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anybody have a good way to set up their dog room

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by wisconsingame, Nov 30, 2009.

  1. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    really? to my understanding the south was SUPER HOTT these days!
  2. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Right, I'm not saying keep your dogs in the basement 24/7, obviously you need to do things with them, but for the times you would be crating them, the basement set up works great for me............ I'm like the friggin dog whisperer bro....lmao, I got gamebred hounds that co-exist with not only each other, but a Fu*kin cat as well..Yet all of them want nothng more than to get at a dog when they see one and not like they view each other. we got a whole hierarchy thing going on here.....lol, anyways the cats still alive and it's been over 2 years so I think what I do works pretty well.
  3. crushbones

    crushbones CH Dog

    uhhhh...ur right but u didnt look @ my post fully!...i said (ATLEAST IN MY CITY!!!!)
  4. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Koda makes me a bit nervous with the cat sometimes but the others are cool with her....lol
  5. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    oh i guess i missed that lol
  6. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    my currs killed my cat! lol
  7. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Well I don't really like cats soooo:rolleyes:,....lol..... my girl is a cat freak , I perfer my animals with a bit of loyalty myself. so I wouldn't miss her......lol my g/f would go balistic......I try to keep on her mind that it's always a posibility as is a dog fight out of no where, so we just take the appropriate actions to avoid things that trigger that response in them (towards each other anyways)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2009
  8. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    same here, only it was really HER cat the got! lol i dont like the bastards either, although ill admit that one did grow on me!
  9. Zoe

    Zoe CH Dog

    I am on the west coast silly! :p Just a little more northern. lol Luckily, my city has NO tether laws, although I'm sure that can change overnight. :rolleyes: I just worry so much for everyone with larger yards, and the damn witch hunt that is going on... and I doubt we've seen the last of it. :mad:
  10. Zoe

    Zoe CH Dog

    I was so looking for a place with a basement so we could do something similar for when we go for hospital stays with my daughter. No luck though. :( I have five here I crate and rotate, but we also have an outside kennel, as well as two chain spots. I live in a shitty neighbourhood though so they are only outside if I'm home as I'm too paranoid they'd wind up for sale to feed some crack heads habit. :rolleyes: I also have a separate ''cat room'' as I've often had dogs here that are cat killers. The cats are even crate trained so we do that for shorter stints instead of the cat room! lol
  11. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    do people really be stealin dogs like that? ive never heard of that shit out here!

    =^^=GYPSYKITTIN Big Dog

    Oh yes they do get stolen regularly!!!!!! especially in Cali!!!!!:mad:
  13. wisconsingame

    wisconsingame Big Dog

    thanks AGK 4 the idea but the only problem is i work from 6am to 6pm my dogs would be inside all day then. if i can get them to let them stay outside during the day i would bring them inside at night. But if they dont give some i wont give at all. so fuck them
  14. NOTK

    NOTK Banned

    Cali a good place for dogs??? hehe you gotta be kidding me.
  15. Buck E. Owens

    Buck E. Owens Banned

    I asume you have them outside for simply its easier to care and clean after them out of a pen. Smell reasons and the fact fresh air is better for them. Unless you have more dogs than aloud, and they are under fed or aperantly not fed or watered they can't really do shit. And keep the yard clean clean cause they will be back the c*cksuckers:mad:

    I have a larger yard set up and i couldn't imagine setting it up in the house!
    but to each there own too:rolleyes:
  16. Old Timer

    Old Timer CH Dog

    Very true on the fresh air statement, But not only do they need that but they need the vitamin they get from the sunlight.
  17. Robber

    Robber Big Dog

    I think you are referring to D3, which is used to bind calcium from the bowel to be absorbed by the body - particularly important for pups.
  18. wisconsingame

    wisconsingame Big Dog

    So the A.C. just left my house. There Superviser was Very pleased by my yard setup and said he feels that it is fine that i keep my dogs outside as longs as they have dog house and water out for them. the only Request He had is if i could bring my dogs in if it get below zero for along Period of time. Thats no problem i bring them in when it gets that cold anyways.
  19. FrankDublin

    FrankDublin CH Dog

    sounds like every thing worked out for you then hugh bro :)
  20. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    I expect my return visit this thursday or monday:mad:

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