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badger trial dogs

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by blanch, Feb 9, 2010.

  1. redbill

    redbill Big Dog

    that's what the media portrays it as peppapig and you know how the media like to twist thing.
    in normal circumstances the terrier is used to locate its quarry and keep the badger in one place and to stop the badger from digging on and back filling itself. some terriers will mix it and take a terrible mauling for their trouble. once located and dug down to the terrier is then lifted and leashed up then the strong terrier entered to draw the quarry. quarry then released or dispatched, which ever is required.
    this is in field work not the trials
  2. Peppa a terrierman puts the dog in the ground to locate the the fox or badger, once the animal of choice is located the earthdog should bay,yap and mix it if need be untill dug to, once the terrier is found he is lifted and the badger is humainly killed. That is how badger digging should be done but you then have badger baiting which is what fucked everything up. The badger when dug to is usually pulled from the set by a strong dog and shook to death by numerous dogs untill the lads think their dogs have proved there hard enough. That is why it got banned because these lads had no respect for their quarry,dogs or themselves
  3. Thats why if you look in EDRD or the Countrymans you have adds full of Bull/greyhounds, Bull/russells. The Patterdale has a lot of bull in and is seen as an easy option to the novice terrierman and the American as they are usually easy to get going. If you are serious about earth work and your doing it week in week out through out the season why would you want somethink that has Bull in it that gets smashed up all the time,you would need a kennel full of dogs when all you need is a real terrier that knows its job.
  4. Buck E. Owens

    Buck E. Owens Banned

    a pitbull would reck a badger, no problem, not a puppy, a fuoll grown dog, might have a lil tuffle, but its not as severe as everyone says! its a glorified gopher, like a coon and gopher, (tuff and feisty that's all !! ) and on ground is the only spot you would let a APBT get one,under ground is for dogs that are built to work under ground, the weight of the badger is the biggest issue, not light enough to shake to death, is what i gather, out in Alberta they have badger everywhere, there huge, but nothing for a pitbull, or hunting hound of the sort,

    this thread has badgers sounding a lot like Grizzly Bears!:p:D
  5. redbill

    redbill Big Dog

    agree 100% with you on that No Surrender
  6. Buck E. Owens

    Buck E. Owens Banned

    there tough for a patterdale dog, thats half the size of the quarry,

    how do you think a patterdale and pitbull would do if an accident happened, there would be no patterdale.....

    they are tough badges!!, and hell, I'd jump if one came out the hole in a rush, but they will hide and defend there burrows not a gametest by any means for a pitbull terrier,

    a game test is 2 pitbulls. (no other way around it!)

    they can be used on a lot of quarry, but its not a game test, its hunting, when conducted properly!
  7. Thanks Redbill at least some fecker has an idea about the dogs. Nice dog by the way
  8. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    ill say nowt....but....im right...in a sense......i read a book wrote by a fella who knows a fella who knows a fella who knows a fella that done such things....silly boy....but .....still....i can see the taste....not my cuppa....
  9. damon

    damon Banned

    The badgers round your neck of the woods seem to be a bit softer than over here
  10. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    is there some sort of difference between the european badgers & badgers found elsewhere around the world? what is it that the european badgers do different that the others don't ? not for nothing but i was looking into getting a patterdale from nutly over in holland checked out his website & they seem like they were doing well against them badgers?
  11. damon

    damon Banned

    The European badger is a completely different animal to the badgers over in the USA
  12. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    can you post a pic of a european badgers & the different american badgers. maybe there's some confusions between the two types & the european badgers are what we call wolverine's ?
  13. nasher

    nasher Big Dog

  14. Buck E. Owens

    Buck E. Owens Banned

    wolverines a different animal altogether,

    are badgers are bigger (in north America), and not sure what else differs tho?:confused:

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    not unless you got them super game badgers, pitbull eating ones!

    You cant say a real pitbull would be wrecked underground by a badger either, there size could get them stuck but that is it, the badgers are tough! but a small terrier can handle it!

    they say it takes a good dog to kill a coon, a pitbull would be able to do it! same as a badger,

    not going to be untouched, or be easy like a rabbit, but it will kill that badger, or coon , all comes down to the dogs heart! you got a quitter, you got a quitter!!! , easy as that!!

    but a true bulldog would kill it!

    as far as i know, there is no major differences in badgers, that's why we got them called badgers too!;) but yours might be smaller, then making it less likely its ever been tried much! and other breeds deemed more suitable, or "the only one that can do it"
  15. Buck E. Owens

    Buck E. Owens Banned

    ship me one of your badgers!:cool:
  16. Sampson1

    Sampson1 CH Dog

    Sure it shows gameness but to what degree?not an arguement as agree with you but i also agree that if your testing a box dog chances are you need the box to do it...lol Pre 1976 of coarse

    LMAO no shit right..im not gonna say that a badger cant handle the europeans SBT because i've never seen a staffy work but how are they gonna tell us that a Badger (Dachshunds were bred to hunt them) can handle a Gamebred APBT or Patterdale..Yall must have some good drugs over there..lol
    oh and have they never heard of box smarts? above ground a smart dog will still be just as smart against a badger as it is another dog...

    Agreed i dont think it would be a simple task for a Patterdale but Im still putting my money on a dog bred to kill these things.. Im not real sure how hunting works over there but i know that the Patterdales we have over here dont bay a badger then catch and pull it out...they fight and in alot of situations kill ground animals..

    And about the post saying something about a dog getting his jaw ripped off and stomach slit open..i hunt wild boar ive seen some shit and if a Boar hog with 4inch tusks can get handled by a gamedog then i have problems accepting the fact that an animal that at its biggest possible weight is still a fourth of the hogs i hunt weight can handle my dogs...its just not logical..yall can put down our dogs all you want but we've seen the outcome of game pit versus wild animal...99% of the time we end up with a wild animal to skin
  17. Sampson1

    Sampson1 CH Dog

    Send 2 i want one too
  18. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    im going to start breeding those european game badgers.
  19. Sampson1

    Sampson1 CH Dog

    Hell yeah Ben let me in on that we'll be the founders of the GBF(Game Bagder Foundation) :cool:
  20. Sampson1

    Sampson1 CH Dog

    Ok so if a Patterdale Isnt a "real" terrier what would you refer to somebody? Whats a "Real" terrier in your eyes?

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