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Breeding to a well bred cur?

Discussion in 'APBT History' started by NC, Sep 14, 2009.

  1. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

  2. venom

    venom Top Dog

    Just because 2 ppl didn't make it back doesn't prove anyone cheated
  3. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    Sorry way too many stories from different sources to base an opinion off a dog I never once saw nor did I know any of those men so I wouldn't feel right talking shit about a dog I never saw people can say whatever they want but I very much doubt any of the big talkers on this thread ever laid eyes on bullyson or spoke with all parties involved with him.
  4. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    And if he was a cur obviously he is spoken of today by many important players because he was an important part of the breed when your dog is mentioned by worthy dog men generations later than maybe you have a right to pass judgement or opinions off on another dog until then I really don't think many on this thread qualify to talk shit about bullyson that includes myself.
  5. Icepick

    Icepick Banned

    Feel free to post other names that were there who also back that story up. that wasnt even Mayfields original story lol

    original match report by Mayfield and the first report is usually the most accurate

    Bullyson, Benny Bob (son of Bullyson) Match

    A link to Clemmons story, who I do know and think highly of;

    Bullyson -

    Again, as i'm sure you are aware of, the first statements after an event are usually the most accurate. Memory fades and is distorted over time, so if we are to believe Bullyson did cur out, then Mayfields original report was a lie...
  6. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    So than Ice pick according to Mayfield's first story he didn't quit Carver forfeited the match bully son lost and and declared benny bob the winner?
  7. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    By: Jerry Clemmons
    I tried to ignore the silly ramblings of the Dallas Guru, (Don Mayfield), about Bullyson, but since he invited me to, I will tell the whole story about Bullyson's last match.

    Maurice Carver talked Red Wallings into buying Bullyson with the agreement that Carver would breed him an collect all stud fees, and in return would condition him for match. Bullyson was "open to match" and I never once heard that Don wanted to match into Bullyson. Finally Rick H. matched into him. Maurice heard that Leo Kinard might help condition Benny Bob. Maurice gave Leo a dog called Buck (ELI JR. X BRENDY) that he bought from me, not to help them. Leo said he wasnt in on it but he took BUCK away, for breeding purposes. All through Bullysons conditioning/keep, Maurice would call me and ask if I though one more breeding him would hurt him. He even bred him the day before the match. A week before the show, maurice bought Bullyson to the hospital that I worked at, as a labratory technition, and I did a blood count on him. His hematocrit was 33% and him lips had stitches holding them ti his gums where he had chewed out of a chain link fence. Red Walling said he wasnt going to pay forfit as I suggested and would take him to the match in an ambulance if he had to.

    Well, the match lasted 47mins. and Benny Bob got deep into Bullysons flank and took him back end out. Carver gave up the match as Bullyson could not even stand up much less try to get over the wall as Don said! I did not step in and pick him up as he was not my dog to pick up. He most definately did not quit. Maurice Carver told me that the vet, that they took Bullyson to, did an autopsy on Bullyson and said that his kidneys were all torn lose inside.

    Well, that is the real truth about Bullyson and YES!, my dogs pedigrees are full of Bullyson, ELI JR. and Brendy and I'm proud of it! Jerry Clemmons
  8. magnoilaotis

    magnoilaotis Top Dog

    The other names are Clayton, Elliot and Scotty Nelson. Just because it is not on the net doesn't mean it ain't true. When I get home I will dig up their comments. You are right about one thing time does muddle things. I think Clayton said this in his account. As for Mayfield's first report there is a simple answer and it has happened many a time with one about to take the count. Maybe Carver did pick him up; on the eight count. It is a pick up right and bully still curred. Please don't take this as a knock on the line. I have Eli blood in my mutts. The best dog I ever owned had a good dose of it. This is just the facts as I interpret them.
  9. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    Sounds to me like Bullyson was in NO damn condition to be matched that day based on the info I just read. If that was me I wouldn't have taken him anywhere he obviously was sick and not in any position to be matched but they did it anyway and it looks like he was picked up. You can't expect a dog in that kind of shape to withstand those type of circumstances it's not practical for any athlete.. his kidneys were all torn lose inside, His hematocrit was 33% and him lips had stitches holding them ti his gums where he had chewed out of a chain link fence. That doesn't sound like good circumstances for a dog to be matched ....
  10. Icepick

