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Do you train you obedience train your dog?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Hells Bells, Mar 29, 2009.

  1. Chef-Kergin

    Chef-Kergin Guest


    from reading your post, we must have different kinds of apbts.

    there was another recent thread about gamebred dogs and proven dogs being able to coexist with other animals. they can and do in some parts of the world still.

    that doesn't mean you should be taking them to the park to run around because "they listen to you" or teaching them to bite humans (please don't take offense to this as i'm not directing this at you or anyone else, it's just something i'll never see as acceptable for this breed; it's not who they are).
  2. TigerLady

    TigerLady Pup

    Actually, they are APBT dogs. Three are participating in AKC events under LP papers as AMStaff, whereas Doja is registered with the UKC and the ADBA as APBT and the ACK as AmStaff. (yes, I know - it is sort of cheating, but I am not breeding, nor going for confirmation - ONLY OB titles). Gracie, Domino, and Otis also hold LP papers with the ADBA and the UKC as APBT. All of my dogs, except for Otis, are desexed and he will be desexed in a few months. Pictures below.









    I have been around APBT all of my life. I grew up with them. Yet as an adult, I mostly had German Shepherd dogs and I competed in Schutzhund and Ringsports with them. One, Bo, I took all the way to the National Championships. It never occured to me that I could not do the same type of thing with APBT dogs. No one ever told me it was not possible, no one ever tried to talk me out of it - so I just started training and never looked back. Will I go Schutz and Ringsports again with any of these? I honestly do not know. It is a very expensive sport to compete in. But I do know this - APBT are VERY bright dogs and eager to please and mine LOVE to show thier stuff off in ralley!

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2009
  3. Hells Bells

    Hells Bells Top Dog

    I think it does a service to the breed in this day and age to obedience train. People will see a well mannered pit bull and just may look at the breed more positively. Plus pit bulls love to have a job. My dog is just as playful as the next dog. I just want to make a good impression on people when I'm out with my dog. And I see so many people with prong collars on their dogs and they are still letting them pull ahead. Which does nothing for training if you aren't correcting with a leash pop.
  4. Zoe

    Zoe CH Dog

    I think that's one reason I got sort of bored with the obedience training. Venus was so smart, so eager to please, so biddable, she picked everything up in no time. It just wasn't that much of a challenge to be honest. lol I think if I really look at it from a distant perspective, it was less about what *she* was capable of, and more about what *I* was capable of making her do. It did give me alot of confidence with her being my first dog and all though. Now I think I'm kinda like a grandma that wants to watch her grandkids run a little wild! lol I think I've kind of come full circle. Although, if I find myself with the kids all grown up, and it's just me and the dogs again, who knows... it may spark my interest again. ;) Right now though I put more into that ''management'' and let them be fiesty little buggers.
  5. Hells Bells

    Hells Bells Top Dog

    I'm only thinking of obedience shows for my dog due to her acl surgery and she's picking up her leg again. :confused: I'm not sure if she's sore because the weather has been so hot and than cold. Snowed like a mother yesterday now it's like sunny and nice outside. I wanted to do agility and weight pull before she got hurt.
  6. TigerLady

    TigerLady Pup

    ACL repair can fail, unfortunately. Doja had a partial tear in her right ACL when she was about 9 months of age. We opted NOT to have surgery as the tear was only partial. We went with PT and rest. Now, she is allowed only to pull light weights and not allowed to jump at all. She is 6 years of age and walks completely limp free.

  7. Zoe

    Zoe CH Dog

    Ugghh.... I hear ya. My foster Deeohgee was VERY active, high drive, to the point we even tried her out for LawDogs. She failed the preliminary testing we did on her because she'd stop her search to go say hi to any new people that approached her vacinity, lol, and although she'd go right back to the search, it wasn't ideal. I didn't want her to go anyway so I didn't care! lol She went to an adoptive home for a couple years and then was returned but during that time had ACL surgery. Now I'm nervous to let her be ''herself'' as she's just too wild and prone to injuring herself again. We've been doing some in house ''search'' training with her just for fun as she is SO smart, it's almost scarey. She needs something to keep her mind busy. We've been hiding my daughter and having her find her! lol She's VERY toy driven and obedience is her middle name! lol Gaud... you don't even have to work on her with it. She is just SO responsive. You can stop a command mid word and change what you want her to do and she doesn't miss a beat.

    Do you have your girl on any sort of glucosamine/condroitin/MSM supplement?
  8. Hells Bells

    Hells Bells Top Dog

    We need to get her some more glucosomine she was on it for a few months and started coming around better. So we are going to get her some more.
  9. performanceknls

    performanceknls Top Dog

    I totally agree! Don't get me wrong I am not one of those APBT people who take my dogs to the parks and try to make all my dogs co-exist. I understand what these dogs were bred for and what they are capable of. We have at any given time over 17 dog and only 2 are not APBT's. I have some petbulls that get along but most of my dogs are separated. They do not get along with each other. BUT when I am in public they know who is boss and act appropriate. I love the attributes the APBT's bring to performance sports but I haven not been brave enough to do flyball.
    I would really be scared to put one of my dogs in high drive and expect them not to take another dog out in flyball. I doubt we have different APBT's I just know how to train mine;)
    And Schutzhund is not biting people it's mostly prey drive after a sleeve with some defense drive.
  10. Chef-Kergin

    Chef-Kergin Guest

    some people train their dogs.

    others work them.

    to each their own.
  11. performanceknls

    performanceknls Top Dog

    So what does "Work your dog" mean. I am not trying to fight or anything but I honestly don't understand what you mean. You mean walk your dog? How is that working? Please don't take it the wrong way.
  12. StopBSL

    StopBSL Top Dog

    we do training ourselves with our dogs. Cadillac has her CGC and we are going to take her two daughters to do it too, but they need work on loose leash walking, getting better.

    we don't do over the top obedience but we are very strict about a few things:

    #1 the leave it and drop it commands so we can easily stop them from going after something before it happens or get them to drop something they are holding once they have it- no matter how much they want the thing in question.

    #2 sitting around children & NO jumping on children. They love kids so we do not ever let a child pet any dog unless they are sitting. The youngest is getting better with this but still wiggles a lot.

    I like our dogs to be manageable in public at dog shows/pulls but not too placid. We show ADBA and I do not discourage their "being dogs" in the ring there because they do great showing that way.

    They all know sit, stay, come, high five, drop it, leave it, quiet and various other silly trick commands.
  13. Hells Bells

    Hells Bells Top Dog

    Helena is solid on her "drop it" and OUT she learned out at a young age. When I decide play time and rough housing is over. I just yell OUT and she stops. I've been working with her since I got her so she's gotten pretty good about things. A loud OUT has stopped more than one dog fight with her.

    I'm still working on sitting around children. We don't have many children over and she didn't grow up with them. But she loves kids. She's been around my neices and nephews a lot. She seems to know not to jump on the little toddlers. But she wants to romp with the bigger kids.
  14. Chef-Kergin

    Chef-Kergin Guest

    don't worry, i'm not taking it the wrong way.

    some......no, MOST people will never get it and it's probably better off that way.

    it's fine. ;)

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