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APBT x Fila Brasileiro Experiences

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by NewSchoolDogMan, Sep 10, 2010.

  1. NewSchoolDogMan

    NewSchoolDogMan Top Dog

    The more and more research I'm doing on the apbt/fila bandogs, the more I like about them. While their stature is much smaller than most other bandogs, since they incorporate larger breeds of dogs such as neapolitans, english, etc., they also tend to be very independant, a trait of the fila, but also very warm towards humans that have been accepted by the owner, the human friendly demeanor comes from the apbt. Here is a youtube video that I found on a working dog forum. The dog is called "Atilla" and is a CAFIB Fila crossed with a gamebred apbt. He is 22 inches at the withers and 95 lbs. He looks very impressive.

  2. Dogman#1

    Dogman#1 Big Dog

    Boss, i am warning you, you are messing with fire there... you have no idea when that fila personality will come out and when it does it will be fire...some bandogs are O.K, this is not one of them. You are crossing 2 completly diff. mentalities and they do not mesh well at all. You dont know what your going to get and whatever it is will always be untrustworthy because if you get the pit mentality then there goes the protection, if you get the fila, well there go your friends arms...you will get somewhere in the middle and each will come out when you least expect it...dont do it, you will be disapointed with the outcome, too unpredictable, too unstable. Come see what a real fila is in person you wont want anything to do with it I promise this breed is not for everyone. I know you have seen some CBKC dogs I have never seen a 110lb cafib male (EVER) although it is to standard. come see a real CAFIB dog in person and see what it is about...BTW I dont even consider my filas to have that "spleen eater" temp but their normal temp is way too much for the normal person. dont be confused by the imitations out there a real CAFIB Fila is no joke and def should be respected...bulldog men that have seen her in person now know the real deal and dont talk crap about filas any longer one even owned a CBKC bitch b4..completly diff animals.
  3. My mates dog was bought here in UK no idea its bloodlines, whether it was built to protect or show or something else but its 100% Brazilian Mastiff and that cant be argued with but as for its history and the rest then my guess is as good as anyones it may well have been bred soft compared to the real filas as everything ive heard bout them is nuts.
  4. TheIII

    TheIII Big Dog

    Good WORKING filas are bred to have a natural hatred for strangers and good breeders take pride in this they will kill and don't do well at bite work because they are bred to be independent making it hard for them to be called off they attempt to find better ways to bring down the target basically saying fuck your sleeve and going for the face. Now I have never met one and read all this shit off some write up. BUT it basically sounds like a APBT that wants to bring down a man like a game dog wants to bring down another dog. From the sounds of it would want to hit everything that was not it's family.

    CCDINO Pup

    The few filas I've seen here were show lines and they are junk!!!very HA and DA.a lot were even handler agressive.just saw a fila break loose from its kennel and tear up a little dog at the local ARBA show...but a friend of mine had some back in Brazil and he said there completely different from the american lines...just gotta becareful do your research on the breeder if concidering
  6. Dogman#1

    Dogman#1 Big Dog

    Cut N Paste, It is hard to explain but you can have papers w/4-5 generations, champion whatevers and straight from Brazil and not have a real Fila so yea it can be argued in great detail. How many people have you met that swear up and down that they got a real APBT from game lines w/ all the papers to "prove it" but any real bulldog man can see that it is not a bulldog at all...100s? 1000s? Paper hanging is nuts with Filas and I can register a bulldog or even a freaking tic tac as a fila with CBKC but it doesnt make it a real fila. the paperwork is only as good as the person providing it and 75% of the time it is garbage.
    The III, you are right, some decoys refuse to work with them because of that. Most like to use the sleeve as a launching pad for the face, they have a natural 180 attack style always going for the face. A Fila that is thought to have been attack trained is disqualified immediately and will never receive a CAFIB approval.
    CCDINO, HA yes, they are suppose to be, DA is not very common at all. Unfortunately the Filas being bred here are the crapiest of the crap! Most are mixed with English mastiffs, Neapolitan Mastiffs or Great Danes....This is why dealing with only CAFIB filas is important. CAFIB is all about keeping the breed pure to include their confirmation and of course their unique temp. I remember hearing of a woman handling a fila at a CAFIB show and her dog started "eyeing her"...the dog was put down within seconds with a borrowed revolver. CAFIB people do not "settle" for almost right, it either is or isnt period.
  7. Dogman#1

    Dogman#1 Big Dog

    100% CAFIB Fila Brasileiro... looks dopey I know but it is like Jekyll and Hyde, dont be fooled by the dopey look, lol.

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  8. I do not understand it so well in other races, especially in Filas . But I know are very dangerous and I know of two cases where the owners had them to sleep .
    When a dog attack owner , hmm .. man .. especially such a strong and a huge dog , I were in your place would not have thought any of Fila , let alone on the cross with a Pit Bulls .
    Because you can never know what characteristics the owner raised a certain line .

    Whether you can imagine a combination of totally dangerous Fila , which will attack the owners , breeding with sick in brain and dead gejm pit bull and which will never to give up , who wants to attack people .
    I can not . Too risky and that the thought of such combinations . I also love good and dangerous dogs guardians . But this combination you mentioned .. thanks , no thanks .
  9. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    Is the breed suposed to be so swayback? It seems the breed would be more athletic with a stronger top line.
  10. Dogman#1

    Dogman#1 Big Dog

    Bulldog Master, Agree with you 100%
    RedGoodbye, Actually no. The higher rear and their loose joints allows for quicker/tighter turns while on full sprint, it is one of the breeds characteristics. These dogs are extremely agile for their size, you would be in awe to see how fast this thing really moves, scary as hell. The other thing that makes them look weird is their camel gait...they dont walk like other dogs, very big cat like. They actually move the legs from one side of their body simultaneously in the same direction. here, the vid is grainy but you could see what I mean, this is actually one of my bitches a few years back on her first ever temperament test. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QA-TpLrMBd8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QA-TpLrMBd8[/ame] ... remember completely "green" for you sport dog guys.
  11. Sampson1

    Sampson1 CH Dog

    Idk I just dont really know if I can see myself paying between 12 and 15 hundred dollars for a giant ass man eater.. for one I dont think I could trust it with the children in my fam. second thats to much dog to have to feed and maintain. Ill just go out and by a working malinios that has an off switch.
  12. Dogman#1

    Dogman#1 Big Dog

    you are worried about 1200-1500USD when a decent mal cant be had under 2 Gs and the training will easily double that...way more expensive than a Fila. The only people that have to worry is people that dont live in your home or that dont come over VERY often. Filas are not know to attacking their family at all. The proverb for themm in Brazil is "faithful as a Fila" not "eat your kids like a Fila", lol.
  13. Patch O' Pits

    Patch O' Pits CH Dog

    I personally don't like that mix; I think it is just asking for issues... Our breed is in enough trouble and should not be bred to any type of guardian breed period in my opinion. There are enough established breeds out there that to me people should be able to already find what they desire without mixing more breeds...
  14. venom

    venom Top Dog

    I'd take a fila if it was offered. No crosses though, I'd just want the real deal.
  15. Dogman#1

    Dogman#1 Big Dog

    PatchOpits and Venom, I agree 100%. generations upon generations perfected certain breeds and someone thinks they can do one better by crossing it w/ another...nope. Stick to the original it will serve its purpose and wont leave you wanting.
  16. Dogman#1

    Dogman#1 Big Dog

    when I would run her...5 miles 2Xs a week..yea they can do that.

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