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Backwoods raided

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by diva, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. Michele

    Michele CH Dog Super Moderator

    And we all know what dogfighting paraphernalia is, right? Treadmills, sticks, flirt poles, spring poles.
  2. Michele

    Michele CH Dog Super Moderator

    And what does this post have to do with the thread? Nothing.
  3. RedNozeChamp

    RedNozeChamp Big Dog

    I didnt know nothing about that GH i assume Floyds charges were dropped after his dogs were killed. Im just saying the way its suppose to work. And he never got paid! That dont make sence he may have got a settlement and not said anything about it. Still wouldnt make it right.

    But about this thread, why should i back these people this kennel up and support them when this is the type of shit that is going to make it harder for me to fight BSL? Without judging them personally just looking at it from what ive read they f***ed up. That dope life is what destroys households and good families. Im not sure how many of you might identify well with them because you yourself dabbles with dope and keeps paraphernilia somewhere in your house along with a good rifle and maybe a pistol. Im just saying im trying to represent the breed better than that, and this story made me feel like this is why thier fucking with us. Whos next Caragen kennels?


    Listen Man, Shut the phuk up... have you ever read a news or police report when someone was charged or arrested and the report made them seem innocent... You are a phuckin fool... You've been BANNED
  5. RedNozeChamp

    RedNozeChamp Big Dog

    LoL you forgot to take your meds. Why the hell you get so madd?!
  6. gh32

    gh32 CH Dog

    They dropped the charges on Floyd but not one of them dogs have ever been brought back.A life's work down the drain.Not to mention the stress it had to put on an old man that's not a danger to anybody.Stress like that on an old man could've killed him.I do not condone the "dope life",Paraphenelia as I said could be anything,I'm sure I'm guilty as I(along with other dog owners)keep syringes.As far a having guns,I don't see a big deal with that.I love my guns:D As to why you and all other pitbull owners need to back these people,because it ain't right.It could be anyone of us getting arrested.Bulldog owners are getting harser sentences than child molesters anymore.What's right with that.
  7. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    you are seriously talking about fighting BSL, and on the same thread you mentioned matching dogs????? MORON!
  8. RedNozeChamp

    RedNozeChamp Big Dog

    Why do you want to talk like that for that was over 10 yrs ago.. if you want to be like that then alot of you on here shouldnt fight BSL cause some of you still have your circles. You call me too many names on the computer im getting tired of it
    ColbyDogs likes this.
  9. ColbyDogs

    ColbyDogs Top Dog

    Yup and I call bullshit to that....this guy is greener than green...not buying it for a minute. Now "if" it was true then one should not be implicating his or her self on an open forum, that just further backs up the ignorance one displays.


    Lets keep it on topic, no need to dig an even deeper hole than what some have already started digging.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2009


    i'm sure its plenty of people who still have circles but you are the only one talking about it... you make me wonder
  11. BullDozer

    BullDozer Top Dog

    And after this experience you feel that folks that can be made to "appear" guilty should all be persecuted?? - What really did happen to you in jail because you are not right in the head.
  12. RedNozeChamp

    RedNozeChamp Big Dog

    Colby you really think im stupid.. I can give a flying shit about the past especially when i was a juvenile. I always assumed you were a cop of some kind ever since you posted that pics saying "the feds already got my picture" maybe because they gave you a job
  13. RedNozeChamp

    RedNozeChamp Big Dog

    Nothing happened. Its just to many people on here seem to have a bad perception of the system i look at things different never met anyone in jail that didnt put himself there. This is a country full of laws, if you think its really fucked up move out so you can see how great it is here. Dummies
  14. ColbyDogs

    ColbyDogs Top Dog

    As a matter of fact I do and so do alot of others here.

    And it would also appear that you still are juvenile....who'd a thunk it ?

    you got me pegged and I am on my way to get you now.

    It would appear your time here has run out at game-dogs Redasschump, so sorry to see you go, your 20 years of bulldawg experience will surely be missed ( LOL )
  15. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    back to our regular scheduled programming:D
  16. crazycooter

    crazycooter Top Dog

    what no red nose has to come back who will entertain me and woody? lol
  17. gh32

    gh32 CH Dog

    Obviously Rednose never dealt with the same cops I have or he wouldn't like them so much.My county's Sheriff Department is so corrupt it's nearly unbelievable.
  18. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    another 20 year old dogman will show up, just watch:)
  19. gh32

    gh32 CH Dog

    One down,a few more to go.Goodbye
  20. crazycooter

    crazycooter Top Dog

    hit the road jack and don't you come back no more

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