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Beer for dogs

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by NewSchoolDogMan, Jul 4, 2010.

  1. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    yea im not sayin in a sense of "taking credit" for the win. what i meant was if they do win with a dog thats hopp'd up, then how do they know to breed it or not?

    i mean lets say i win 15 matches with a dog thats on pcp for every match (pre 76 of course lol)

    should i now breed my 15xw because he won 15 matches on drugs?

    thats what im askin, at that point are you breedin the 15xw dog or a strung out cur?
  2. Young SeNsE_VA

    Young SeNsE_VA Top Dog

    Shit thats true man why in the hell would you give a dog beer lol I dont see no positive in it either.
  3. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    LWG probably 90% of ch/grch are on something. if it's working why fix it if it ain't broken. you better believe if a camp is turning out 15xer on PCP. other camps will try it out on there shit. folks probably looked at don mayfeeld crazy when they got wind he was using azim(sp)
  4. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    it just makes it seem hard to judge the dog is all.

    if im payin a stud fee, i want to make sure im paying to breed to a super game bulldog.

    not just a talented curr that won matches cuz he was on drugs.

    not disagreein that it happens, thats irrelevant

    just curious to how they know to judge if its worth breedin to,

    i personally wouldnt want to spend 3 years sittin on a litter hopin it was the bulldog side that made that CH. instead of the drugs that carried him there.

    you see that point im tryin 2 get at?
  5. magnoilaotis

    magnoilaotis Top Dog

    An old dogman once told me all you get from giving a dog dope is a junkie looking for a fix once the dope wears off.
  6. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    sure i see your point. better get use to gambling LWG. because you ain't going to ever know what folks (pre 76) did in there keep. example "chinaman" do your research on bob felix then tell me if you still feel the same.
  7. JamesT

    JamesT Top Dog

    I heard this not to long ago also.But i will say this,i know a smoker that gave his petbull a couple shotguns of meth and the dog went into seizures.:eek:
  8. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    JT, poor dog!

    BB, Ima follow up on that
  9. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    non-alcoholic beer wouldnt be too bad.when i had any dogs there was one that would wait till id finish my bottle of beer n carry it in her mouth while out walking,still some froth in bottom,so she got some licks of it.was a funny sight to see.....owner and dog with bottle in the mouth.not once did she ever go to AA tho.!!:D
  10. art

    art Big Dog

    shit flokes will do to win..seen heard of a lot of shit to ...win strw a mofo to
  11. beanieman

    beanieman Banned

    sick that they even did it in the first place, no drugs for my dogs
  12. kdue

    kdue Big Dog

    i rather save the beer for myself!!!
  13. NewSchoolDogMan

    NewSchoolDogMan Top Dog

    Ok, so after asking a few dogmen from overseas via email, they said that the herbs, honey, and beer, etc. is just to prevent illness.

    Herbs, such as ginseng, milk thistle, rosemary extract, etc. is supposed to be for organ health

    Honey is supposed to prevent allergies

    Beer is suppossed to prevent worms. Also the beer used is supposed to be denatured, which is nonalcoholic beer. The mixture of beer is supposed to kill intestinal worms.

    Thanks for everyone that posted and contributed.
  14. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    poison for a dog....poison for humans....hmmm me and my girl are a sober team ;)
  15. Bmf_bt

    Bmf_bt Big Dog

    beer, or brewer's, jeast which is dead is a good suppliment for dogs eating kibbles and no meat.
  16. beanieman

    beanieman Banned

    in my country we say : a cold beer on a hot summer day is like an angel pissing on your tongue :p
  17. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

  18. pit#5

    pit#5 Banned

    Odoouls alcohol free #1 also if you let beer sit I think alcohol will eventually evaporate and beer gets real flat #2 carbs & caloric would still be present.
    That’s as far as I’d push it . But to crack open a cold one no way could be good
  19. JamesT

    JamesT Top Dog

    Use caution with the brewers yeast,it has some benefits,but it can cause ear infections like a mother fucker.Took me a couple months to figure out what it was.Once i quit adding it all ear problems stopped.
  20. pit4ever

    pit4ever Banned

    i used to give my dog some beers. she used to love it lols :dogdrink:

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