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Showing aggression

Discussion in 'Training & Behavior' started by Amir, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    It's ok it happens but he's still young enough that you can correct it just keep doing what you are doing and he should be ok.
  2. bukskin.banks

    bukskin.banks Big Dog

    i second that, used to pet (which i still do) him and rub his tail while he would eat and tell him good boy, after they both sit and wait till i set up the food and tell them to eat. when he was a pup i was able to stick my hand or face by him and now i still can. keep working with him and sadie has good advice. i was huge on not biting the face, especially while playing, he gets my hands and forearms kinda, just a rough player, but will do nothing but lick my face now too. nip it in the bud ... lol
  3. I think he will just need some more work and be consistent with it. I do agree with what sadie has said.
  4. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    Yeah Agreed this is why I can sit with my dogs while they eat and touch them or take their food and none of them react in a negative way they know better. I am big on training dogs to at least respect the hand that feeds them. And if you have kids get them involved too from the time the pup comes home. There is nothing wrong with training these dogs and teaching them some basic manners an unruly bulldog is quite the disaster.

    My daughter hand feeding karma as a young pup



  5. FrankDublin

    FrankDublin CH Dog

    how bout you just let the little mofo eat man sometimes people do to much and get bit just leave the pup be while he eats
  6. scratchin dog

    scratchin dog CH Dog

    Start doing NILIF (nothing in life is free). K9 Station Dog Training AuxArcs Australian Shepherds
    Basically it is about having your dog work for what it wants. You are going to show your dog in a non confrontational way that you are boss. If he wants dinner, he has to sit first. He cannot sit on the furniture unless you call him up onto the couch. But I suggest not letting him on the couch until he recognizes you as boss. When walking out the door, you go first. Do not step over him if he is laying on the floor. Make him move. If he wants to play and tries to get your attention, ignore him. Then when he walks away, call him to you to play. Play with him on your terms when you are ready. For the next few weeks feed him all his meals from your hand just like Sadie said. When he is no longer growling then you can put the food in his bowl and let him eat while your hand is in there. This is going to to take several weeks. Do not rush it. You want him to understand that only good stuff comes from your hand. After he is good with this then you can start putting a bowl of food down, after he sits for it, and then throw some really high value treats in there while he is eating. You can use bits of hot dog or chicken. Do this along with the NILIF and he should soon understand he is not the boss.
  7. Amir

    Amir Pup

    Thanks for the link and the advice.
  8. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    Frank You're an idiot ... Just because you don't believe in having trained bulldogs or letting these dogs around kids doesn't mean others don't. I have read some of the crap you spew on here and while it may work for you other people see these dogs as more than just a piece of fucking property they admire from a chain spot. Yeah some of us have them as family dogs and we don't want them biting us or anyone else. If you think that a bulldog biting the hand that feeds him is ok you obviously don't spend enough time working with your dogs or you just don't give a fuck. Either way your advice is terrible. And OP don't listen to this fool alot of these net dogegrs talk big shit about how these dogs are supposed to be cared for when the truth is most of them don't do shit with the dogs but talk shit online. You're doing the right thing by coming on here trying to get some good advice, and Scratchin Dog gave you some great advice as well follow it and you will be ok.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2013
  9. FrankDublin

    FrankDublin CH Dog

    you know saide you may be wrong Ive been around dogs along time

    and I can go up to any dog on my yard and grab a bowl while there head is stuck in it eating and I didnt train them to be that way but on the flip side im not gonna sit there and play in the bowl while there eating

    and like I say let the dog eat and you wont get bit keep your hands out of his bowl while he is eating and you wont get bit the way I see it is the only time I mess with a dogs bowl is when Im giving it to him/her full of food or Im takeing it from him/her empty anything else is doing to much and if you dont believe so your the fool
  10. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    And an old fool means nothing to me. Just because you been around them for years doesn't mean your doing it right. Your advice still sucks. You don't keep your dogs in the house you keep them outside on chains. This dudes dog lives indoors so it has more interaction with the people who live there and come in and out of the home on a daily basis. No dog and I don't give a shit who's dog it is better even think about biting or snapping at me, my kids or anyone else when being fed. You get a dog used to your hands being in his bowl from a young age he's not likely to try and bite you later on when feeding him. If a dog is showing aggressive behavior towards it's owner while eating you do something about it you don't just say fuck it and let the shit continue as this leads to other problems later on. I don't care if you agree with me or not I don't know any sane person who would let their dog continue this type of behavior and risk getting bit.
  11. Amir

    Amir Pup

    Update on how things are going. Been hand feeding twice a day for the past 2 weeks; praising & petting him while he's eating; things were going good until... Wife cooked a big ham so I took the bone, broth and some of the fat to feed my boy. As soon as I introduced the bone, his attitude changed; took the bone and through it away. Feeding time I added some broth and pieces of ham to his kibble; went to hand feed and he gave me a dirty look as he had done with the bone. I hand feed him anyway, but held on to his collar just in case. He ate from my hand, but when I took my hand away and try to put it back, he would curl his lips. He doesn't show aggression when eating kibble (Taste of the Wild), only when I add something tasty. As for toys, he is fine with me taking them from him, but when it comes to cow hooves or rawhide bones, he starts to show his nasty side. I work with him daily on his obedience (sit, stay, come); he listens pretty good. Can't figure out why he acts stupid when it comes to feeding him the good stuff and NOT his kibble. I hate to take all his joy out of eating a treat now and then. Would like to hear from those that feed raw food to see if this type of behavior is linked to some sort of primal instinct. How did you address this issue?
  12. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    Amir first of all you don't feed dogs cooked bones of any sort. Second since hand feeding kibble is going well don't mix raw in for a while. Just keep him on the kibble for now this is going to be a process so you don't want to start adding in other things until some time has past. Scratching Dog is going to post some more for you when she get's to the computer I already linked them this thread. So look out for some more info in a few. But NO bones! Not now.
  13. Amir

