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Check out this ped what would you call it???

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by CajunBoulette, Apr 16, 2013.



    Double checking what he/she has,by asking other's is makeing sure...no matter how long ya involved in dog's ya all-way's learning some-thing new...be it 30 day's/r/30 year's....
  2. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    In all honesty if you don't understand how to read a ped that means you don't even know what you own and why would you attempt to breed two dogs together if you don't even fully understand the dogs pedigree? We all start some where when I started off I didn't start off backwards you have to crawl before you walk nor was I trying to breed just because I had dogs ... Redgoodbye may be coming off a harsh to some but he's absolutely correct .. And the dude said he bred his dog to a full jeep bitch what exactly is that supposed to mean? There is no such thing so not only does the OP not understand his dogs pedigree on the sire, he doesn't even know how the bitch is bred either since he's reffering to her a full jeep bitch. Just doesn't sound like a well thought out breeding with any purpose to better the breed other than him sticking two dogs together.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 24, 2013
  3. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    Asking strangers to approve a breeding on a pair of dogs we don't know and have never laid eyes on is not the way to go. How can I give someone an honest opinion about dogs that even the OP is unsure about not to mention I know nothing about the dogs. You are asking complete strangers to approve a breeding on two dogs we know nothing about... That doesn't make any sense.
  4. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    You are correct, everybody starts somewhere and questions are always encouraged however, if you don't know how to read a simple pedigree then breeding should be the last thing one should be doing.. ( not you personally but you know what I mean). The world is in no short supply of dogs and holding off breeding dogs until you can read a pedigree, Know the dogs being bred inside and out, know the family behind the dogs your breeding and the reasoning behind the breedings at the very least. Just because someone has a well bred gyp doesn't necessarily mean she should be bred. People are going to do what they are going to do in the end.
    I think that is why people are not giving the OP the posts he thought he was going to get.
  5. x2...............


    I under-stand your point's,,s-b...i don't think any-body asked a-bout a approveal of his/her breeding..but to ask a-bout a breeding of two diff line's etc;i sure most on here would+will have a opinion..me-self in 30 year's i have sold 3/4 dog's and that was to other like-minded people...i'm sure you know when some come on a forum like this they can be like a kid in a sweet-shop,,while some are like a bull in a china shop...if he/she is breeding for them-self's should they not go for it...cause other people don't like the way their doing it....if some are breeding for peddling well ok f-them,,,and then some will say well then let's f-all the top breeders etc;etc;....sorry i'm rambleing on here...lol...lol...lol...


    I understand agk....we all get answers we won't like ...but hope-fully that will change peoples mind's of breeding for the sake of breeding......yep i under-stand.....cheers......
  8. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Unfortunately, it Don't.
  9. the.peon

    the.peon Top Dog

    Take it easy on him...he's just tryin to figure out what to call the pups when he places the pups for sale ad, lol.
  10. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    The world does not have a bulldog shortage, why when people get these dogs do they feel the need to breed them? Why is there a sense of urgency to breed? I don't understand it when you can buy a top notch dog from people who are breeding to benefit the dogs not their pockets. Plenty of good dogs out there why add more worthless dogs to the world? I'm sorry but every time I see these threads I see another peddler or paper chaser in the making probably won't have dogs for long and will end up screwing up a few dogs before they get rid of them. I feel like this let the guys breeding these dogs to preserve them worry about the breedings don't even attempt it if you have no intention of trying to produce better dogs than what's in the pedigree. You can really mess up some dogs if you are breeding blindly but it's whatever people will do what they want to even if it means adding more Bs to the breed in the process.


    Totaly agree s-b....breeding to better the breed....is the way....i think most here know's how hard and time consumeing it can be....so all-way's give this a-lot of taught.........nicely put......
  12. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    Blue bull u are Denver... thanks to saide and agk etc ...)
  13. bootsbjj

    bootsbjj Banned

    I'd think that whoever he got his dog from would be pissed, too. Unless it's their bitch he's breeding into.... :-(
  14. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    *Dense * not Denver lol fuckkin auto correct.


    R---g your a very saaaaaaadddddddd .........person.........
  16. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    Get a dog from the dude then BlueBill . For every fucktard who peddles garbage there has to be a group of fucktards to buy said garbage ...
  17. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    Whoever said "the guys just trying to figgure out what to put on the for sale add" hit the nail on the head. Circles need to be closed and clowns like these two need to be ran out the breed.


  19. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    forget about how to read a pedigree. all you gotta do is learn basic genetics. but if you do want to be accurate on how to on how to read a pedigree. you read it from left to right. Not right to left. if the dogs are no good up front. Then the dogs in the back won't really matter.
  20. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    I agree with this for the most part, theres always exceptions but they are few and far between.
    and the lesson learned is don't ask Red about your peds LOLOLOLOL

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