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!!Attention All Pet Owners!!

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by >BLAZE<, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. >BLAZE<

    >BLAZE< Big Dog


    Looks like a lobbyist group in Congress is trying to get one "under the wire" while we're all distracted with Economy and War.

    There is a Bill in congress basically trying to get rid of MOST pets NOT native to United States...

    This includes:
    virtually all reptiles
    virtually all birds
    hamsters gerbils, guinea pigs and ferrets
    virtually all fish- tropical/salt water fish

    If you think because you don't own any pets, or you only have a dog and this doesn't affect you, you are out of your mind... PETA and other people don't want you to have ANY pets... they start with the smaller markets and slowly ban other items... like bull breeds etc. etc. etc....

    also check out http://www.pijac.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=1

    Please email your congressman and tell them how stupid this is... not to mention all the business's that would go out of business and a violation of your rights.


    Join PIJAC in opposing HR 669

    Anyone with pet fish, birds, reptiles, or small mammals will be affected by this bill. Any company selling product or services for pet fish, birds, reptiles or small mammals will be affected by this bill. Would you be impacted by “The Nonnative Wildlife Invasion Prevention Act”?
    • Virtually all fish in an aquarium are not native to the United States
    • Most pet birds are species not native to the US
    • Most reptiles kept as pets are not native to the US
    • Hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs and ferrets are not native to the US
    This bill would ban nonnative species not specifically approved by US Fish & Wildlife Service. AND, it does NOT only ban their importation, it also bans sales, transportation and breeding of these animals
    • If you own a bird or reptile, and your specialized veterinarian is located across the state line from your home, you would be prohibited from taking your pet to its veterinarian
    • If you own two fish and they have babies, you would be in violation of this law and your pets could be confiscated and destroyed
    • Don’t plan on moving to another state with your pet. Crossing state lines with your hamster, fish, bird, snake or other nonnative animal will be illegal
    ANY animal except dogs, cats and goldfish will need to go through a costly, extensive study to prove they will not cause harm AND be approved by the US Fish and Wildlife Service before they can be pets. The proposed congressional ban on “nonnative species” will affect hundreds of millions of animals currently kept as pets.
    PIJAC supports managing invasive species, but this bill is not the answer
    . Simply enhancing and improving existing laws and regulations would meet the goal of preventing/minimizing the introduction of potentially invasive species.
    Under HR669, ANY animal not native to the U.S. would have to be placed on an “Approved” list created by the Fish and Wildlife Service, which does not have the manpower or financial resources to do it
    . Nonnative species includes virtually every bird, reptile, fish, and small mammal commonly kept as pets. Until an animal is placed on the “Approved” list, you would be banned from adopting, purchasing, selling, transporting across state lines, or breeding these animals.

    Pet owners and the pet industry needs to be heard NOW
    • Contact members of the subcommittee – both in Washington, DC AND in their district offices. Let them know you don’t want them to ban your pets
    • Attend your representatives Town Hall meeting during the Congressional Spring Break (April 6-17) and ask them WHY THEY WANT TO TAKE AWAY YOUR PETS
    • Alert everyone you know and ask them to stand up and be counted.
    • Become a member of PIJAC and help us defeat this bill (www.pijac.org)
  2. JBlazeRx7

    JBlazeRx7 Top Dog

    :eek: Is this for real, I mean these ppl need to get some rump in the sack and stop being so freakin retarded! GET A LIFE PPL! SERIOUSLY!:cool:

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