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Dam back yard breeders, there should be a law - front yard only!

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by NorCalTim, Aug 20, 2011.

  1. RRL

    RRL Top Dog

    One more thing...people breeding shitbulls endangers everyone of us that love these dogs a hell of alot more than somebody foolin with chihuaha's.
  2. doginhold

    doginhold Top Dog

    I do also deal with other breeds as I not only keep American Pit Bullterriers.
    But yes, we can make laws!!!!!!!!!
    It´s easy! It´s by building a lobby! But a lobby need mass, money and smart people with influence!
  3. blanch

    blanch Big Dog

    what endangers your freedom is not other people breeding shit dogs.

    its people willingly handing it to the government,their only aim is to take your money and your freedom away from you,if you believe anything else your just helping them do it faster.
  4. RRL

    RRL Top Dog

    Looking at all of these fat,shitbred curs in the image gallery along side great bulldogs from the past sould make any real dogman shed a tear.
  5. RRL

    RRL Top Dog

    It's BOTH! We got no more freedom in this country.
  6. RRL

    RRL Top Dog

    I'm not talking about making any laws here.Maybe next time you run into a BYB you could show him the light so to speak.
  7. doginhold

    doginhold Top Dog

    If you consider that even people that themselves own and breed dogs have the image of a monster if it comes down to the American Pit Bullterrier, we have to educate them also!
    Did you ever check what kind of a big economical factor dogbreeders and owners in the US are?
    Naturally if we are all doglovers, we should stand together to better the circumstances for every breed and mutt aswell.
    This would give us the peace we need to enjoy real freedom!
    Freedom is not to be in defense of what you are or what you´re made of (breedwise)!
    Thanks to all that carried the game into the public (Mags / Vids /etc.)! Thanks to the media that made the breed the number one choice for wanna be gangsters and people with a low ego!
    Thanks to all that doing shit like you could read in our training and behaviour section (Accident at the dog park etc.)!
    Thanks to all that are only in the breed for money!
    Thanks to all that are complainting about bsl and won´t do shit against it and leave it up to other people!
    Thanks to all that are too scared to step up!

    Shall I go on??????
  8. doginhold

    doginhold Top Dog

    Read careful!!!!!!!
    The things I mentioned could be done BEFORE there would be a governmental regulation!
    I know it´s a long read but might be worth it!

    And yes, the more people getting into the public focus and causing bad press the more the government is up to regulate!
  9. garth

    garth Big Dog

    Imo the German way works and has been working for a long time.Take a look at the dogs your law enforcement use 90% are imported from the EU.Why?Because all you all only think about the $$$$$ and breed shit ass working dogs.Capitalism is go'ing to be the down fall of your country,it has started already and if you all don't get your head out of your a$$es you will have problems that you will never see till its to late.Ie George Bush'es led you down a path an you followed blindly.
  10. willypete

    willypete Big Dog

    look dip-shit you can keep all the bogus trash talk to yourself . as far as George goes no one is following him any where . and its not a free market tripping us its the socialist attack . but when its all said and done we will come out on top and still be a much better place to live than Germany . Cops using EU dogs lol well we all know cops were stupid anyway . poor poor Germany it must suck living in the land of slaves and the home of the taxed .I guess here you have the right to be stupid and make stupid choices . and there well your stupid choices are must be a group choice and signed off on
  11. garth

    garth Big Dog

    Well done willypete it's to easy,so gullable.Have a great day.
  12. cliffdog

    cliffdog Top Dog

    I agree with this. Doginhold I agree with you, being from a background of many different breeds along with APBTs (Labradors, Greyhounds, Rottweilers, and Dobermans), I like all dogs and hate when they suffer because of people are so stupid when it comes to them. But laws hurt good people just as much as the bad.

    Like people who leave their dogs out on chains 24/7 and let them starve to death, when anti-chaining laws are passed, abusive people just work around these laws, it inconveniences them but it also harms people like a lot of members here and myself, who are good and responsible dog owners who use tethers/chains/trolley runs.

