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Wallace Bloodline

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by Mudville_Monsta, Jan 14, 2005.


    ANCHOR Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2009
  2. Mr.Mixon

    Mr.Mixon Pup

    You own a female named "Trip" correct? She is Redboy/Sorrell? How is she, what is she like?

    ANCHOR Guest

    Mr. Mixon, if i gave you but one word, would you know were i was comming from? instead, ill give you a few;
    very smart intelligent bitch, adgile and very quick, well balanced, wind like people dream of, strong and the will to succeed.;)

    now on a more serious note, she is a good natured loving pet.
    i think Mr.Mixon on my first few post here, you may have taken me the wrong way, also the way i word things proberbly contributed to that, for that i appolagize, i just see so much crap these days and ive been bought up with the old ways, sometimes you cant teach an old dog new tricks ay.

    thanx, D'S...
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 5, 2009
  4. Mr.Mixon

    Mr.Mixon Pup

    Yeah I do understand that "one" word, and it was what the this breed the American "PIT" Bull Terrier was founded on. ;)

    No need to apologize for anything. We are dogmen and have a passion within us which brings us to the breed in the first place. And I like you was brought up the old way. I was born to a man whom kept this breed and had a firery passion for the dogs, I in turn inherited that.

    Trip sounds like an Amazing dog.

    Stay Old School,

    Mr. MIXON
  5. Syxx

    Syxx Pup

    Not sure if it's you looking for a wallace dog. But either way check out anchorchainkennels. They claim to have wallace/hemphill dogs. I have one and from looks to being game fast and just great dogs is extremely present. They are ridiculously aware and very smart. I've had 3 red noses and have dealt with APBT all my life and I'm 47. And this is the smartest dog I've ever had. He's 9 months old currently. If you or anyone wants pics no problem. If you go to his website they have testimonials. They will sound similar to what I've said. And when you get yours you'll see what I mean if you want one. They are in Illinois. They come dual registered from ADBA and UKC ( purple ribbon ) which means you can trace there blood back 7 generations. Which is a good start for me I like to do my home work on the ancestors. But eitherway if you or anybody is looking for one of these dogs that's a good place to look. He breeds about once a year. The man doesn't need the money. He's doing it because he actually knows his stuff and loves the breed and the history. You can literally go to his home and pick him/her up. If you want tell him the owner of koba sent you. He should still remember me it was only 9 months ago. And with the amount of questions I had for him. I know he will remember me lol
  6. Yeah, you can usually tell the OP has just read a Stratton book, now where are those pure Tudor's Black Jack dogs.......

    I can't see the obsession with dogs that will have no impact in today's dogs, how about occupy your mind with dogs in the last 3 generations, it might get you somewhere.

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