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Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by KURUPT, May 22, 2004.

  1. 5555

    5555 Pup

    i seen those pics about a year ago they popped up on a forum, i think it was the yellow forum but not sure. u know u should be afraid of them when the females have balls. too much testosterone = just plain agressive. i heard those baboons are way more vicous than the heyenas also. and have bigger teeth and a bad ass bite to go with them. the damnedest things u see watching animal planet. just cant get enough of that channel and the discovery channel. entertainment for your brain.
  2. XxKonnectionsxX

    XxKonnectionsxX Top Dog

    You aint lying. Yeh they use those baboons for protection. If you run up on him the baboon will come for you. I have a friend in Africa that once told me about this. Sorta like an experiment thats going somewhat well. The one hyena with the muzzle is a biter for real. He is also in training as well. If he takes that muzzle off and he bites you, *SNAP* there goes your (broken) hand Does anyone know what family of animal the hyena is in? Anyways to me they are some real intersting creatures.


    I understand how you feel about wild animals. Just leave them where they belong. Honestly when it comes to other countries like this, you rarely see them mistreating animals like they do over here in the United States. I don;t know what it is but there are a lot of people in the U.S. who feel that if they own an animal/anything they can treat it any kind of way just because they feel this is AMERICA.(what a load of crap) I guarantee you that those hyenas and baboons are treated better than a lot of pitbulls in the United States. They probably take better care of those animals than they do themselves. Don't they look healthy to you?
  3. zombie106

    zombie106 Big Dog

    You know I am sure that the muzzle on that hyena will do a lot of good. What is that lace?
  4. Crash97

    Crash97 Top Dog

    I'm sure it's some form of woven fiber such as hemp.
  5. zombie106

    zombie106 Big Dog

    All I know is that if that hyena wants to get you, a cahin leash and a homemade muzzle won't do shit. Oh wait, he has a stick to hit him with. Yeah nevermind, that'll stop him...
  6. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    Healthy maybe, happy no.
  7. XxKonnectionsxX

    XxKonnectionsxX Top Dog

    Its not lace. Come on now. Don't assume people are dumb just because you don't understand why they do something. How do you know that homemade muzzle won't do shit? Have you ever raised a hyena or let alone spoke with anyone that has? Its not made to break....lol I personally wouldn't do that, but I think its interesting though....

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