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Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Madusa, Jan 6, 2005.

  1. Madusa

    Madusa CH Dog

    with all the indiscriminate breeding go on out there (ie. people mixing breeds for size and color) why don't more people dna type their dogs and obtain proven parentage, with this, there can be no question as to where and how these dogs are bred. i know it can be cost prohibitive, but isn't it worth it for the breed in the long run.
  2. pepsi

    pepsi Pup

    I'll share another bit of wisdom with you.

    The man you buy the dog from is sometimes just as important as the dog itself.

    I know of one breeder (down here in Texas) that "Will sale you the cake, but not the recipe". Needless to say, I have only had one of his dogs and that was after extensive research.

    Buy from a reputable breeder and you will have no worries. Even better, aquire some good stock and breed it yourself.

    DNA testing is a good idea, but there are still too many options available. If I needed that to buy a dog from someone, I would think that maybe I had made the wrong choice on who to buy from.

  3. Madusa

    Madusa CH Dog

    i didn't mean to say that you need to have that to buy a dog from a breeder, but it is a good way to make sure you are getting what you pay for. the best example of this is to not only have dna on your dog, but to have dna on at least the previous generation, so as to qualify for proven parentage. there are many so called dogmen and reputable breeders that will hang paper faster than a byb, also if you are buying a dog supposedly bred down from a certain dog that had dna done, then you will be able to go back and genetically prove that to be the truth. your stock, that you are breeding had to come from somewhere, right? so why not be able to prove it?
  4. LadyRampage

    LadyRampage Top Dog

    Very good post. DNA testing still has its flaws. Really the only thing you will be sure on is the parents to your pup, in most cases, right? Sire and Dam are DNA'd and so is the pups but what about the rest of the ancestors? Most were not DNA'd and are long gone so how are you going to get the proof? Its limited on what it can actually tell you. If the sire to your pup is DNA'd but the process started with him how do you know he's not off something different then listed?

    In the long run it could be very useful but people also need to realize that the past will still stay blurry..
  5. Madusa

    Madusa CH Dog

    i believe there are things in the past that no one but the people that were there will ever know, but we have to start somewhere. the thing is, if we all start this process then we will be able to have a clearer image of our current dogs as they become the dogs of the past. we have to do something to keep this breed alive and well for our sons and daughters, (by that i mean true apbt's, game dogs). this is just one way to help. i also think that if people will stop being more interested in money than making sure their pups get into the right hands we will all be better off. i agree that dna is still new and there are things that need to be sorted out, but it is a viable option.
  6. SFK

    SFK Top Dog

    The only time I find DNA testing to be imperative is AI Breedings. I will not back a bitch up to a dog unless that dog has proven to me he is worth it. Beyond that I don't see the necessity. I don't have a problem with it, & I have a few tight bred dogs I may do it on just because of their blood. But I don't do a lot of advertising & I sure ain't getting rich off my dogs. Also DNA testing can be used in court to prove intent. Bc it is undeniable proof of what your dog is.
  7. PADogman

    PADogman Top Dog

    anyone know how much it costs to have your dog DNA profiled.I want toget a general idea before I have it done.Thanks.
  8. Madusa

    Madusa CH Dog

    it is $50.00 per dog with the adba plus the cost of the test kit which is $2.00 per dog and can be ordered along with the registration of your pup or transfer of ownership with them.
  9. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    I have a few DNA profiled, but only b/c the parents were also done. Also the pups of my dogs are profiled, but for the rest, I don't worry about it.

    Me either!! :) It's nice to hear someone actually state the truth. Today at the clinic, a guy brought in 5 malnourished & sad looking bulldogs approx. 7 moths old. We got to talking (not too much, I don't like those people knowin about my dogs) & he had the nerve to state that he "couldn't wait till the dogs got old enough so he could breed them & start making money off them." In addition to their condition (5 also had demodex) all stated that they were "Boudreaux pits". After I thoroughly pissed him off by promptly stated that if he wanted to make money, then HE needed to get a job, he left w/3 of the dogs to "put them in the car" but never came back. So now we're out our money & left w/2 demodex "Boudreaux pits". Since it was my fault:D , my boss said I have to find them homes or deal with them.

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