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puppy bumps????

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by badnews_VA, Sep 29, 2004.

  1. badnews_VA

    badnews_VA Big Dog

    i've noticed that some puppies get bumps on their face and as they get older the bumps go away. is there anything that i can give them to help the bumps go away faster?
  2. CRG

    CRG Top Dog

    badnews check the health forums someone else had the same problems. there were some good tips in that thread.
  3. badnews_VA

    badnews_VA Big Dog

    ok thank you
  4. badnews_VA

    badnews_VA Big Dog

    hey crg8, what article are you talking about? the only one i found is the pup had red bumps that was pushing the hair up, mine is just little plain bumps on the face and head kinda like pimples. i've seen them before on another pup and they went away as he got older but i want to see if there was something to speed up the process. could you help me out. thanks
  5. CRG

    CRG Top Dog

    i'll check around an see what i can find out.
  6. GrChPitBitch

    GrChPitBitch Big Dog

    LOL @ pimples..
    Do pups go through pubery...?
    (He he he)
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

  7. badnews_VA

    badnews_VA Big Dog

    lol maybe they do
  8. rocksteady

    rocksteady I'll drink to that..

    yes they do ..generally around the time they get demodex at 8 -12 months of age ..in this sense demodex is like a teenage acne. It usually goes away on its own then, too..

    but around that time the dogs hormones are changing. thats why at about the 8 to 12 months that some dogs seem to "forget" all they were ever trained. Its basically like teenage puberty :) Go raging hormones go!
  9. B-I-Z

    B-I-Z Big Dog

    one of mine hit it early...he's only 6 months and humps everything in sight lol
  10. badnews_VA

    badnews_VA Big Dog

    you learn something new everyday, thanks for the info
  11. AC

    AC Big Dog

    I heard amoxicillin works for that. Never tried it though but I have heard it does clear it up rather quickly.
  12. GrChPitBitch

    GrChPitBitch Big Dog

    I feal a little smarter now... I didnt know that!!

  13. i did nt know that either


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