    And I don't know about other laws but the laws that recently passed in Missouri the "anti Puppy Mill law" actually SOFTENED laws for big kennels and rescues, so they don't have to clean the dogs' shit and don't have to provide them with food and water all the time!! It only made laws tougher on breeders who don't have big kennels and lots of money! So "anti Puppy Mill law" my ass!

    Laws cannot keep bad breeders from breeding without hurting good breeders too. People keep trying to force their opinions on others (like NO breeding at all people, no chain at all people, anti pit bull people) with laws. Instead we should put that lobbying money toward EDUCATING people about how to take care of their animals correctly and why most "pet dogs" should not be bred. Along with more discount/free spay and neuter. I don't spay/neuter but I can keep animals from reproducing like most people here can. Most people can't keep an intact male from getting a neighborhood dog pregnant or keep their bitch safe from strange dogs or even their OWN dog; even if they don't WANT to breed, they can't keep "accidents" from happening!
  13. jacko

    jacko CH Dog

    i think bad breeders of whatever breed should be named and shamed !!
  14. NorCalTim

    NorCalTim Big Dog

    This post was a joke. I wrote it because "back yard breeders" are as American as apple pie.
    People are trying to save "Pit Bulls" by passing mandatory spay laws.

    I say F... off!!

    Americans and their dogs fought and died for our rights. Now a bunch of self-righteous people are trying to pass laws to tell you what to do with your own dog. Most of them love me, I am a professional? People say I can keep my dogs intact because they have a pedigree (not hand written), but my neighbors dog must get his balls chopped off if he in not show worthy. I say the rights that are the most important ate the ones you do not believe in.

    I wrote this joke because this breed is being "saved" by people wanting mandatory spay laws. Its like Jews helping Hitler. Save the breed, jump off a cliff. People just do not know their ass from a hole in the ground. Nothing personal against any one person, anyone taking away the rights of Americans sucks.

  15. dayair1

    dayair1 Big Dog

    Although I agree with your main point of working to preserve the integrity of the breeds, and trying to limit the BYB shit. I can not agree with the means! You see I do not know how things work in "this works here" Germany. But let me tell you how things work in the good ol USA!
    When the government gets involved, things turn to s**t. I have been around long enough to know that our government regulates for one reason, and one reason only, to raise more tax's! And by the time the radical liberals, and the fur mommy's get through lobbying. The laws that the general public wanted to put in place to protect the animals. Would be completely different than the one's first proposed. And the only individuals that would be punished and hurt, would be the honest, law abiding breeders, and most likely all working dogs. And the low life BYB that you talk about, would just keep doing what they do best! Just under ground, under even worse conditions than before.
    Now, do I think there is a serious problem with the way animals are being bred today? Of coarse I do!
    But having the government get involved to pass new laws is NOT the answer!

    The only two things our government seems to do pretty well is.
    1. The military, "and that is because we throw so much money at it. And for the most part the government lets the military run itself.
    2. Postal service seems to run pretty well, and that is even debatable.
    Everything else is completely inefficient.
    I am open to hear any "plausible" solution. As long as government regulation is not in the equation.
  16. doginhold

    doginhold Top Dog

    So what would all of you do?

    Education is a good thing but as one of my mentors told me
    don´t waste time in educating the dumb! It´s not worth it!

    I´m a do or die person, in any means.

    Especially if people likes to fool arround then I´ll be probably the first one giving them some punishment.

    Some say I´m a little to harsh and a little to hot tempered! LOL!!!!!!
  17. cliffdog

    cliffdog Top Dog

    I know that education will not solve every problem but neither will laws, they will only create more...
  18. art

    art Big Dog

    have not breed a dog yet.but win i do it going be in the back yeard lol
  19. art

    art Big Dog

    ops yard........................................................
  20. Saiyagin

    Saiyagin Chihuahua

    That is one of the most DUMBEST shit I ever heard....Just more BS by the government to control people. Our economy is fucking bankrupt and we concentrating on these kind of stupid shit? In the future we all be working for free , basically slaves to our New World Order country were the government has totally power and control and NOT we the people.

    Anyone that thinks there should be a law about breeding dogs is a RETARD.

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