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What's your opinion about nuttering ?

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by koening, Mar 9, 2007.

  1. simms

    simms CH Dog

    Spaying or nuetering has little to do with an animal becoming obeese or lazy....chances are they were on thier way to that physical state to begin with. It's All owner neglagence....killing them with kindness, not enough tough love.
  2. CynthiaATL

    CynthiaATL Guest

    I completely agree. And 9 times out of 10 it is the owners fault that thier animal is over weight. And ther are a few cases that it is not and that is due to medical conditions ie.... thyroid
  3. chloesredboy

    chloesredboy CH Dog

    that dog is gorgeous,i love the contrast between his/her colors.
  4. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    I think so too!
  5. CrazyK9

    CrazyK9 Top Dog

    Um, did anyone read what Texas posted?! That's your proof right there about the procedure's effect on a pet's health. I'm sure there are factors unaccounted for that affect the results but overall the outcome is pretty clear.

    I had never really thought about it until now, but my dog was spayed before she was 1 year. She has a chronic vaginal infection that just won't clear up, despite having her on anti-biotics and applying external ointments. This has caused her to have a fever very often so now she isn't UTD on shots.

    My thoughts are we need to find a safer/healthier way of controling the over-population problem.
    For now, I am in no way saying that people shouldn't spay and neuter! Like I said before, most people can't handle the responsibility of keeping their pets from reproducing.
  6. Verderben

    Verderben CH Dog

    Maybe you should do some research other than the AR bullshit before you call someone a liar:


  7. chloesredboy

    chloesredboy CH Dog

    most of those kind of problems develop from doing it too early and until they make it a law that you have to pass inteligence tests and get a license to own a pet spay/neuter is the saffest most effective way to control the problem.
  8. CrazyK9

    CrazyK9 Top Dog

  9. chloesredboy

    chloesredboy CH Dog

    ok liar is wrong but maybe you should do some reasearch before yous tart putting theories up as facts,all those studies are just that, studies!they dont prove shit.and unless you are a licensed proffessional you shouldnt really be advising people on healthcare.
  10. Verderben

    Verderben CH Dog

    I agree with ya on that
  11. Verderben

    Verderben CH Dog

    How do you get info without doing studies? The studies do prove ALOT. And I never gave anyone healthcare advise I stated my opinion and what I have read on numerous other sites besides those two. Maybe you should take your OWN advice about not giving healthcare advice.
  12. chloesredboy

    chloesredboy CH Dog

    Aso ANY medical procedure can have drawbacks/side effects.Dogs migh be allergic to something in a vaccine ,should we suggest everyone stop vaccinating their pets?
  13. Verderben

    Verderben CH Dog

    That is a whole other topic but It has been found vaccines are more harmful than helpfull. I have to run somewhere but will be back in about an hour
  14. chloesredboy

    chloesredboy CH Dog

    actually ,i went to school for three years and earned a license so that i can give medical advice about animals.And im not looking down on anyone for not neutering thats your decision,I just for the life of me cant understand why you would try to discourage someone else from doing it.
  15. chloesredboy

    chloesredboy CH Dog

    whatever, youre completly right.
  16. simms

    simms CH Dog

    I read it....Spaying and nuetering is the most effective way to help control the pet population outside of culling.
  17. CynthiaATL

    CynthiaATL Guest

    Thank you. He is my heart. I love Mike but Scrappy is my baby! And I did neuter him at 1 yr old. I wanted to wait till he matured a little. But it in no way slowed him down. He is not overweight or lazy. Shoot I would have loved for it to have calmed him down a little.

    Yes I do believe there can be complications during surgery. Last week at work a 12wk old APBT Puppy died on the table waking up from anesthesia. She died! But we were able to revive her Epi to the heart and all. It was So scary! But that was after an elective surgery. Ear Cropping. And her labwork was normal. We did an ultrasound of her heart and it was normal. So complications can occcur in a healthy pet during and waking up from anesthesia.

