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anybody have a good way to set up their dog room

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by wisconsingame, Nov 30, 2009.

  1. wisconsingame

    wisconsingame Big Dog

    yea i know about cali anti tether laws i use to live in S.D. a year ago And almost two now
  2. absolute peril

    absolute peril Big Dog

    I use these for inside my house.


    (Photo is not by me I got it off the website I bought the kennels from)
    They are good for pups and when bitches are birthing also good for bad storms or simply when I want the dogs inside. Of course I have more then one so my DA dogs aren't together. Also, i wouldnt keep em down there all winter put them out in fairly nice weather and bring em in at night or so cause the AC can get ya for that too. I feel your pain I had many AC problems for a while and I only have four APBTs.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2009
  3. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    $110 for tellin off a cop? dude you need to leave that communistic state, that the 5th ammendment, the freedom of speech. that was your constituional right to express your feelings!
    lol a cop once asked me where i lived when he came to my house on a call (i kno what a dumb ass!), so i gave him a stupid answer to his stupid question, which was "his old lady's house on the low!":cool:, and then asked him if he was f-ckin his partner cuz he got mad that i was gettin loud with him! you could tell dude wanted to bust that nightstick right across my head! but they had no probable cause to search the house or cuff me up cuz it was only a noise complaint!! they were PISSED! lol i luv it!!:D
  4. wisconsingame

    wisconsingame Big Dog

    WAR DOG that is how if feel to. But my spare bedroom isnt big enough For me to do it and i asked them if i rotate them if they would be happy about that and they said no on less i was doing it during the day and i am not home.
  5. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    i feel like theyre ultimately trying to to get you to get rid of your dogs by making things almost virtually impossible for you!

  6. wisconsingame

    wisconsingame Big Dog

    they wont be in the basement 24/7 just when i m at work at night i would put them back out side i feel the winter toughs them up
  7. wisconsingame

    wisconsingame Big Dog

    thank u all again be back later
  8. Zoe

    Zoe CH Dog

    I was just thinking about this concept the other day... with all the tether ban crap, and witch hunt on with the breed, my guess is alot of other people with multiple APBT's are going to find them stuck in crates/kennels in basements instead of enjoying the fresh air. So rediculous that people actually think that locking a dog inside all day, is an IMPROVEMENT. :rolleyes:
  9. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    not if you live in CA. zoe! c'mon everybody needs to migrate to the westcoast!!!!!
  10. csotelo9388

    csotelo9388 Big Dog

    theres a house out here in el paso thats just like that with a huge room out back without a roof.if i remember correctly it had 5 large kennels,but only had 3 rotties in there.im a highvoltage line n i was in a bucket truck workn on the power lines,that how i was able to c the kennels n dogs.
  11. Old Timer

    Old Timer CH Dog

    What I would do is ask what local and state laws they have that will force you to bring your dog in, Most laws only state that they need to have safe and comfortable housing year round. I would ask them to bring me in writing the laws that they are citing and then I would walk out with them to the back and say something along the lines of now I want you to show me where I am in violation of said law(s) and I will have it corrected for you immediately if you can show me where this violates the law(s).

    Then if they can not show you a law or where you are in violation of said law(s) then I would simply tell them that since you are a law abiding citizen and believe in individual freedoms with in the scope of the law and that they found no violations of any laws to please cease and desist from their harassment of you and to please not visit your property anymore unless they have more than just hear say on any violations. And tell them that since they are a city agency that failure to follow any rules and regulations of the city when it comes to equality and harassment will result in a suit being filed by a lawyer against the individuals, The agency they work for and the city it's self.

    Remember that they have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt any wrong doing before they make make any "reasonable" requests such as this one.

    And remember if they can get you to roll over on one thing they will come back and will be a lot worse the next time, This is the testing phase right now to see how you handle yourself and if you will be a push over.
  12. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    nicely put old timer! very wise, very wise indeed!

  13. wisconsingame

    wisconsingame Big Dog

    THANK U OLDTIME AND LACED WIT u guy made me think i Decide not to bring my dogs inside. They r better outside. I will bring riot inside bc i am over by one dog. Cant wait for 4 my garage to get done then no one will be able to see my dogs bc i am making there kennels out of sinder block 8 ft tall. half of there kennels will be inside the garage. i just havent Deside if if the outside part is going to be roof half or not at all . fuck the A.C. , H.S. And the Sheriff
  14. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    thats the spirit! lol
  15. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    I house my dogs inside all year long, I have a kennel and 4 chain set-ups. I use the heavy duty screws with the O-ring attached to it and drill em into the rafters. I use the same set up you'd use outside, just minus the axles in the ground, I hang my set ups from up above so no damage to the ground and no noise from dragging the chain, it also seems to take the dogs leverage away from them when they hit the end of the chain, they have the same area they would have being outside, just safe in the house,(except for Mia, she has free run of the joint, but she has her spot down there too for when she comes into heat or is whelping pups).. They have dog house (crates), there food & water, but it's climate controlled and you don't have to worry about them getting loose and hit by a car, in an attercation off your property or anything else like that, if they get off, they're still locked in the basement not going anywherez. I feel it's the best way to house them for me, Then I don't have to spend time wondering what the fu*k there getting in too...lol...;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2009
  16. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    do they ever get sunlight?

  17. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    I started to do this because I have always used the crate and rotate method but I work alot and if givin the choice of being in a small ass crate all day long or on a 10' circle, I'd probally want the leg room and go with door number 2:D I have been doing it for some time now and it works great for me.
  18. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    My basement is pretty well lit, plus there only down there when we're not here, I have, for years, successfully housed mutiple dogs inside together, with very rare instances of fights (but occassionally it does happen, usually regarding food) and we rotate them pretty often, but as long as we eliminate any compitition items like toys and food, there usually pretty tolerant of each other. All of them with fire up pshycopathicly when the see other dogs, they just don't act that way to each other (well most times anyways)
  19. crushbones

    crushbones CH Dog

    down to here in the south u dont have to worry about that (atleast in my city) never have to worry about nobody knocking on my door and if u do it cause u got about 20+ dogs on ur yard...
  20. PurePit19

    PurePit19 CH Dog

    If you put them in the basement at night just to sleep is fine, but dogs need sunlight.

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