    Amir Pup

    Didn't realize that a cooked bone was bad until I did a search; I'll stick to the kibble. Can't understand why his switch gets turned on when eating a bone and not while eating kibble?
  14. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    Because your dog is resource guarding, most likely wasn't kept the mom and liter mates long enough when he was a puppy. It also depends how the dog was raised when you received him and what kind of interaction you've had with him.
  15. bootsbjj

    bootsbjj Banned

    Amir, have you been getting him to do a "trick" before you give him any food? It really works. I think it makes the dog realize that he's not getting ANYTHING unless you say so. He needs to learn that it's not his food, it's your food and your sharing it with him. Keep working on it, though, all dogs are different. Good luck....
  16. FrankDublin

    FrankDublin CH Dog

    danm man just let the dog eat if you have guest at the home and the dog has to eat have him eat in another roomor away from where the guest will be how would you like it you had to eat out of some ones hand or if everytime you started eating someone stuck there hand in your plate
  17. FrankDublin

    FrankDublin CH Dog

    man Im 31 years old and Ive been around dogs over half my life as far as a fool goes ok

    but as a kid I was tought you dont bother a dog while he is eating and thats how it goes
    you may be right though my dogs are on a chain and they stay out side I feed and water every day walk every other day and various other activities that you may not be interested in just like Im not interested in sticking my hand in a dogs bowl while it eats and Im danm sure not interested in my dog watching Tv while Im gone when they can be outside chewin on the hide hanging from the tree or pissing whenever they feel like or running the chain spot to stretch there legs when needed or they could be in the house where they can do none of this through out the day how foolish of me

    I will just agree to disagree
  18. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    I don't bother my dogs when they eat either BUT there is a difference I can go near my dogs when they eat and if I have to take their food and move it I can without getting my hand bit off. The issue is these dogs SHOULD NEVER bite the hand that feeds them. They should NEVER guard their food, toys, house, crate, ect... from their owner. I am not telling him to hand feed the dog just to pick with it and fuck with him. I am telling him to hand feed his animal so he can correct the dog from thinking it's ok to nip, bite, growl at the hand that feeds him. If you went to pick your dogs food bowl up to move it to another room or in your case chain spot and it bit you or growled at you what would you do Frank? Let the dog do that shit? It's not ok! Dogs need to know their place in the home period they need boundaries. As far as the TV thing you are the only one who took my comment about that literally LMAO !!! My dog's get plenty of exercise sorry but a dog doesn't get in the shape my dogs are in by laying around the house watching TV all day and I put the TV only to keep them quiet when I leave for the day not because I really believe they watch it LMAO ( I guess that one went over your head) ... Yeah we can agree to disagree because some of us actually believe in doing something productive with these dogs and having them in the house and around kids is nothing to be ashamed of. Basic obedience doesn't make them any less of a bulldog. These dogs are a lot smarter than people give them credit for. While I'm gone my boy chills in the house he can play with his rope and he doesn't mess with shit in the house nor does he use the bathroom in the house. Why? Because I actually put in the time and effort with my dogs from the time they were small pups. If you want to keep your dogs outside that is fine but don't come on here knocking people who choose to keep them indoors and choose to train them and correct bad behavior. I have no problem with chaining but I think it's sad when people collect dogs just to keep them on chains and never let them off to prove themselves they are nothing more than a yard decoration that will rot on a chain and never amount to anything. Hell even a family dog serves a fucking purpose.

    Frank my dogs will run a mill, chase a flirt pole, play with toys, and chase anything moving down they have plenty of drive. I spend plenty of time doing different activities with my dogs. The difference is I choose to include my kids because I believe these dogs should be heavily socialized not with other dogs but with people and different environments, kids, ect.

    I guess too much TV will do this to a dog lol .. You may not agree with me but my dogs are happy and well cared for they are living the life as far as they are concerned and I don't give a shit about anyone on these game dog forums who has a problem with me for doing what I do with my dogs they can kiss my ass. My dogs are what I put into them. I don't knock anyone for choosing to do other things with their dogs but don't come knocking me because I choose another path for mine.


  19. FrankDublin

    FrankDublin CH Dog

    nagh you tv watching comment I read just right

    but like you say a dog should never bite the hand that feeds them but its funny that I never had to train any of mine to not bite my hand I always just walked up and grabbed it if I needed it and never got bit not one time its not isnt that ironic like I say just let the dog eat no need to stick your hand in and play in the dogs bowl let him get use to being around you and you will have no problems trust me all that other stuff yall talking about I never had to do it and never got bit either
  20. Amir

    Amir Pup

    Hecame from a liter of 9 pups; went home with me at 2 months old (he's now 6months). Breeders are good people; I have no reason to doubt treatment orinteraction. As for my interaction with him, he has received all the attentiona dog would want. I don't understand why he should be resource guarding; hasbeen free fed; now being fed twice a day. It could be that he's a few bricksshort of a wall? Tried feeding him this Am& Pm; both times he displayed aggression. Needless-to-say, he went to bedhalf full; getting discouraged with his attitude.

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