    But I still do believe in spay/neutering animals and pets that you are either not breeding or showing. But hey that is JMO. But when you have worked at the Human Society and see perfectly healthy animals being PTS. Or you have worked in a Animal Hospital and see Mammory cancer, pyrometra, testicular cancer and so forth. And alot of people do not treat cancer. And with pyrometra it can cost into the thousands to spay and treat it. When it would have only cost around $150 if done under normal cirumstances.

    Also spaying a dog before her first heat is the best way to significantly reduce the chance your dog will develop breast cancer. The risk of malignant mammary tumors in dogs spayed prior to their first heat is 0.05%. It is 8% for dog spayed after one heat, and 26% in dogs spayed after their second heat.

    No Testicular Tumors. There are several different tumor types, both benign and malignant, that grow within the testicles. As with most cancers, these usually are not noted until the animal reaches 5 or more years of age. Therefore, these would not be a problem in those individuals neutered at the recommended age.

    Fewer Perianal Tumors. There are tumors whose growth is stimulated by testosterone. These occur near the anus and are called perianal adenomas (benign) or perianal adenocarcinomas (malignant). These usually do not occur until the dog is at least 7 years old. They have to be surgicaly removed and need to be caught early to prevent it comming back. It is very rare in those animals neutered at 7 to 8 months old.
    Fewer Prostate Problems. The most common medical problems eliminated in dogs neutered at an early age are those involving the prostate. Over 80% of all unneutered male dogs develop prostate disease. Prostate conditions such as benign enlargement, cysts, and infection are all related to the presence of testosterone.

    So I do believe that the benefits out weigh the risks. But again thats JMO.

    I agree that over vaccinating animals can cause problems. That is why most Veterinarians and Veterinary Colleges are going to the 3 yr DA2PPV. But again IMO after seing numerous cases of Parvo and a outbreak of distemper at the humane society I worked at. Vaccines do also have thier advantages as well.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2007
  18. Personal preferance Miakoda...and ive had 6 dogs that got clipped.So id say i know a little more than the average joe on the subject.If you would have read my post and seen that i stated GSD's as well as labs that would have been 2 different breeds.So either you cant count or you just dont read entire posts.

    As far as your dogs having a "prettier ped" than mine, and still had them clipped good job man, hope it was worth it, and once again ill say it...... TO EACH THEIR OWN!
  19. Attila

    Attila Guest

    As easy as it is to keep my bitches in heat up, Lower vet bills isn't worth the hassle. A service call cost me the same here. I can't obviously hall all my animals into a vet so the vet comes here. There isn't a license for dogs where I live. in the city yes out here no. But even that wouldn't be of enough money saved for me to care. A vet once told me that spay/neuter reduces the chance of reproductive organ cancer.
    No shit. If you don't have them you can't have cancer in them. But it wasn't eleminates the chance of cancer in those area's it was significantly reduces. Therefore there is a chance that they may get cancer in those regions. Only thing I ever seen out of it was another fat dog. That was still as aggressive as it once was, still will roam, still will hump, bark all day and so on as it was before. If you do it young enough you can have a squatting male. Oh Joy! In all my years I have never had a unplanned litter. No accedental breedings. It isn't hard to prevent. Watch your dogs, put the bitch up when she is in heat. It isn't that dang hard. If a person is too stupid or lazy to do this then they don't need pets but for sure don't need unfixed pets.
  20. koening

    koening Top Dog

    thanks for all the asnwers. :) i love this forum :) . i have not yet nutered my dog, because i konw i can handle him, and i can make sure he will not mate with any female. although, i wanted to know the posititv and negative things that happen after a procedure like that. i was thinking of nutering him because of the laws in my country, but i'm glad i don't have to do this now because i keep him as a guard dog on a private property. althougt, i'm really glad i know now that nuttering at the right age doesn't cause any mental or physical problems, and will not change his behavior. thanks again !

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