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Beer for dogs

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by NewSchoolDogMan, Jul 4, 2010.

  1. My Saint Bernard LOVES booze. I've had friends set a gin and tonic, or a straight glass of whiskey on the floor or the coffee table, only to have my girl sneak up (I don't get how that giant dog is so freaking quiet, the tags don't even make a sound) and ninja all their booze without anyone noticing until they go to take a drink. Only time she takes something off the table.

    If I'm having a few beers, I give her some. If it's really hot out, I give her some beer too. Although, she's a mean drunk if you give her a little wine. Last time she beat the crap out of all my dogs. She gets the best medical care of all my dogs, and has blood work twice a year, and so far no problems. But she gets some booze once a month tops.

    The Rottie likes wine.

    Lucy doesn't care for booze. She came to me as a pot head when I got her at 8 weeks though. That dog will do anything for a hit. She will lick booze slobber off my other dogs though.
  2. Zeuceone

    Zeuceone Pup

    i give mine tequila, so that he can last longer when breeding. that produces the biggest offspring.
  3. NobleKnls

    NobleKnls Pup

    I give my dogs budweiser every once in a while. It has been proven that ONE glass of wine a day is GOOD for humans. I really don't see an advantage to it, just imagine them enjoying a cold budweiser after a long days work the same as most men. Except I don't really give it to them after a long days work.
    In theory, if most of you guys are overworking your dogs and not allowing enough rest... One relaxing budweiser on rest days might not hurt on rest days. Like I said I never really tried it in keep, but I can see how it could help relax one on rest days after hard work days.
  4. bjh

    bjh Pup

    all of my dogs like beer...anything is fine in moderation imo...i don't get em chocolate wasted or anything but if i'm drinkin and hangin with my dogs they can drink too...who wouldn't offer their bff a cold beer out of a twelve pack...or more often than not a case?...:cool:

    WAR_PAINT Big Dog

    Simple answer: Beer will dry out your dog and you will be lucky to see the 30 minute mark. Many good dogs are lost due to shady tactics. Doping dogs is a dangerous game.

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