt people. They said no, but it is in a dog's nature to protect their master. Who wants a dog who'll sit idly by in the backseat while some junkie steals its owner's car?

    Very few, I would think.

    There is another case where some idiot started blasting one of my dogs with a Roman candle, just for the "fun" of it. He's lucky the dog got to him before I did, because I would have done far more than just bite him.

    Any dog has the potential to bite a human. The ones which will bite without cause are almost always a result of their owners' ignorance and stupidity.
    If a picture says a thousand words, then it is clear to me that the sorry sack that posted pics of his dog, dead with its head in a bucket of water, quite probably deserved what he got. He may have been trying to drown the dog when he was bitten. Who knows? You can't make me believe that this guy's own dog took a chunk out of him for no reason.
  15. zombie106

    zombie106 Big Dog

  16. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    having been mauled by a lab while out jogging, I understand what it's like to have your arm chewed on & the sudden fear of "how am I going to get him to let go?" However, to proudly display & show off what you did to the dog through pics & the internet is unnecessary & twisted.

    DEACON ROM Top Dog

    nice post rockstar very good points .:)
  18. dora

    dora Big Dog

    i didn't have a chance to read all the post...but my oppion....the thing that was wrong with it is the pictures in the first place...if the man was any kind of a pit lover he would of had a little more respect for his dog than to take pitures of him dead weather he bite him or not...he displays them like a trophy...it is revolting.....and it is one sided in the first place ..like why did the dog bite him...what did he do to provoke the dog is the ????'s thats what i am asking......dora:mad:
  19. princess_koka

    princess_koka Big Dog

    That is soooooooooooo gross. What were they thinking posting that
  20. XxKonnectionsxX

    XxKonnectionsxX Top Dog

    I think the picture is fake. Look at the size of that dog and look at the bite mark on this guy? If that dog really latched on, don't you think the wound would be a whole lot bigger with bruising around the arm. I think they forgot to add that in the special effects. LOL JMO

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