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what is a yard?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by thunderhead, Nov 28, 2006.

  1. and no dumb answers lol but seriuosly ive read a lot of topics talking about yards, what exactly is this?
  2. jadedpitgirl

    jadedpitgirl Top Dog

    A yard means someone's yard of dogs.

    I think that is pretty much what it means, this is how I take it.
  3. why would someone have a whole yard of dogs though, isn't that like a mill or something?

    again not trying to offend anyone just trying to get some knowledge
  4. SAM_I_AM

    SAM_I_AM Big Dog

    no its not. just replace yard with kennel and you will be fine.

    the reason its called a yard and not a kennel is because more often than not the dogs are kept in the yard on chains not in individual kennels. that should clear it up for ya...
  5. Magneeto

    Magneeto Big Dog

    Great answer.

    but dont replace it with kennel because it sounds like a breeding operation. a yard to me sounds like exactly what it is, a yard with a few dogs in dog houses, on chains.
  6. why leave them outside on chains and not in a kennel?
  7. debodebo

    debodebo Top Dog

    Because a good chain set-up is the safest way to contain a bulldog. It would be ideal to keep them in the house, but it would be impossible to let bulldogs live together. I have seen bulldogs eat, dig, and jump out of kennels. A chain is the safest way to make sure they do not get injured.
  8. jadedpitgirl

    jadedpitgirl Top Dog

    No, a yard is not a mill. It is a yard of dogs. Sometimes it may only have 2 or 3 others may have up to 20 or more. It is not considered a mill because most of these dogs are not bred, and they aren't being sold at flea markets and street corners or to the puppy store down the road.

    Definition of a Puppy Mill: A "business" that mass-produces dogs for a profit with minimal regard for the quality and welfare of the animals is referred to as a "puppy mill". Not all pet stores get their puppies from puppy mills, but many of them can't afford to pay the price demanded by a reputable private breeder for healthy dogs raised in a humane manner, and still leave room for that retail 'mark-up' that will gain them a profit. Puppy mills are illegal in many states, and are often raided and shut down by the authorities. These are places where adult dogs spend their entire lives in tiny cages stacked on top of one another. They are likely to live in filthy conditions, be underfed and in poor health. The females are kept pregnant constantly but receive little veterinary care due to the costs. Smaller breeds of dogs often require surgery to deliver their pups, but due to the costs involved they don't get it. This leads to the agonizing death of many females and their puppies. The puppies produced are frequently of poor quality and ill health. They are often taken from their mothers before they are old enough, in order to be shipped across the country to the pet stores. Most of the puppies haven't been handled, socialized or loved at all in their short little lives. This can lead to temperament problems, or exaggerate undesirable inherited personality traits. Think again how it tugged at your heart to think of the puppies spending all their time in a small cage.
  9. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    This has been covered many times (Chains over kennels). Just a quick explanation..

    Even just an 8' chain allows more room then a 16x16' kennel. Obviously most people dont have kennels that large, and most of us have longer chains then that, just to show you how much more room a chain dog normally has then a kennel dog. I find it sickening HS and such places take dogs off chains because its cruel, to lock them in a 4x6' kennel.

    Dogs on chains normally fare better mentally. My dogs love being on the chain, and can't cope being in a kennel. Having to look through the chainlink fencing is the problem I'm sure.....

    Compare kennel to chain that allow the same movement, and the chain will be a fraction of the cost. Add that to the fact that a properly built chain/axle setup will be many times more secure for keeping the dog in the yard. Most dogs are able to get out of a kennel at will if they really want to.

    Safer, more room for the dogs, cheaper, dogs do better mentally in my observations. The only draw-backs to chains is that wackos have instilled in the general publics mind that a chained dog is an unloved dog, and a good owner uses kennels. Absolute garbage. Also, stray dogs or other critters can easily get to a chained dog. I dont worry about that, they should of been smart enough to not get over the fence, then walk into my dogs chainspace!

    I have one kennel here, which I havent used in, shit probably years. The only reason I've kept it is because they are useful for bitches in heat, pups, and whelping bitches. Whelping kennels are normally up off the ground as well, the purpose of this is to keep other dogs from disturbing the ovulating/pregnant/nursing bitch.
  10. TripleJ

    TripleJ CH Dog

    Im with you on that Rock, I like my dogs on chains they like it better also, I do have 11 kennels but I allways rotate them so the can be on the dirt it seems better on the joints also. J

    NGDOGMAN Big Dog

    perfect exp 14rock, mental,space,easier clean up,more reliable,better exercise..................................

