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Just remember humaniacs are out there.

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by misterdogman, Aug 6, 2005.

  1. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    I cannot believe some of the claims they make and some of the stuff they compare a dog on a chain too. Read over the site and tell me what you think. Chaining a dog is not only humane it is the safest and most efficient way to contain a dog but these guys think otherwise....

  2. Defend2DaEnd

    Defend2DaEnd CH Dog

    Wouldn't know I would never chain mine.
  3. whiteyransom

    whiteyransom Top Dog

    yeah, if some dumb-ass leaves a dog out and let's the collar/chain get inbedded, it's wrong. but, because of a few acts like this, what do they wanna do ? another ban.
  4. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    Can I ask why not? It is the most secure way to keep this breed. If they want to get out they usually can from anything but a good axle chain setup. These dogs will jump through closed windows, climb under/over kennels, rip through crates, scale trees, you name it this breed has probably done it to get out and roam a little. The only way to gurantee your dog will still be there when you get home is on a chain. I put them on a nice long chain and let them excersise all day with plenty of shade and water to drink. This is more humane then locking them in a 2x2 crate all day with no food or water and no way to go to the bathroom. I also want to be sure I dont have a dog get out, walk down the road, and be shot by animal control because its a pitbull, thats another reason why I use chains. Can you give me some reasons on why not to use a chain if they are let off their chains and excersised everyday and spend time in the house when I'm home?
  5. lilpitgirl

    lilpitgirl Guest

    ok which one is it ? Dogs tethered for long periods can become highly aggressive. or
    Chained dogs are also easy targets for thieves looking to steal animals for sale to research institutions or to be used as training fodder for organized animal fights

    how are you gonna steal a highly aggresive dog any more contradictions?
  6. lilpitgirl

    lilpitgirl Guest

    I personally hate kennel runs Ive had more teeth broken ! I even had a kennel fight were a dog lost half his tongue now only pups
    and a couple older dogs get the kennels
  7. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    Good point...
  8. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    Probably because you have house pets or non game bred dogs right?
  9. jawbones

    jawbones Top Dog

    Man I just erased a whole paragraph on this subject because it was mean spirited. This is the kind of thing that if someone don't understand, they don't need this breed of dog. The BS that is out there that is so watered down from BYB's are still just enough prey driven to get loose and cause problems with owners that refuse to recognize their drive. Just chain the damn dogs up or buy a boxer if you want a bulldog of some kind. Where I really live, we don't need the bad publicity anymore. If you are too pansy a$$ to understand or comprehend or truly respect the kind of care these guys need, please do us all a favor and don't own one. :) I know this sounds mean but some of us live where we may have to move because we own pit bulls.
  10. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    You know your so right, People dont realize a lot of times they are way better dog owners than needed just in the wrong areas of dog owner ship...if they were feeding good kibble they wouldnt need these chemical and supplement miracle products. They wouldnt have to takes tons of time training and crating...they could get a good chains set up with professional products and keep the dog out while they were gone and psychologically the dog will associate the outside with emptying out and food would be a treat in it self, mine think its Christmas at chow time...and treats and toys are just overwhelming to them....but its "when" they get those things...people tend to over do it and think of dogs on our level...Dogs are endurance animals that are made to work in most cases...I notice when briefly in the house my dogs want to go back out...theyre use to it... I never babied them and made them think those things were bad. By personifying canines we are doing more damage by making a dog think he is on our level. you should know you are the alpha and your dog should too AT ALL TIMES...he is to not think he is higher than you, maybe you can let him think hes your equal once in a while but by making him your baby your asking for troubles and spending way more energy and its a great way to waste money on obedience training. Chaining a dog is humane. Especially with regular time off and walks...which all should get, even you...I am tired of reading stuff like this and my thread about the medias view on "dog fighting defined". This stuff is taken as fact by so many people when any vet on the street would say its ok. When I took my Whiteboy dog to the vet a week or so ago, the vet said he could have got his leg wrapped in his chain when he was lunging... but it would clear up etc with antibiotics...I never told him I had him on a chain and so I brought it up out of curiosity, he said I just assumed it..... sometimes you need to chain them up while your away, I asked so you dont think chaining a dog up is cruel. He laughed and said Im a vet not a peta member...a chain is humane and has no ill effect on a dog, he even added dogs that regularly work a chain are generally more healthy than a house dog and easier to train...so things like this link that are not "FACT" but called fact piss me off because they paint a picture people will believe and when they see our dogs on chains they think they are doing a good deed by calling the authorities...we need a movement and list from many animal experts and vets that dispell these myths about things associated with the APBT...if not.... soon everyone will believe these outlandish things and we will be defending against an already lost battle not a chance to just stop BSL...
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2005
  11. coyrobert

    coyrobert Big Dog

    my girl stays inside most of the time but when she goes out back to play with the other dogs she gets bored with them after about 20 minutes, and ends up digging out, then playin in the swamp, so i chain her up so she can play,i take her out front to use the bathroom and if she dont wanna come back in she gets put on the chain,another reason she is too people friendly, so it can keep your dog from being stolen, ran over,being picked up by animal control, there is prolly 1 million reasons why this is GOOD, oh i might ad would you wanna lose your dog because a stranger walked in the yard and your dog ate his ass up??? a chain would restrict the dog!!!!!!, just think of what could happen
  12. coyrobert

