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ADBA now registering other breeds!!!

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Miss Conduct, Oct 24, 2006.

  1. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    I finally cracked and sent in my first reg. papers with my name on them a few days ago. Boy do I regret that! Figured I'd at least hit up a show or two and see what the fuss is all about, from the sounds of it, I'm not sure it will even be a remnant of what they used to be. Too bad to, I was really liking the thought of it. First, and probably the last time I send any more of my money to have something printed on fancy paper, just to be able to have fun in the showring. :(
  2. NCPatchwork

    NCPatchwork CH Dog

    I've always liked the AADR over ADBA...Lord...IDK what to think? I guess they are just thinking, "Welp, since they are banning the breed, we have to make money somehow?"

    Honestly...The new registery I'm in is going to be great. APBA...American Pit Bull Alliance. www.americanpitbullalliance.com
    The website isn't amazing, but we are having our first sanctioned show on November 18. We need people to come out. Just a thought.
    May be a good registery since it looks as though many of you are pulling out of ABDA.
  3. jadedpitgirl

    jadedpitgirl Top Dog

    What's gonna happen the first time a "real" APBT is showing with another small terrier and grabs his ass up when his owner thinks he's just trying to play with the "big dog"? Or what happens when the other breed owners think that no dog is aggressive and doesn't respect the "real" APBT's space? Our dogs are gonna pay for this in the long run. I think I am done with them. My dogs will probably be spayed and nuetered and retired as house pets and companions. I am just so disgusted with them right now........
  4. jadedpitgirl

    jadedpitgirl Top Dog

    Statement from the ADBA:
    Question # 2. How will my dogs ADBA registration affect its registration with another registry?

    • This will be an additional or duel registration. One does not cancel out the other. For many years American Pit Bull Terrier breeders have had duel registered dogs that when bred, could register litters in both registries and enter show events with both registries. A duel registered dog is more marketable and adds value to the dog.
  5. Dirty3rd

    Dirty3rd Big Dog

    I can't say I saw it comin, but at the same time it does'nt surpise me. I never did see eye to eye with them anyway. I'll probably end up mainly A.A.D.R.. They have been known for taking their sweetass time but have improved dramatically in the past year. I do wonder what affect this will have on the breed in the future. Kinda feels like their giving up.
  6. Tiara

    Tiara Big Dog

    Yes, this is about money…money to fight BSL. While the ADBA is far from perfect, they have done more to fight BSL than any other registry. By registering other breeds, it gives them the opportunity to educate more people about the true issues behind BSL and brings in more money for the legal battles ahead. The ADBA has donated several thousand dollars to help combat BSL here in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:State w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Colorado</st1:place></st1:State>. Our lawyer is estimating that our federal lawsuit will cost $30,000+ and that’s only because the <st1:stockticker w:st="on">ACF</st1:stockticker> is doing most of the work and has the data necessary to win. The ADBA also assists the EBA financially, a portion goes to them from every dog registered and every dog shown.

    And yes, they are a business so to stay in business; they have to pay bills, employees, etc and need to make money, just like the rest of us.

    I will continue to support the ADBA, I enjoy the shows and the friends that we’ve met there. Just because they are adding more breeds doesn’t mean that they will be taking something away from us, we aren’t “losing” anything. The standard is staying the same, they are not going to turn the dogs into UKC type dogs. They will be allowing the other breeds to make their standard and conform to the ADBA show format. There are not going to be all breed shows. I’m sure that there will be some issues, but hopefully they will be resolved. The <st1:stockticker w:st="on">AKC</st1:stockticker>/UKC people I’ve spoken with said that our shows sound fun since there are more classes and trophies involved. If there ends up being an Colorado ADBA Rottweiler, <st1:place w:st="on">Labrador</st1:place>, etc Club, I’ll attend their shows.
    bahamutt99 likes this.


    Go here to these!!!


    The Registry


    Click on Tonky to view The Registry


    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2006
  8. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    The sad thing is they're not going to earn any money. In fact, they'll probably lose money. Few to any who have foo-foo dogs are going to use ADBA, as most already have established relationships w/ either AKC or CKC. So they're not going to bring in any large amount of money by going all-breed. And by going all-breed the ADBA is going to drive away some fanciers. Thus, all they'll end up doing is losing revenue.
  9. I am seriously dissapointed to hear this....Its undeniably about money...I mean lets be honest the ADBA is a profit buisness...Otherwise it wouldnt be around..I think we all know where the shows will end up because they wont be able to deny there new clients the show propostions and things to that nature...In short we are screwed...I am intrested in goin over to the aadr and tell me more of the american pit bull alliance i would love to come out and support you guys...Where will the show and pull be???
    Insane Kennels
  10. Verderben

    Verderben CH Dog

    Thank you.
  11. Tiara

    Tiara Big Dog

    They are not going to do all breed shows, if the new breeds want to, the ADBA will help them start their OWN clubs and HOST their OWN SHOWS. Our shows will not change.

    The ADBA is not changing to a UKC format, they are offering other breeds the option of going to the ADBA show format, which is a ONE breed show.
  12. cdpits

    cdpits Pup

    Crossposted with permission:

    Before anyone jumps to conclusions or imagines the worst will happen, please remember that the ADBA has spent A LOT of time, effort and money this year and in years past fighting breed specific legislation (bsl). They are fighting tooth and nail for you and all dog owners and are up against animal rights organizations that have over $100 million dollars. We need all dog owners to unite to prevent the systematic taking of our rights to own and breed any kind of dog we wish. How many of you are spending your time, effort and money fighting bsl? Not only in your city, county, state, but across the U.S. and Canada? If you are, then you know how serious the situation is and has been for the past few year. How has the AADR helped you keep your dogs? Not to bash the AADR, since I don't show or register my dogs with them, but look at the facts before you slam the ADBA. ALL dog breed organization make some money on their shows, but how many of those organizations donate money, time, effort and materials in the fight to protect our rights as animal owners?

    There are many dog owners who are not happy with the AKC, and to a lesser extent the UKC, for not doing enough to protect their rights. AKC is in bed with the HSUS and other AR orgs on the PAWS bill. I read about many dog owners of various breeds of dogs that want to join with an organization that will fight for them. The ADBA is providing the disenfranchised an outlet to help us all. Right now across the nation, we are facing a slew of AR driven animal laws: outright bans against certain "dangerous" breeds, mandatory spay/neuter for some or all breeds, anti-tethering, anti-earcropping, mandatory microchipping and more. We need everyone to chip in and fight and the ADBA is pledging $1 per pup and dog to this fight.

    I know that many of you are concerned that the essense of the real bulldog will fade away, but that's not happened yet and it is detrimental to us all to imagine a reality that hasn't happened yet. Sure, they will allow other breeds to hold their own shows, but that won't affect us for some time, and may never. I believe that the ADBA has made it crystal clear that they will not change their breed standard and decries other organizations that do so. They grew up with these dogs and I believe they will passionately protect them for as long as possible. Some of you may disagree with their methods, but if we get to keep our dogs, do you really want to abandon them? They've been around a long time and are the most prestigous National organization for our dogs. If you want to have a say so in future shows, stay with them and voice your opinion. If the day comes when our dogs are no longer allowed to show the essence of themselves in the show ring, then that's when I'll be concerned. Right now, it's business as usual.


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