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CH- game or curs?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by MACH0, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. elibred

    elibred Big Dog

    well what about 1 and 2xWs that nobody else would match into
  2. PurePit19

    PurePit19 CH Dog

    Can't go by rom list cause many of the dogs on the rom list never had a tooth in them. If you produce over 300 pups, you better make rom! Not to mention, there are quite a few rom dogs around today that have finished all in 30. The folks that own them just aren't trying to peddle it. Frisco did nothing performance wise, tab neither, and there are a bunch more.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2010
  3. old goat

    old goat CH Dog

    well there's always some who will . they just say they can't find 1 . fast lane ain't scared .
  4. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    '" My point flew over your head" you didn't make any points. only personal preface & speculation along with " what if's". if that's how you want to justify your ignorance that's fine by me. after all you & "bill nye the science guy" have done your scientific research. just be sure to write a article in popular science so we too can produce the super head dog that never gets touched. LMFAO
  5. cutt

    cutt CH Dog

  6. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    Ben, in order to have an opinion that is worth something, you have to first own a dog. Have your girlfriend Cutt hook you up and he will get you started:D He has some nice Staffs.
  7. cutt

    cutt CH Dog

    Another homoisexual remark coming frm the man on man contact expert who resembles sloth . Lets not ruin threads due to the spontaneous queer remarks you make. ..
  8. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    Sorry cutt but you are just to cute:)
  9. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    folks are getting confused & wrapped up in stories of these 3h dogs. fact is the avg shows back in the day. would probably avg around 1:20 do the math in any of the magazines you'll see. sure ther called " gamedogs" but they ain't all game ( whoops i forgot nowadays everybody has a "gamedog"). even dogs that were label "game" after showing game have hung it up a time or two. the point of shows were to win weather it's 4min or 4 hours backend or head dog. just bring what you think you could win with & hope it goes your way.
  10. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    Actually if you do the math and average out every match in one of the old SDJ's an average match is 45 minutes. Give or take a few minutes, depending on the issue.
  11. bjh

    bjh Pup

    Damnit ben I'm sorry but I've read this entire thread and I jus wanna say...IT'S PREFERENCE NOT PREFACE...have a nice day...
  12. PurePit19

    PurePit19 CH Dog

    Average shows are 45 minutes or less. About 70% I'd say, and if you really had to pick the best style, it is a head dog. There is no argument there. Are there other styles that win, of course, but more will quit to a decent ear sucker due to frustration and severe nerve pain than any other style. Yes you got good front end dogs and stifle dogs, but as long as each dog is swapping it out, it can go either way. Fact is, if you can't touch him as often as you'd like, then you will be frustrated. If your getting damaged and can't damage in return, then your gonna lose. It's a fact, there is no other style or place to attack that will allow your animal to deliver damage without taking any in return. Cant bite what you can't touch. JMO
  13. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    WD what you think of me has no barring on the truth. so your lame ass judgements don't affect me. i don't have a website like you or any asperations to deal with the general public like you. you don't just wake up & say " im going to make a website but i ain't going to sell dogs" LMFAO. if that's what you need to do to get by that's your business. so think whatever you think about me that's your right to do so. i live a great life & am thankful for everything i have. there just livestock to me nothing more.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2010
  14. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    Another thing is if you run into a good head dog that can bite too! Whooo, your in trouble. Your equalibrium will go out of whack so bad that it will have you scratching crooked. Head swelling will effect their brain. The pressure biting is to much to handle for a long period of time.
  15. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    Ben, you better check that web site out again cause there ain't nothing there brother! Hasn't been for awhile. Go back to swapping back ends with your sister cutt, lol! J/K... It's fun to argue with you sometimes:-)
  16. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    "then you will be frustrated" well PP i guess that's why you see the same folks having success year after year. because they school out there match dogs & show them different styles so they can cope come show time. if a dog is easily frustrated by a ear sucker that's probably not the best dog to go into a head fighter. you use something that has seen that style & shown to not be easy to frustrate.
  17. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    there's no need to checkout your website. the point is you had one not too long ago. that say enough for anyone with common sense to know there's a motivation behind it. in my book if you blow a guy in the past that makes you gay. so it's OK WD time to come out of the closest. lots of talk about men from you the past few days? now i see why your soooo fond of "head dogs". now go watch rocky horror picture show or listen to lady gaga or whatever you folks do. BTW wardog your still my favorite gay:o
  18. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    :DYou the man Benny Brockton!
  19. PurePit19

    PurePit19 CH Dog

    BB, the fact that your really trying to debate this, tells alot about your experience in this particular area.... You ever hear the frase, " Control the head and the body will die"? Well, if you punch me in my legs and i punch you in the head tit for tat, who do you think is gonna win.... Same with these dogs, you bite my legs and I'll bite your head, but if that leg breaks.... He can still continue. If your head breaks, your dead. And yes they do get frustrated that easy which is why most don't go past 45 minutes. Look at the vast majority of your registered grand champions, I bet you'll find more head dogs that made grand than any other style! Why else you think they made grand and still have enough fur on their faces to take pictures..... Cause of the lack of damage they sustain. It's very hard to make Ch with any other style for the simple fact of defense. Chest dogs and stifle dogs take a ton of damage in the face, resulting in loss of hardware, nose, eyes and lips over time. Which is why they tend to not make titled status in top comp as frequent as head dogs and end up retired early.
  20. FrankDublin

    FrankDublin CH Dog

    Wow if read alot of good post and opinions in this thread

    In my point of view the dead game makes alot since

    As for style I'm a stifle fan when its done by a dog that knows how to work it
    But style is nothingwithout ability
    I would also pick up a game loser

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