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Another Reason

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by WWII, Nov 9, 2005.

  1. tommy3

    tommy3 CH Dog

    Big boi is on mtv right now with his dogs. Perfect timing.
  2. tommy3

    tommy3 CH Dog

    How do you know his dogs were malnurished? People will call these dogs underfed and neglected over nothing. If your dog has a couple of ribs showing, it is underfed. I have been accused of this myself. You know that people have their dogs taken away for no reason all of the time, just because of the breed. As for the fighting thing, DMX is a multimillionaire, I doubt that it is true. I doubt a famous actor/musician would put themselves at risk like that. Why risk his freedom over pocket change? It is just more rumors that you believe. Why are you automatically assuming this is true? Just because he is a rapper? DMX is known to have a crack/cocaine problem, so it is possible. But to believe this without seeing it for yourself is doing the same thing that everyone else is doing to the breed, condemning them because of rumors and propoganda.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2005
  3. tommy3

    tommy3 CH Dog

    I just got done watching the Big Boi episode on MTV. He did say that he has a kennel and has been breeding for 9 years. He stated that they sell from $1000 and up. Then he names some clients. Money isn't an issue but he may be doing it as a hobby or for recognition. Who knows?
  4. CB

    CB CH Dog

    Well pit fall kennels isnt Big Boi's kennel its his cousins kennel. And Mrs you think DMX is bad for facing off his dogs in a video but h/o didnt Big boi advertise puppies for sale on a Cd now thats what you call dumb.
  5. WWII

    WWII Banned

    Thought they were in it together?
  6. houstonapbt

    houstonapbt Top Dog

    Mrsdano, your comments are coming off real ignorant in this thread. Like T.T. said, worry about yourself. Think about it, lets say Terrible Texas told me that you smoked crack and didn't feed your dogs...I'd believe it, and spread it around...now you're the well known crackhead that forgets about her dogs. See how shit can get messy? All my dogs' show a lil bit of rib, not because they're unhealthy or underfed, because they are healthy and eat right. And that "thug and gang banger" bullshit was just stupid...NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER.
    1 person likes this.
  7. tommy3

    tommy3 CH Dog

    Isn't that the truth. All of my preppy white friends are worse than my black friends with gold teeth and dreads. (The white boys I know wear gold teeth sometimes too though but you wouldn't ever know it unless you seen it.) They look like real good guys but they can't stay out of prison. I guess that is part of being from Atlanta? Anyways, yeah, what houston said.
    rocksteady likes this.
  8. good post HoustonAPBT

  9. rocksteady

    rocksteady I'll drink to that..

    well said houston!
  10. lol preppies with gold fronts... lol man i wanna see that... something tells me abercrombie and bling just dont mix...
  11. tommy3

    tommy3 CH Dog

    Well, not abercrombie. Polo and yeah it is cheesy.
  12. TXGal

    TXGal Pup

    I am new to pits and had not seen alot of the game bred types as are on here. Most people in the houston area or here at Stephen F. Austin State University have dogs that look like bulldogs...American Bulldog height and English Bullgog width with Pit shaped heads. We have 2 pit pups right now and one is registered ADBA and hopefully UKC when he is older, and one that was a rescue so we don't know about him. Jesse(mine) looks like he would be the more gamey dog, but the breeder says he should weigh about 80 lbs...I don't see that happening...most of their dogs looked to be about 40 -50 at most, they did have one that looked bigger, but was of no relation to mine. Colt the other pup we have looks like he may be the short stocky kind. They are a month apart with Jesse being older. I went to PitFall Kennels site and yeah the dogs look tuff!! and may be what some people want, but personally I like the gamey look...if that makes sense. The females on the site look more like these kind of dogs...well some of them...there were a lot that looked like tall English Bulldogs. Breeding for the big monster-out of standard-dogs is bad. I get that, but what about breeding for Merles. The ADBA mentioned health concerns and such about it, but I still see people doing it and I haven't seen much about it on the site, but maybe I haven't been here long enough and looked for it yet.
  13. Marty

    Marty Guest

  14. TXGal

    TXGal Pup

    Thanks for the info Marty. After I posted that I went looking and found it, then came back here and found this!! Thanks for the help
    Y'all really are more helpful and nice to a newbie like me than any other site!
  15. WWII

    WWII Banned

    Oh man...this movie was on not too long ago on cable. I caught about 20mins of it before I looked for something better. First off, the production was horrible. The picture sucked and the acting wasn't much better. One thing I laughed at before turning it over was a scene in which they were weighing in the dogs. One dog came in at like 50lbs. The other was like 65lbs. Then they went ahead and matched them. What's even the point in weighing them in? I'm sure you'll be able to tell if a dog was 15lbs heavier than another dog.
  16. Winston

    Winston Pup

    I seen that movie for rent at the movie gallery....i'll not waste my money on it though.
  17. PitBull_30

    PitBull_30 Top Dog

  18. chloesredboy

    chloesredboy CH Dog

    i hate to say this as a dog lover but those are some ugly ass dogs they look way to much like bulldogs for a pits they look deformed.
  19. kensloft

    kensloft Big Dog

    It looks like a small mastiff on steroids and the only thing affected is the head.

    NGDOGMAN Big Dog

    Believe me it is all about the money $$$. I have talked with them and others that know their dog business and it is all about the $$$. Supply and demand. Sucks but...as long as there is a buck to be made someone will take advantage.

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