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Smart bulldogs

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by viegas703, Jul 31, 2010.

  1. viegas703

    viegas703 Top Dog

    I couldnt think of a title so bare with me. But any of you got some dogs that just know somethings up with someone? or if a person means trouble your dog knows before you? My dog for example likes people and kids equally, you can pet him and play with him all you want. But sometimes theres just a person hes not cool with, instead of letting them pet him he just sits there and checks you out for a while, maybe bark at you to get away. Theres some SPECIFIC people my dog just doesnt like, even people hes been around many times. It tends to be people who are very loud and obnoxious or people with really bad attitudes, he just doesnt care for them. Any people got dogs like this? that just dont take to certain people.
  2. DirtyD

    DirtyD Top Dog

    My dog has a problem with guys, not every guy just every now and then he isnt happy about the dude that is talking to me. He used to just give a woof and run away now he stands there and barks at them till they back up. He wont bite he just barks.
  3. ShakaZ

    ShakaZ CH Dog

    Maybe he's jealous dd.
  4. DirtyD

    DirtyD Top Dog

    LOL maybe, early to tell this is a new development
  5. ShakaZ

    ShakaZ CH Dog

    Maybe I should talk to you and see how he acts. ;)
  6. DirtyD

    DirtyD Top Dog

    you gotta move to MI first :rolleyes:
  7. DirtyD

    DirtyD Top Dog

    cant promise my dog is going to like you though LOL
  8. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    i'll bring him a scooby snack;)
  9. DirtyD

    DirtyD Top Dog

    give him one of them cheap ass milk bones and he will love you forever LOL true story! :dogkiss:
  10. Zeuceone

    Zeuceone Pup

    Human grade bully sticks will do
  11. PurePit19

    PurePit19 CH Dog

    Yea, my dog Onyx is like that, loves mostly everyone but every few people he meets, he wants them gone! I love him for that, he's the most loyal dog I've ever owned! My partner has a bitch that is super too, gets lose and takes random strolls around the neighborhood. Loves kids but hates shady type dudes. I love smart dogs!!:D
  12. viegas703

    viegas703 Top Dog

    Yeah and my dog aint gender specific neither, hes just picky as to who he will take to, and the people he dislikes are almost always people that I myself find shady, or just flat out annoying.
  13. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    yeup my girl is not aggressive towards people but if someone looks suspicious or is walking oddly or just gives me a sense of danger or not to sure I think zoey picks that up immediately she will bark and if she doesn't bark she gives that stare that I recognize as not to happy to see you type of stare don't come any closer. Especially when we are out at night or when we take walks at night she is highly alert and will not tolerate anyone to come near us it's crazy how different the day and night setting plays a role which makes it better if a creepy guy is walking around at night. Most loyal girl I could ever ask for hands down ;)
  14. viegas703

    viegas703 Top Dog

    I can relate to the night thing. My dog at 9 months is a confident dog, but theres just those people who he wont be down with. Hes almost thrown me off my bike a couple times at night while trying to lunge at people acting a fool in the night.
  15. I had one who didnt like my mother n laws boyfriend.
  16. viegas703

    viegas703 Top Dog

    I feel like so many people get caught up with the whole "manbiters are not accepted" deal. While i agree a straight up manbiter is a pathetic creature, a Smart Bulldog who knows how to analyze situations and will be there for you is a superior animal. If im gonna be there for my boy id expect him to be there for me, just like you would a good friend.
  17. shake

    shake Banned

    Good talk 703
  18. viegas703

    viegas703 Top Dog

    thanks, my man
  19. shake

    shake Banned

    Smartes't breed 2 me . But if you have 1 manbiter don't kill:)
  20. Dogs r not stupid they can pick on things befo the situation arises.

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