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Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by ray, Aug 10, 2010.

  1. ray

    ray Pup

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2010
  2. ray

    ray Pup

    what do you think about the pedigree?
  3. PADogman

    PADogman Top Dog

    Whats with all those chains?Thats gonna do more harm than good.
  4. Mr. Brownstone

    Mr. Brownstone Big Dog

    if all you do is walk your dog a hour a day and a 3-6 on the weekend i dont think creatine or anything you give for that matter is gonna give you very big gains? usually when you are looking for gains you have to do interval training at a very high intensity or reps with increasingly or decreasing weight. from the sounds of it you are looking to improve endurance and creatine testosterone so forth are not gonna do much for that. yes testosterone will improve recovery but something like erythropoetin or erithropoyetin is the type of thing you need to improve endurance. increased endurance is all about oxigen levels in the blood in the form of red blood cells. this stuff can also be dangerous as it thickens the blood with higher concentrations of red blood cells in the blood. if not very cautious and used properly with other drugs to make it really work you can easily clot up your blood and the heart will just stop working. shit novice guys i knew that would take this would set the alarm clock for like 3am so they could get up and do jumping jacks as to get the blood circulation going so the blood wouldnt get to thick. crazy unless you know what you are doing and have a doc checking your vitals daily.
  5. noblebostons

    noblebostons Big Dog

    The difference between the long-distance runner and the body builder isn't creatine. It has to do with the type of working out they do. If you don't want your dog to look like a body builder, don't focus on intense muscle building exercises. Creatine boosts energy during workouts due to increased ATP generation- this enhances strength and endurance during workouts. Creatine also make a dog less dependent on glycolysis which reduces lactic acid build up. Less lactic acid means you can work harder for longer with faster recovery.
    John CHL likes this.
  6. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    so if creatine makes it less dependant on glycolysis which you say reduces lactic acid in the muscles....by that do you mean if using creatine you get less lactic acid than if you were not using it???
  7. Mr. Brownstone

    Mr. Brownstone Big Dog

    i will admit i dont know a whole lot about creatine as in the sport it was all but wrote off amongst myself and my peers as i was an endurance athlete and added bulk is never favorable and you can use many other things with much more success most not having to worry about bulk. if what you say is accurate and i have no reason to think it is not it would be simple science that anything that inhibits build up of lactic acid will help you work out harder. i think if you are talking endurance though the added bulk/water retention you get from something like creatine or the wrong steroid or steroids used the wrong way is counter productive in most cases. this is speaking of spec endurance though. by the way i took a look at those Noble Boston's and they are very nice!!!
  8. synno2004

    synno2004 Top Dog

    To empty your pockets and make you think you are getting something magical out of it!:D
  9. synno2004

    synno2004 Top Dog

    :eek::eek: $500 dollars worth of chain, .99 swivel and 1.99 collar? WTF?????????? Poor dog!!!!!
  10. noblebostons

    noblebostons Big Dog

    Ray, IMO you'd be better off with a chain half the diameter-twice the length. The chain will weigh the same, but nobody will be like ":eek: what the fuck :eek:" when they see it. That makes my neck hurt just looking at it. Nice looking dogs though, and they seem like some workers too.
  11. Mr. Brownstone

    Mr. Brownstone Big Dog

    i concur.. that is the general consensus at this point i think for most athletes. its 2010 and we now have many better ways of doing the same thing. diet and recovery are just a couple of em with all we know now about sports nutrition. and if you got some $$$ burning a hole in your pocket you can def get something that will really work!
  12. noblebostons

    noblebostons Big Dog

    Yep, less lactic acid build-up.
  13. synno2004

    synno2004 Top Dog

    Is Build-up Bad????
  14. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    :cool: cheers nobleb
  15. Mr. Brownstone

    Mr. Brownstone Big Dog

    your right look at that swivel and latch omg!!!! and yeah if someone thinks all that chain is gonna get there dog in shape they got about as much chanc eof that as walking it a mile a day and giving it creatine ;) i dont like giving out shit as i hate reading thru people giving out other people shit but i think that chain set up says it all in this case. not saying you dont love your dog either just saying that is a tad bit over the top. if you really want your dog in the best shape it can be get outa bed and take it for a short jog every other day to start. the next week take it for a run every other day and after do some flirt pole and spring pole work. on the off days that you dont run do the flirt pole work work with like a 2-5 mile walk. give it at least 2 days a week to rest as you will se your dog is tired after you start doing all this work. also lots of water and feed not to much though and the right stuff. and never feed or over water post work out you are asking for trouble. do all that and i promise that dog on the chain will not only look great but be able to go longer than you can keep up within a month.
  16. noblebostons

    noblebostons Big Dog

  17. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    i must be thick or something:rolleyes:.....cos by reading that i couldnt tell if it means lactic acid is bad or not??
  18. killadev300

    killadev300 Big Dog

    From the article
    -"In reality, this is a natural defense mechanism for the body; it prevents permanent damage during extreme exertion by slowing the key systems needed to maintain muscle contraction. Once the body slows down, oxygen becomes available and lactate reverts back to pyruvate, allowing continued aerobic metabolism and energy for the body¿s recovery from the strenuous event."

    so i guess the lactate is a good thing and has a use as well :)
  19. noblebostons

    noblebostons Big Dog

    good and bad really. Bad in that it causes muscle burning, and is a limiting factor. Good in that it's actually a defense mechanism that slows you body's capacity for work in an effort to prevent permanent damage being done (ie overwork and injury)
  20. Mr. Brownstone

    Mr. Brownstone Big Dog

    lactic acid as said makes the muscles burn and tire. yes it is defense mechanism as to not injure muscles and tendons. slow and steady training and you can also improve at what point the body begins to produce lactic acid. eventually enough builds up you cant do one more rep, run one more step, or peddle one more revolution. if you push to far into this zone you will hurt yourself and not be able to train. if you dont push far enough you will never make gains. its a fine line and all stuff that is best figured out using a few dif sources of data i.e. heart rate power output via power meter and perceived exertion. first you do some basic tests at a base level of fitness and then little by slow add to your workouts. then using the data collected at your base test and after workouts combined with perceived exertion and some planed out workouts done increasing a bit at a time day by day week by week over weeks worth of time with proper rest worked in. the rest becomes as important as the workouts. the thing that worries me in a dog is it cant tell you when it is starting to tire or you are pushing it to hard.. well more so in the case of the apbt as they are full of energy and will push through tons of pain for something they really want. if you work your dog enough though you will get to know it very well and you will know when it has had enough or you are going to hard. i think you have to go low and slow with a dog at first and air on the side of caution at all times. i know even this way i can get some serious results from my dog in just two weeks of exercise and proper diet.

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