    my dogs and I hate kennels and the only ones i have seen that will hold a apbt is the $500 ones they have at tractor supply and those dont have tops unless you buy it separate i think. Chains it is and they will thank you. It is like putting a dog in a prison cell putting them in those small kennels. I had pups destroying regular chain link kennels. Over 4 months and I dont like leaving pups in them. have some right now that would wedge themselves between the fence and house and climb on top of the house at like 12 wks. Had a female that would bite a link and pull to get a bigger hole, then she would push her face in the hole and walk thourgh the chain link. this dog was less that one year. Had another one at 5 months jump out and lost her for about 7 months before she got tracked down. made it half way down the mountain and was at a good home but she is back with daddy now. and we keep one in the house.
  12. why would somone have up to 20 dogs in a yard if they aren't breding them or selling them?
  13. debodebo

    debodebo Top Dog

    It might be hard for someone like you to relize, but these dogs are some peoples whole life. Instead of blowing money they would rather spend it on their dogs. Their is nothing wrong with having a yard full of bulldogs. Some people will breed their dogs and keep the entire litter to see how they turn out. If someone does this a few times they will aquire alot of dogs. The best way to know if your dog is producing is to keep the pups for yourself which many do. I only have 1 dog right now because I work and I'm a full-time college student. One day I will have a yard full of bulldogs because I love this breed and that's what I want to do.
  14. mrsmickey351

    mrsmickey351 Guest

    Nicely said. My thoughts exactly!!
  15. TripleJ

    TripleJ CH Dog

    HUNTING! Man you realy are asking this does it matter why some one has 50 dogs or more if they are taking care of them thats all that matters. I keep 95% of every litter I breed and some times I may give a pup out but very rare. I hate it when people ask why I have all the dogs. I LIKE THEM.. J
  16. 440rider

    440rider Guest

    The perception people have about dogs on chains is a very interesting one. There are many points of view on this topic usually by those who have zero experience with bulldogs.

    For one the chain is not a tool or even in association with fighting dogs which many tend to believe.
    Chains are not a form of neglect or in association with making an animal vicious or agressive. We have our animals on 25-50 ft ground cable runs with 6-12 ft chains. If you do the math on that our biggest set-up is is the size of a 24x50 kennel and our smallest is 12x25. We do have a 10x12 kennel we use for pups or dogs with special needs..etc. We recently chain broke a pup and went from kennel to cable and he couldnt be happier on the cable set-up and he's also secure as can be! I'm not stating that you can't have secure kennels and nice kennels they are just more costly than cable/chain set up for something of the equivalent size.

    I have a ? of my own....Do you know or any of you that claim that kennels are the way to go have experience with entering a small kennel with very high strung and strong bulldog on the other side wanting out? To me that is the hardest part of visiting a dog in a kennel. You can easily give a dog much more attention and have easy access to it on a chain set-up.
  17. i can't say one is better then the other, i don't have any experence with chains or kennels, my girlfriends sister has 2 pitts they tried putting in kennels from tractor supply and they didn't hold up, my dad has 4 of them tractor supply kennels put together and its great for his dogs, but he has 2 small mutts that look like beagles but im sure it wouldn't hold a bulldog in.
    now for my dads dogs they are nice cause they are in the woods with there food and everything inside so coyotes and stuff can't get to it and they can roam free but again thats a whole different breed of dog.

    now would you consider a boxer a bulldog?
    i do own a boxer but he lives in the house with me, so i personally don't have any experence with either a kennle or a chain setup so i don't have an opinon on which is better.

    again guys don't get upset, im not judging anyone in any way, this is just interesting to me is all. im just trying to learn what people do that is all.

    do a lot of you have that many dogs?

    how can you spend time with that many dogs?

    what if your from the nothern states where its really cold, can pits be outdoors in that weather?
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2006
  18. Twitty

    Twitty Big Dog

    I also agree with rock chains are a way of exercise as well! But make sure yopu check set up daily! that also makes you put your hand on your dog! You know owner/dog time i think it's called. there's nothing like a kennel accident when your by yourself or when its raining
  19. LuvinBullies

    LuvinBullies CH Dog

    It's a comparable mentality to people who own several horses on a farm but do not breed or sell...enthusiasts (of most any animal/breed/species) go beyond just owning one specimen-a true APBT enthusiast gets a thirst for knowledge and experience through ownership, and often this thirst for knowledge and experience leads to owning more than one dog. And yes, these enthusiasts properly work/exercise each dog and appreciate each dog for his individual and unique qualities, and beyond that even- they admire each individual dog as being unique in his own right, but also as a stellar example of what every APBT should be as a standard. DO NOT confuse an enthusiast with a hoarder...not saying you were I just felt the need to quickly touch on it in case the question ever came up for you. Simply because an enthusiast has 20 dogs and isn't running a breeding ranch does not mean they are hoarding or abusing their animals- even if they are mostly kept outdoors.
    (there is a fast growing number of folks who believe dogs kept outside are mal-treated :rolleyes: ) Hoarders/abusers usually keep their dirty secrets under lock and key inside the home, while enthusiasts never try to hide their passions in keeping their animals.
    So ...a higher number of well kept, properly worked dogs in an enthusiast's yard may simply be a reflection of this person's love and enthusiasm for the APBT breed, not a red flag for anything sinister as is SO OFTEN assumed.

    Long winded again...hope it helps you some...:)
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2006
    jadedpitgirl likes this.
  20. jadedpitgirl

    jadedpitgirl Top Dog


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