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Cur or not...........

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by dog-man, Mar 6, 2007.

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  1. jeeperino

    jeeperino CH Dog

    "To everyone interested to know why I bred my female neo mastiff to my game bred pitbull, is because im very into protection breeds aswell, and i see the bandog as the complete package, the agility, heart, stamina, prey drive of the pitbull, blended in with the courage, size, temperment, natural guardian instinct, defense drive of the neapolitan mastiff , brings the ultimate dog in "my opinion" , a dog thats not only fast and agile, but has size and strength and will protect its family members with its life if need it be." Quote by Gametime

    If your Neo was worth a shit you wouldnt have to breed it to the apbt. Your Neo should have agility, heart, stamina and prey drive by itself. Its too bad that u cant see the errors in your ways, maybe u will in the future.

    You better put your adds on hoobly and in the newspaper soon, I suggest u ask 1500 for this "rare" bandog mix. LOL Make sure the customers have children and are extra irresponsible with big checkbooks. GET THAT MONEY!!!
  2. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    Oh man just be glad that i deleted the private message conversation we had a while ago about ur pup, or else ur @$$ would be on the chopping block right now. Fu*k that ped i don't believe for one second that is ur dogs ped, maybe its registered as ur dog or what not, but that doesn't mean thats how the dog is bred. I could probably take a few minutes and register my apbt/boxer mix as a purebred apbt with the adba and they wouldn't ask any damn questions, so don't think just cause ur posting some ped its clears ur name, cause we all know how easy it is to hang peds, its all about the money.

    Now about the bandog, if u wanted a great guardian breed u should have done ur research and got a pure bred that was bred for the sole reason of guarding, there are plenty of those around, but u were to lazy to do that so u decided to breed a mutt and make up excuses for it. No matter how u look at it ur pup is a mutt because bandog is not a registered breed and won't be for a while because of the large variety or mixes that can create a bandog.
  3. dog-man

    dog-man Big Dog

    You can threaten me all day long, about this and that, saying you had a message about our converstion lol, it looks like your hung up on mutts , you have one, so they cant be to bad right, when did i say my bandog is a pure bred dog, its a mix breed, agreed, but i just didnt go to the shelter and scoop up any ole dog that i thought had potential without knowing its background, like ehmmmm.......... many do, i bred my neo that i had her since puppy hood mind you, i know all her pluses like i know her defects, she is very sound and has that natural guradian instinct, that most mollosers breeds carry, and blended it in with a game bred pitbull, that has agility , stamina and heart.

    At this point i dont care if you think my dog is registerd or not, i know my pitbull is registered and comes from good stock , no worries here .

    You say i did it for the money, if i wanted to do it for the money, i could of easily bred my neo to another neo and make 3 times!, what most bandogs sell for lol, i bred my dogs to create my own ultimate dog, that can pretty much do anything i put it work, be it hunting, guarding, running the trails for hours, heck even herding.

    If you read the history of the bandog, you would now its not a new (mixed) breed, its just new to the public eye, its been around as far back as the 1900's even before that.

    To everyone that gave me their opinions on why my pitbull acted the way he did with my bandog puppy, thank you,

  4. Michele

    Michele Guest


    you didn't know your pit's background either. You would of been better off to scoop up that dog at the shelter.....

    so, you created your dream dog. In the meantime, since you don't know the pits past, you might have created a mess. Are you aware of this?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2007
  5. dog-man

    dog-man Big Dog

    Are you serious, how long have you been involved with neapolitan mastiffs, i have been working neapolitan mastiffs for about 10yrs now, you cant compare the agility,heart, stamina and prey drive of a neapolitan mastiff with that of a good game bred pitbull, thats some ignorant stuff you posted , neos do poses prey drive to some level, but its minumum compared to a pitbull, what neos do poses more than pitbulls is defense drive, stamina and agility, they do have , again to some point, these are large boned dogs , they do have tons of heart and courage.

    You see most neos in the U.S are show neos, being they go more for the bigger, more wrinkle, lots of dewlop under the chin, my neo is more on the athletic side , you can see her in my galleries.

    News flash, for you (read prior posts), i did not breed for $, but for my own personal reasons, to obtain my ultimate dog, the rest of the litter went to other capable hands , that would know how to handle a bandog.

    Bandog mix, you are too funny, its called Bandog.