    Icepick Banned

    Aint a cur until counted out... I wasnt there, nor do I think you were. If you are going to go by peoples stories, then going by the original match report seems most logical.
    And just because it is on the Net doesnt make it true, but when the evidence IS a copy of the original match report and a copy of an interview, well its not hear say then, like most crap on the Internet.
    If people just want to go by what they have heard to form opinions, then that their prerogative. I myself like either first hand knowledge, or knowing someone that does have the first hand knowledge (whom I know and trust)!
  11. cincyboy

    cincyboy Big Dog

    but honeybunch had ten pups so it wasnt 4 out of 6 it was 4 out of 10 and 2 quit thats all im sayin
  12. Icepick

    Icepick Banned

    And the funny thing about the report and Clemmons version, is the show has different times lol. :47 and :43..
    And Mayfields original story sounds to me that Carver picked up game, not a forfeit. Sportsmanship and forfeits dont really go hand in hand do they? There ws also no count given as to when carver picked up. Bullyson did have the first turn called on him and Bullyson was picked up before running his third scratch... Going by the match report, Benny Bob sounds like he was in the lead at the time, but there isnt anything negative about Bullyson reported.
  13. WWII

    WWII Banned

    Do you really believe this? I mean, whole wholeheartedly, believe that old timers made all their curs take dirt naps? lol... If you do, I want whatever you are smoking! We can talk all the sweet poetical, philosophical ideals of the game, but it always came down to money. The object was to simply have a dog that did not quit before the other one. Gameness is a utopian ideal, but doesn't mean much if the other dog finishes the deal beforehand.

    ALL dogs will quit on any given day.
  14. TripleJ

    TripleJ CH Dog

    And every one was very proud to own bullyson dogs. it just started this bullyson dogs are curr talk lol. hell I spent alot of days picking up shit just to own the blood kids wont work like that for shit, we had a public pit when I grew up it was allway on sunday from 2 pm till done and I was down ther watching the dogs I seen the dogs from that time and the bullyson dogs and the poolhalldogs and the wehunt stuff was king. then the boyles dogs came after the st aug pit was shut down. then the testing pit was shut down. so I seen the real dogs of the area not just the big name dogmen but the weekend every weekend guys.
  15. TripleJ

    TripleJ CH Dog

    thank you !!!!
  16. cincyboy

    cincyboy Big Dog

    what is wrong wit yall man if a dog quit ch are not it is a cur no matter what he is able to produce i mean but yall like feedin curs because they can produce all power to u lol?
  17. cincyboy

    cincyboy Big Dog

    my thoughts exactly how could a man even give that cur that same love and time that he would give another dog that done proved hisself everytime he was call upon.why just cause he produced if u could look at those to dogs wit the same respect then something is wrong wit that person i could never do that
  18. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    Amen brother! And what's sad is people with that mentality will cull a good game dog because the dog quit on the right day under the right circumstances. I know enough about science and how the body works to know that anything can happen under extreme circumstances I don't care how game they are they are still just animals and people like to forget that fact because of ego or whatever else. I'll be a fool all day long before I believe that foolish nonsense.
  19. Cadibuck

    Cadibuck Big Dog

    All I can say is thank the good Lord for Bullyson!!
  20. cincyboy

    cincyboy Big Dog

    i am so tired of hearin that same old line any dog will quit on the right day in the right circumstances and there been plenty of dogs that did not quit in any circumstance on any day matter of fact they gave their lives right there in the pit.what about the ones that make their
    scratch on they bellies when both there front legs broken.what about the ones that done had they muzzle broke wit nowhere to defind themselves.(and i have actually seen these scenerios happen)but they kept comin and they had every reason in the world too quit but didnt. but i guess some people would say it just wasnt the day to quit.

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