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Can I ask a question without getting BBQ'd?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by thereseiam, Sep 9, 2010.

  1. Okay, I'm new to this breed, and am actively looking for my first dog, but don't have one yet. I am looking for a dog who will be good in obedience and agility, as well as be athletic enough to follow along when I go trail riding--it's not unusual for us to cover 20 miles a day of fairly tough country.

    So as I've been reading everything I can about APBTs, obviously I've come across the 'bully types' that pretty much everyone on here despises. Now I am NOT trying to stir anything up, I'm trying to learn, so please be nice, but can anyone tell me what is the deal with this type of dog? Are they pit bulls still? We have two English bulldogs (who absolutely would keel over after about 1/2 a mile of following along on a trail ride) and these bully types look more like my English bulldogs than pit bulls.

    I have figured out that Gotti and Razors Edge are 'bully' lines--are there any other lines that I would probably want to avoid for what I want a dog for?

    Also, is blue not looked at in the best light just because of all the skin problems that can go with that color, or is there another reason as well? It seems to be a popular color with the 'bully types', and while I do have to admit that I like the looks of it (just the color, not the squat, fat dogs), I don't really care at all about color, I just want a good, smart, healthy dog with an amazing temperment--doesn't matter if it's green with purple spots if it has the right mind.

    Again, I'm a little scared even asking this as it seems to be a hot topic, but I'm new to the breed, and a girl has to learn somehow.

    Oh, and are these 'bully' types really bringing the kind of prices that some folks are asking for them?? I thought that English bulldogs were pricey, but these bully types are crazy expensive!

  2. kayo45

    kayo45 Top Dog

    Well to answer your first question, no they are not pit bulls. They are a cross between apbt/English bulldogs/mastiffs and through years of inbreeding became their own breed known as the american bully. They were bred for looks so they can't really do much physically but they sure do like to loaf around.

    Stay away from Gotti, RE, remy and anyline like that if you are looking for an apbt.

    The blue thing is just a dilution in the black color and the bully crowd breed for it because they somehow think it's "Rare" when their are a billion of those blue things running around. Blue is looked down because you rarely see a true blue gamedog.
  3. redrumdog

    redrumdog Top Dog

    You are doing the right thing by reading up first on the breed before you buy one.I would go to some of the shows that are close to you and see the dogs run mill races and stuff like that.Go to the athletic events .I hope this helps.
  4. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    for what your interested in, an excercise companion i wouldnt reccomend the APBT, dont get me wrong...they are one of if not the most athletic breeds out there. but if you have other dogs than it may not be the best idea.
    if your heart is sent is sent on a "pitbull" type dog, id go with a decently bred staff or maybe even a bull terrier. you will find all kinds of links on here for those.
  5. blanch

    blanch Big Dog

    like laced wit game said i think for your need's a border collie would be better;

    more intelligent for the obedience and agility
    less impulsive
    can be trained to run by you off-lead (and trusted)
    better feet (if it's going to be running up to 20 miles it will need good feet)
    cautious and not prone to injuring itself.

    this is all if you can get a working one, if not im sure any sheep/cattle dog that get's used in america will be similar i.e intelligent,good feet and joint's etc
  6. junkyard

    junkyard CH Dog

    I would recommend by what you have said that an American Staff would be better suited to you than an APBT. Its not a warranty, but you would have a better chance of getting a dog that will not be DA, than if you were to get a APBT. They look similar have a similar temperement and will happy hike for days on end with you if you wanted.
    As much as i dont condone the use of either breeds for "intimidation", due to their looks most of joe public wouldnt try anything with one present .
  7. brindlexpitt

    brindlexpitt Top Dog

    if you look into staffs, just watch out for heart problems, along with seizures. (not saying they all have this, just known in some am staff lines, and better to ask around about it.) though it is becoming increasinly harder to find a good workable amstaff because alot of the good breeders out there are going bully. (not am bully, show type bully)
  8. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    yea get an ambully, the damn thing will pass out b4 gettin out the door lol
  9. Mr. Brownstone

    Mr. Brownstone Big Dog

    I dont condone Am Bulls for many reasons at this point, I do however have one. Live and learn we all make mistakes when starting out.

    To say they are all lazy would be untrue as my Ambully athough not half as athletic as my APBT and for the most part only holds me and my APBT back when out working can def hold his own with us "my APBT and that is in the athleticism department" yesterday we did a 5.5 mile all uphill hike, like straight uphill all rocks and having to jump up to 4 ft in height the whole way up. It was also 80 degrees out and humid as hell. At times we even did some trail running and even in the tough spots. The day before 4.5 mile hike to 3000 ft. Today a one hour fast paced walk with like 2-3 miles of running.

    Yes we do have to stop when the bulldog mutt gets to hot but in 3 hrs we stopped twice for 10 min. Not to bad for a mutts Ambully. I will never ever get one again though as my APBT after a couple months conditioning and diet can go and go and go. And if my mutt can jump up 4ft she can jump 5ft and upwards no sweat. I have found a pit bull great for running and hiking. I am not sure they have 20 miles in em though and you sure as shit are not gonna let a real APBT run off leash with you, go as far into the woods as you want and you will bump into another person with a dog sooner or later. Shit running with my APBT is a project due to the dog aggression until you figure out how to do it and then at times it is still a project!! Dont get a ambull if you wanna go for hours as they even the athletic ones have limits!!