  6. Michele

    Michele Guest

    You didn't breed for money, but what you did was just as bad, breeding for your own personal reasons....for your superman dog. If you don't know the pits past, how the hell will the people you gave the pups to, know how to handle this "bandog", should problems arise?

    Bottom line, you didn't breed to better a "specific" breed.
  7. dog-man

    dog-man Big Dog

    By background, i mean, his nerves, how he was treated with his past owner, if he was a good candidate for pp etc, ect, . The past owner of my pitbull, is my brothers friend, i have been to his yard with my brother, only visiting and he has some pretty good stock, seen personally, the only reason BoiBoi is saying all that trash, is because in past post, i did not know my dogs ped , as my registry AADR got my papers mixed up and it nearly took them a year to get my ped and registration papers, but, I currently have his registry papers along with his 6 generation pedigree, wich is exactly the same as the ped i posted earlier.

    Nice doggy you have there, do you have pitbull yourself.

  8. It seems to me as if your just here to talk shit becuase when someone comes at you with a legit question you dont even respond, you rather get into a pissin contest with other members.
    Someones sig in here is "Just because you watch two dogs fuck dosnt make you a breeder" Bottom Line, if you were a breeeder you would not mix dogs and you would ahve the best interst of the breed in mind. Your selfish to bred two dogs for personal reason....dont you understand it really dosnt matter what your dogs are registered with,you'll never have respect in this forum, live with it
    Why does it matter what we think? Why do you continue to try and prove your dogs to us? We tried to help you address the issue you came here with, you didnt like what we had to say and now its turned into bullshit......if your dogs are so bad ass go take em for a walk or somehing WE DONT CARE!!!!!!!

    Your talking about curring a housedog......why?
    You say your dogs are able to hunt, heard whatever but I highly doubt you put that much time into them because your always n here defeinding yourself. Get out, do something
  9. GSDbulldog

    GSDbulldog CH Dog

    Quick question...

    Did you title and/or health test either dog before making this breeding? Or did you just breed two pets/guard dogs to get even more of the latter?
  10. Michele

    Michele Guest

    I was going to be nice until i saw that last sentence with regard to my dog. I don't have a ABPT, never owned one but I DO know enough about them to know that you don't FUCK with them, breeding wise, unless you know exactly what you are doing. It's pretty pathetic when you, a ABPT owner, who should know better, does something so ignorant.

    And another thing, don't ever make fun of my dog, EVER. I can read between the lines....
  11. ChiaPit

    ChiaPit Top Dog

    Girl, I got the shovel...I'm just waiting on the call...
  12. Michele

    Michele Guest

    i'm coming ....[​IMG]
  13. cheekymunkee

    cheekymunkee Top Dog

    That would be my sig. ;)

    Stop breeding mutts. There are thousands dieing in shelters every day ( not to mention pure bred dogs). Yours are no more special than any of them are. AADR is a SHAM registry & papers from them mean nothing. They will register a cat as an APBT if you send them the cash.
  14. GSDbulldog

    GSDbulldog CH Dog

    Cheeky, I wouldn't call the AADR a sham-registry.
  15. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    U know im not even gonna entertain ur stupidity anymore, u know what if u think ur dogs are so tuff why don't u bring one of them up north and come see about me and my "mutt"
  16. cheekymunkee

    cheekymunkee Top Dog

    You're right, I was thinking APBR.

    TOO much bullshit flying around lately G. ;)
  17. Michele

    Michele Guest

    my chihuahua is probably more game than the Neo AND the pit....
  18. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    LLLLLOOOOOLLLLL probably is
  19. cheekymunkee

    cheekymunkee Top Dog

    I ain't messing with it! There is a chi next door that drives my Munkee NUTS!! He runs up to the fence challenging him & carrying on like he is the baddest on the block. I'm just glad he can't fit through the fence & Munkee won't go over it.
  20. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    Yikes. Hasn't this turned into a cat fight!

    dog-man: Since I assume by your posts he has never been in the box, you don't know if the dog is game or not. As for how he acts outside fo the box, that means nothing. There are dogs who are are mild mannered, even push overs outside of the box. But once inside the box - look out!

    As for the bandogge thing the bandogge is not a breed since it does not yet breed pure. One of the main traits of a "pure bred" dog is that it breeds pure! This has not been accomplished w/ bandogges as of yet. Perhaps in the future once breeding programs have come along a little further, but right now, bandogges are best considered cross-breeds, not purebreds.
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