    coyrobert Big Dog

    nicely said MR
  13. jawbones

    jawbones Top Dog

    Way to say it Mister. It needs to be said.
  14. I believe it doesn't depend so much on chaining as it does the length of the chain and the amount of socialization the dog gets. I have seen idiots chain there dogs on no more than 4 ft of chain, and the dog gets little or no attention at all. I do believe there are instances where a dog can and should be chained, provided it is done responsibly and humanely. I also think that dogs are happiest when they are kept as companions in a household, instead of being relegated to living their life on a short chain. I have had to chain dogs in the past due to their insistance at escaping, at the moment none of my dogs require chains. They are all housepets and more than content to share our home.
    I have seen many many dogs that have been forced to live their lives out in either a small kennel or short chain. These dogs are very likely to be high strung, territorial, neurotic and generally very under socialized.
    I am not saying all dogs that live on chains are like that. It CAN be done properly, if the owner is responsible and careful. Unfortunately, the vast majority of joe public is not, and the dog is the one that suffers.
  15. They wouldnt have to takes tons of time training and crating...they could get a good chains set up with professional products and keep the dog out while they were gone

    I would be scared to death to leave my 7 month old rednosed chained in the yard while I am gone, so she is crate trained and stays in her kennel when we aren't here. The reason I would be scared to death is because of the comments and such people have made when they see her, not to mention the neighborhood of thugs that live behind me. Plus, right now we only have a 4 ft chainlink fence, and the stupid kids that live around here get a kick out of teasing the dogs, so they all come in when we leave and at night. I do not believe crate training is cruel. In fact, my guys love their crates, and sleep in them even with the doors open and they have the option of sleeping on a cliforna king size mattress and box spring (our old bed they inherited when we got our new one). LOL...I broke all but 2 of the crates down about 2 weeks ago cause I haven't been using them, and all 4 dogs pouted and and wanted to sleep in the 2 small crates I had left set up. So the crates are back up, left open, and you can almost always find at least one dog in one of them.
  16. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    I know some dumb people do things like you said. Real short tethers and no water or shelter or food and other stuff... but its once again the process is what gets the blame... not the human,... if you eliminated the humans basic errors and lack of provision you would not have to consider someone being stupid enough to leave them without basic requirements. That is all a given in a real dog owners world. I think the info at that site in general is against the "process" of chaining your dog more than with the lack provisions within it. The site is called Unchain your dog not chain your dog the right way...also I never said crate training was cruel I said dogs that are outside an adequate amount of time during the day will associate it with relieving themselves there not inside and they will have time to dig and play and romp around with no ill effects, and since they get more exercise they will be more ready to please and listen since they are not bored to death all the time... inside they have no exercise or really any movement, yeah yours enjoy their crates I see a lot of dogs that do... dogs are "denning" creatures thats why all my dogs have their crate too and love it just as much as your dogs do its just called a doghouse and its outside, same as what you got but mine can go in and out while im gone and move around and do anything it wants, and if you cant do it while your gone because your scared of the neighborhood then you can when your home, their is nothing wrong with chaining your dog outside...even at 7 mos...and you can always padlock her to the steak in the ground so nobody can just take her off...Thats what I do...so there is a ton of similarities between a dog outside and inside they both are basically crate trained the ones out just get more fresh air and sun and room to frolic...the ones inside just get to lie in a metal crate, what sounds more fun to you...
  17. It's not just the kids in the neighborhood stealing her that I'm afraid of, it's also the fact that they are open to poisonings, teasing, and abuse if they are chained while I'm away. I had a dog as a kid that we had to keep chained because she jumped the fence, and one of the kids that lived behind us thought it was great fun to throw rocks at her all day long. Until I caught him and showed him that girls can in fact throw like a guy. I nailed his *ss with a hunk of concrete the size of a softball that he had thrown at my dog. Once we get our 6 ft privacy fence up, the dogs will be allowed free access to our yard when we are not home. When we are home, they are allowed as much time in the yard as they want (most of the time they want to come right back in and enjoy the a/c though...spoiled brats...lol).
    I know you didn't say crates were cruel. Many people have before though, and I was on a roll...LOL
  18. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    I hear ya, I lived in the city before and I have some dogs in town now at my buddies house, but I guess I am just less paranoid about poisonings and theft and stuff because its a small enough area that people we know would find out somehow because someone who knows us will be involved somewhere down the line...you know how towns under 50000 people are, everyone knows everyone thru someone...so nobody messes in our yard or area...that would suck to have to worry about that crap like you do and have to get a 6' fence just to feel safe...I guess also I have another advantage because at my yard in town is where my dog Bambam is at...hes in my gallery, and he aint to friendly with people he never met before and you got to get past him to access the rest of the dogs...well I hope you get your fence up soon so you can enjoy your dogs and yard without worries...
  19. rocksteady

    rocksteady I'll drink to that..

    today while walking one of my pups, we had the pleasant surprise of a BEAGLe who prompty busted through an orange plastic barrier fence his so loving owners put up on a small section of their fence (hopefully they were in the process of fixing it?/) I tell ya what.. that beagle tore through that like it was nothing!!

    the owners where outside the fence in their garage when this happened. But I just picked up my pup and kept going...... (she was makin a scene lol)

    So it doesnt really matter what kind of breed... some dogs should be chained when outside period
  20. rocksteady

    rocksteady I'll drink to that..

    You may want to rethink that one... unless you are also planning to put cement all around the base...

    Never a good idea to leave dogs alone running freely why you are not there to watch. I dont care how well behaved or great they get along.. dogs act different in packs and running freely... and with no one to keep an eye on them..

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