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CH- game or curs?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by MACH0, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. loudboyjr

    loudboyjr Banned

    and i understand that (and thats what everybody is doing this for... looking for that one that doesnt quit) but that goes back to the dog being dead-game though right? and any deadgame dog is dead... other than a dog proving that he is dead-game its gameness can always be questioned? and more so then ppl knocking the dog they knock the competition by saying oh the dogs they faced weren't anything... imo i just think that given the right hog any dog will stop on any given sunday... besides that deadgame dog... so i guess maybe the question could be is any none deadgame dog actually proven game... i understand coming back from the brink but im sure that 99.9% (the other point .1% are dead game)of dogs that has to "come back" the dog sees a weakness in the opponent as far as i can beat him as opposed to thinking im not stopping... because its too many famous curs *laughing*... its more famous curs than famous dead game dogs
  2. pit#5

    pit#5 Banned

    When Fighting was not an issue years ago, Money was at stake winning was important., If the ability of said was so superior as to dispatch the opponent in 30 minutes , say what you want - he's game or he not !! The main thing you needed to ponder was how to take out the 30 minute wonder dog. The whole subject is to subjective to have a true conclusion.
  3. ohpitbulls

    ohpitbulls CH Dog

    Good point ....
  4. MACH0

    MACH0 Pup

    Good points
  5. old goat

    old goat CH Dog

    the amount of time a dog goes . does'nt mean he's game . plenty have gone 2+ just to stand to a better 1 .
  6. riffraff

    riffraff Pup

    interesting thread
  7. JamesT

    JamesT Top Dog

    I agree ben,time isn't always the factor.

    And to the OP,and many other people that start these kinda threads.I don't know many people,that will put a bet on one without checking him first.Roll him,check him,match him,is the typical order (not always).But you should already have a decent idea of how game he is before you take him out.
  8. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    jamesT i guess im of the opinion of "you only need enough game to win".
  9. Yardboy

    Yardboy CH Dog

  10. JamesT

    JamesT Top Dog

    Anymore than that would just go to waste,wouldn't it??
  11. old goat

    old goat CH Dog

    maybe this is why the dogs have changed .
  12. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    how so because they still go till the cur come out? please explain how these dogs have change ?
  13. old goat

    old goat CH Dog

    because game was valued over mouth any day . you need both , but they're more about mouth now . you look kind of stupid with a 3x quiting on top . or one's there but he's game and can punch .
  14. PurePit19

    PurePit19 CH Dog

    Level of competition is everything! You can definitely determine a dog game in 30 minutes depending on the level of competitor you run into. And like Naus said, finishing a hog in 30 doesnt mean the dog had a freak mouth. Just means he knows how to do it's job. I personally will breed to the winner that went into the best comp. The time doesn't matter so much. JMO
  15. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    well i guess we have to agree to disagree. because folks value different aspects of dogs ability. a quit is a quit someone has to lose. there's no looking stupid for a dog that quits they have a mind of there own. IMO nothing has change because folks bring whatever they can win with & folks bet on what they think can increase ther bankroll. best quote ever " what you going to do with your 20min cur? im going to find a 15min cur & go into it" so i guess that's my stance on the subject.
  16. old goat

    old goat CH Dog

    sometimes the best dog does'nt win . sometimes the loser is the better bet . breed for game and mouth will come .
  17. elibred

    elibred Big Dog

    the way i see it is that the only thing on the planet that wont quit is a machine being that a machine has no brain,soul,spirit, or feelings. a machine only breaks, wears down and craps out do to lack of maintenance. with that said a game dog to me is (like but not a) machine in the sense that you have to maintain it properly or it will break. but unlike a machine a dog knows when he/she has had all it can take on whatever particular day/night it may be. a real machine has none of the above mentioned it wont know when its failing/dieing, it won't feel the need to stop, cause it dont feel at all. living breathing things feel and think. and if you dont think these dogs feel and think then how would you account for they're ability to work in the first place.

    this is my thought on the subject but hey im still learning as i go along. and in my readings and research, this is a subject that i always have a sort of conflict with me. im starting to realize that its more to do with personal opinion and perception on whats truly cur or game. i guess i'll get it figured out one day who knows lol.
  18. old goat

    old goat CH Dog

    not all that lost quit . some were picked up . and yes you will look stupid if you bring 1 that has won 2-3 fast and it stands or dumps .you try to bring 1 as game as you can get . people now days think i need a hard mouth and then gameness . wrong , you need both . but smarts is the best . they will hang with you until your tired and then take you money . and everyone that placed on you . until you see a true 1 you will never know .
  19. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    I don't understand why people think you can only breed for one or the other, gameness or mouth. There are plenty of dogs out there with both. Breed to a game Eli male or a get a pup from a game Eli female. You get mouth and hopefully gameness. Also, those ear suckers some of you talk about can pressure bite the shit out of you. A head dog is the best style bar none.
  20. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    "A head dog is the best style bar none" lol that's your opinion.

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