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Cur or not...........

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by dog-man, Mar 6, 2007.

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  1. jadedpitgirl

    jadedpitgirl Top Dog

    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to ABK again.
  2. jeeperino

    jeeperino CH Dog

    Man, you got some mutts on your hands. Call em a bandog if u want, its a first generation bandog mutt. Your Neo looks out of shape IMO.

    I got a female Presa that would run that Neo u got into the ground.

    U calling someone ignorant is like the pot calling the kettle black.
  3. dog-man

    dog-man Big Dog

    I do admit i have "one" mutt, i prefer calling them mixed breed or bandog, but i also own a pure bred neapolitan mastiff and pure bred registered pitbull with a ped included lol, some of the best dogs i own were mutts, i have some friends that live in austrailia guess what type of dogs they prfer to hunt down 500lb boars , yea you guessed it mutts.

    Im sure your presa would only go down with cryptonite tuff guy lmao..........

    ANd yes, i called you ignorant, Ignorant (double word on purpose),you have no clue on the history of the neo mastiff to talk like you do, ah dont forget to feed your presa gun powder to keep her mighty .............

  4. GSDbulldog

    GSDbulldog CH Dog

    So uh, I'm a firm believer that all dogs should be proven worthy before being bred, depending on what the breeder is going for. Did you say you did not think your bulldog had the right mindset for personal protection? Did you have your Neo's hips & elbows OFA's or PennHip's prior to the breeding?
  5. jeeperino

    jeeperino CH Dog

    I wasnt suggesting putting the dogs in []. Why would I wanna see 2 curs???Yes I'm calling my OWN dog a cur. I was just saying your dog would probably drop dead of exaustion if it attempted the tasks for what it was supposed to be bred for and mine wouldnt. Ill leave it at that.

    Why would I feed my dog gunpowder if hot sauce works better??:rolleyes:
  6. short1

    short1 Big Dog

    ok for starters whom ever said the aadr was a sham has no idea what there talking about ! its a fine redgistry run by a good dog man!
    I do know that the ped that dog man speaks of is Correct I owned his dogs mother before she was sold to some friends whom made the breeding to ch doc holiday
    I also agree with not breeding a dog untell it has proven it self to be worthy of being bred;) but there again what one person considers ok another may see as not worthy
    and as far as your dog playing with pups its ok ch ringo who is doc brother would play with pups all day long
    I have adult dogs that wount hurt a pup or a real small dog like my patty I actually prefur that over the couple I have that will kill anything with hair on it
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2007
  7. cheekymunkee

    cheekymunkee Top Dog

    Keep reading, I admitted my mistake, I was thinking of another registry when I posted.
  8. short1

    short1 Big Dog

    ok sorry didnt catch that
  9. GSDbulldog

    GSDbulldog CH Dog

    Yes, but when the breeder does not do anything to prove their dogs worthy, & I mean anything at all, then I am going to be a bit skeptic. Neo's are notorious for structural problems, and they are of course genetic, why wouldn't a breeder take the time to X-ray hips & elbows?
  10. cheekymunkee

    cheekymunkee Top Dog

    No problem. :)
  11. dog-man

    dog-man Big Dog

    Gsd, my neo was tested by my vet for her hips, elboys and cleared ofa, trust me , why would i want to breed my neo if she had all those typical health problems most molloser breeds have, if she did have those problems i would of culled her when she was a puppy, i will repeat, she is not your typical 150lb , wrinkly neo, she is very athletic looking and agile for a neo ofcourse.

    Short1, thanks for the input on my dogs uncle lol, he seems fine, he is still a puppy and belive still act like it too, he is friendly with even male adult dogs, on few ocassions i seen that he wanted to get dogs, but only because the other dog started acting dominant/aggressive, im happy with him. Now that i got all his paper work , i just might show him in the upcoming event.

    Jeeperino, yea "proabably" is wishfull thinking huh, im confused with your statement below, in your post prior to this one , you stated , your presa would burry my dog (im assuming you meant my neo) to the ground or something similar, but then in this post your implying my neo was bred to fight lol, are kidding me, get your facts straight man lol.

    Since we are wishfull thinking here, i would say , before my neo gets exausted, it will open its huge mouth and crush your presas skull to death, but than again "probably", to bad we will never find out.

    [[I wasnt suggesting putting the dogs in []. Why would I wanna see 2 curs???Yes I'm calling my OWN dog a cur. I was just saying your dog would probably drop dead of exaustion if it attempted the tasks for what it was supposed to be bred for and mine wouldnt]]
  12. TripleJ

    TripleJ CH Dog

    BLAA,Blaa,blaaaaa. Dogman you should have to stand in the corner on you tip toes for breeding up more mutts.And you say you do this to make a superdog, Well what do you think a gamedog is? They are the best dog in the world YOU or no one else can make them better by cross breeding shit in them.I dont care what you or any one says DONT DO IT if that curr bites some one they will say its a pitbull and give REAL dog men a harder time keeping what it has taken US years to make.QUIT breeding currs. And dont breed unproven stock. Thats is the way it should be.(and for you breeders that sell good game stock PLEASE sell them to real dog men) YIS J
  13. davidlau_2002

    davidlau_2002 Top Dog

    with the vast amount of breeds already established out there in the world today, why on earth would anyone try to create a superbreed of dog? i'm pretty sure you could already find an established breed that would suit your needs and concerns.
  14. EXACTLY....look at the Canis Panthers, they started in teh 70's and still havnt been establishes as a breed.......and they are much better quality
    Not that I support them but in 40 years they are still not looked highly upon
  15. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    Actually, the link you just gave says at the bottom that the Canis Panther is an established breed that breeds true. ;)
  16. jeeperino

    jeeperino CH Dog

    Neos are a type of Mastiff and so is a Presa. A Mastiff is used for catchwork,hunting,guarding, etc... Those are the tasks I speak of. A Mastiff is a cur dog, a Bandog is a cur dog and an untested Apbt is a cur dog until it has proven otherwise. Those are the facts. Speculating possible outcomes between the 2 dogs is pointless. I have my opinion, u have yours. ALL my dogs have a purpose and arent "pets", "puppy machines" or spoiled cur ass house dogs. They gotta earn their keep.

    In retrospect I shouldnt have come off so confrontational. Your ignorance and refusal to listen to people with the 2 breeds best interest in mind pissed me off and I stooped pretty low.

    There is already an "ultimate dog" and that is an APBT. Better and smarter men than you have tried to create the same thing u are.... and how well did they do??? Maybe you should change your screen name from dog man to Mr. Swinford King of Bandogs/Mutts.
  17. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    Thread closed.
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