    Get a apbt for your purpose if you want, you can train it to do anything as far as athleticism but understand it will come with some conditions with will take away from how you get to enjoy tour time with your dog and dogs at home in the woods or just about anywhere for that matter. If you are up for that go for it, if not get another breed!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2010
  10. simpson

    simpson Big Dog

    If you have to have a big one that can run all day, get w/this guy and he'll point you in the right direction. http://bigcoxkennels.com/index.php

    Here's what's up w/the demodectic mange. Most blue dogs are bred poorly and have weak immune systems wich in turn results in more blue dogs w/mange. Sadly, they are accessories for the most part. Poor breeding= a less hardy animal no matter what the color though.

  11. D Game Butcher

    D Game Butcher Big Dog

    Go get ya a greyhound theyre pretty good a runnin. If you have an APBT on a leash while you bike the first cat they see your gonna be on your ass.
  12. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    you dont want a gamebred dog for a joggin company, trust me. There are plenty of breeds that would suite you much better for what you are looking for. I commend you on doing research before buying. Keep researching and you will find what you are lookin for
  13. Mr. Brownstone

    Mr. Brownstone Big Dog

    I did see a amazing grey hound out running yesterday. This thing was conditioned better than most of the best conditioned dogs i see on GD, My girl is in dam good shape so that is saying a lot. Def a natural runner not one hint of lack of wind and all lean lean muscle and not a xtra ounce of fat to be found. Dam good lookin animal and very impressive runner if thats what you want? Also as much as i hate off leash dogs it was off leash and never even once looked twice at my dogs even when my girl decided it was time to try and play if you get me ;)?
  14. simpson

    simpson Big Dog

    Greyhounds don't turn so well. My dad and a few of his buddies were having beers and watching their prize Greyhound chase a rabbit down a fence-row. The rabbit made a rt angle turn and the dog slammed a fence post and broke it's f*ck'n neck!
  15. Young SeNsE_VA

    Young SeNsE_VA Top Dog

    damn lol that don't sound so good.
  16. Mr. Brownstone

    Mr. Brownstone Big Dog

    Ok if that is the case Greyhound is outa the question for me, maybe not someone else though just looking for a runner and pet.
  17. simpson

    simpson Big Dog

    These two papered mutts were Gaff, Edge, Falin's, Turpin, Woods etc.. and would pull me on a bike w/ a wike cart and two or 3 kids in tow for miles, balls to the wall in any temp and not skip a beat or try to chase cats etc... Both of these suns-a-bitches would fight anything to the death and still were perfect gentlemen at parks, schools, old folks homes, and at the local bars when I used to take them up town drink'n. I could put both these fuckers on a deer and still call them off easily. My wife jogged w/them everyday and in my younger days I barely used a leash for anything other than leash breaking. The dogs were well trained with nothing more than common sense and lots of opportunity.


    Don't let the prejudices that are rampant in this forum keep you from trying a Pit Bull. They are the greatest dogs to ever grace mankind in all their variations......just be careful to not buy a junk piece of shit, as there are thousands readily available.
  18. Poisoned

    Poisoned Big Dog

    Problem with a Greyhound is they are HOUNDS, if he or she sees something they want they're likely going to go for it..

    Now, I know a Ridgeback isn't much better with Obedience... But a Rhodesian Ridgeback is a dog who can go go go.

    If it being a pure bred doesn't matter, you might as well go look at a few shelters... A mutt of the right mix could work out well.
  19. scooter

    scooter Big Dog

    You could certainly use an APBT for a running partner, but the catch is all in the training. This is a stubborn, prey driven breed of dog, they don't GENERALLY do well off leash if they see cats, rabbits etc and another dog of course. They are MOSTLY DA not ALL of course, there are exceptions.
    ALOT of them don't mind the household cat or another dog if smaller and of the OPPOSITE sex. Again, that is generally speaking.
    But yes, they have the tenacity and strength to do all that you want a dog to do. It depends on how many hours of training you are willing to dedicate to this dog.
    They want to please their master but they also like to do it on THEIR timeline..LOL.
    Now, a walking on leash companion or running on leash companion, this is a great breed. They are not guard dogs but they are good watch dogs in my opinion. They tend to be territorial as well. They are good people dogs but there are some that are wary of strangers, just like any other breed of course.
    If I were you, I would choose another breed at this time, simply because this breed needs an experienced hand for the most part for his safety and the safety of the neighborhood dogs and cats too LOL.
    I do want to thank you for coming in and asking BEFORE you acquire a dog.:dogkiss:
  20. blanch

    blanch Big Dog

    if you are going to be going to bike 20+ miles regularly you need a dog adept at running long distance imo because bull-terrier dog's havent really evolved for that.
    not only stamina wise but pad's,joint's etc

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