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CH- game or curs?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by MACH0, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. Boze

    Boze Top Dog

    for those who dont think all dogs will eventually quit. i challenge you to take a dog and roll him every single day for the rest of his life he will quit i can guarantee that.and i love when people say the dog could not go physically. now i would never call a dog that could not scratch a cur, but the truth is you do not no if he would. if the dog that could find the strength to stand he might have jumped the wall if he could so those dead game dogs people talk about that did not make that crawling scratch could very well have been to tired and hurt to quit.
  2. Boze

    Boze Top Dog

    bring back tudor, hooten, carver, and give them the technology we have today and the nutrition and they would still be at the top aint no chance in hell they would get run over. an eye for a good dog can not be taught it is something that you have and these men had it. the doigs of today are no beter worse than yesteryear bring back bullyson, butcherboy, tornado, eli jr, bolero, and feed them whatr we got now and they would still be aces, tornado would still win ten and they would all still be great dogs, the nutrition has changed to allow your dog to work longer and harder, but that is it
  3. Boze

    Boze Top Dog

    so if a dog is getting his ass kicked and you pick him up, and courtesy scratch him he aint game, get the fuck outa here with that shit, aint no poin in leaving a dog down. it amazes me how people will watch a dog that can not defend himself get beat up, if you were in an mma fight and you were on the ground and the other guy was beating the piss out of you would you want to be left there for another hour, till you were brain dead. if you ain a fighter i truly do not think you can understand what it is to be unablke to defend yourself or when your heart wants to keep going but your body can't. if only true warriors owned this breed they would be in better hands
  4. Saiyagin

    Saiyagin Chihuahua

    Like Ive said many times before the best style/ability/trait, is that WINNING one lol.
  5. Lotta animals went 2 plus hours seemingly showing to have bottom but those same animals woulda pulled up in 15 with the right hardware on em'
  6. Erie Outlawz

    Erie Outlawz CH Dog

    All ill say on this is there is a difference in one who cant and one who wont!!!
  7. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    If the dog was willing to die but you werent willing to let him he was most deffinately picked up Game. folks dont pick up there dogs when there dog still has a chance hell there was money not to mention pride on the line.Alot of the time in situations like this the same folks who lost there money due to the pick up would be trying to back there bitches up to the game loser and not the winner that took there money. Why ?? Because real proven gamedogs are rare and coveted and dogs that bite hard/ability are a dime a dozen. The truest quote in this dog game is breed youre gamedogs and you will get youre match dogs.Ability will turn up. Gamness will not! Gamness is the backbone of our breed and what seperates them from every other cur breed out there.Period. If you dont get this concept.you just dont get it.Nothing wrong with a destroyer However one should do what thay have to do to see how game his destroyer is. If the dog aint honest it aint a bulldog if the dog aint a bulldog the dog dont earn the right to breed.
  8. fblb

    fblb Top Dog

    Unless Bill Nye is your homeboy.
  9. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    Game enuf to win is a gamblers quote..not a breeders. A gambler only wants to win and lives in the now. A breeder has one foot in the past and one in the future. A breeder is always looking ahead and more than not bases his program on gamness. A breeder dosent want cur breedings comeing back to bite him in the ass. A breeder supplys gamblers with there winners. Few dogmen threwout history were complete dogmen who could breed train and handle these bulldogs most were one or another or some combo of the three.
  10. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    LMAO !!!!!! True Dat.
  11. old goat

    old goat CH Dog

    if the dog is 3 that dogs ready . and when you said you only need to bring 1 that's game enough to win that hunt , that's wrong . that's why the dogs have changed . people thinking this way . you have to have game first . and game does'nt mean you have no mouth . or your not smart . game is the will to finish . when you tell people they only need to be game enough to win . they may believe you and this hurts the breed . and when you think of mouth over game . then you will only hurt yourself and the dogs you've bred . ]
  12. Erie Outlawz

    Erie Outlawz CH Dog

    More likely you get something like Ajax and Noriega where you lose em both and i dont see no amount of hardware stoppin either of those in 15 lol!!!
  13. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    All this talk of time is retarted. Time dont mean mutch of shit. The dog ether proved gamness by being being put behind and proveing that he wont quit under these cercumstances or he dident.This can take 15 mins or 3 hrs. Some dogs have went DG in anywhere from 5 to 20 min.
  14. Those were solid animals but nothing anywhere near what Im talking about..........they were not super badd asses in life only on the net.........were they solid and well above average? yes. I'm talking about actual hardware such as Ch.Homer, GrCh.Bronson, Chinaman even etc..... no compairison to the two you mentioned. I can think of way way better. G's Virgil comes to mind from the same time period.
  15. JamesT

    JamesT Top Dog

    Very true,and it doesn't take much of an eye to be able to tell the difference.
  16. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    Good thread lol
  17. elibred

    elibred Big Dog

    +1 agreed ................
  18. MACH0

    MACH0 Pup

    I've been reading the posts for the last few days. I didn't think the thread would get this big lol
  19. loudboyjr

    loudboyjr Banned

    i know and i wasnt knocking or anything like that but i replied to another thread from someone else and didnt qoute the message in my response... but they had said thats why todays dogs werent shit basically... so i said what i said... a good dog today is hopefully a good dog tomorrow.... and im definitely not anyone to comment on the level of any dog but i had to stick up for the future...we cant keep living in the past
  20. loudboyjr

    loudboyjr Banned

    nooooo once again the point i was trying to get across is its a gamble... if said dog made a courtsey scratch i would believe its my courstey to let him handle his business... and im sure you know better than I when that dog is done he's going to look at as if..... he may be sad about it but he's not moving... and i agree with picking it up... if YOU feel like he cant take anymore but as well the best battle back from adversity... and somewhat else said dont bet more than what the dog is worth... but when you're hunting it could happen in 5 mins...hit a good one and he's outta there never really showed anything... i guess more than anything its about knowning you dogs...but its a fine line between a medicore dog and a GOOD dog and i do feel like sometimes you gotta toe tha line...get rocky wit this shit man... they only live once!!! p.s. i want to make it clear that i dont agree with letting the dog get slaughtered but if it was pre 76 i would want the distinction of having a dead game dog... most dogs arent and the handler would have had to have that eye to know when to hold em and when to fold em so to speak... chances make champions!!!

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