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Docking dogs

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by pitty123, Dec 16, 2014.

  1. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    more worst then it already looks .........
    nevr have seen it so bad
  2. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Its never been like it is now. Typically just the tip splits open and i have it healed in a week or so but this time around she has totally destroyed it.
  3. treezpitz

    treezpitz CH Dog Staff Member

    lol Key, I'm sure you know I was just kidding man. I would have said Blue's account but he isn't as active on here as much anymore so you were the one I joked about. Hope you didn't take it personal. I doubt you did.
  4. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

  5. treezpitz

    treezpitz CH Dog Staff Member

    "don't worry pitz be happy .................."

    lol That's more like it, Key!
  6. Ever watched a bird on a wire? Their tail constantly shift in order too keep their balance. When you watch a good defensive dogs TAIL when being pushed into the corner or wall and turn his stifels into the opposite direction in order not to be pressed into the wall or corner, he or she will use their TAILs to feel the wall as they are pushed into it. Anyone that docks a APBT tails hasn't been in the box enough to know the difference. I call them Newcomers. Always a pleasure to meet you, easy spot. Something that was nonexistent in the day???
  7. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    I took the thread to be about health issues with that tail, however EVERYTHING you said, PM is absolutely the truth as to in the box. Excellent points of fact. I think very few nowadays consider them, or even are aware to consider them. Good post, IMO.
  8. Mop Master

    Mop Master Yard Boi AKA MopMaster, Gutter Boy & LWG

    im kinda leaning on primitive supplies outlook on this one. cant remember where i heard/read it, but i do remember something being said about the balance. another thing i havent seen anybody mention is a desperate attempt to shave a few ounces.... i remember hearing some euros argue that point over on feds.... anyways, i personally think its ugly & dont like to see it. however, i can sympathize with agk's situation......
  9. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    Yes. I don't think AGK's situation has anything to do with the box, but at the same time I think PM's post was, I HOPE, enlightening to some of the more receptive younger folks. It was right on the dime. The two things I urge with young'ns...........eye for detail....eye for efficiency. And his post was enlightening as to those things.
  10. pitty123

    pitty123 Pup

    Primitive Supply I think that's a great response I never thought or looked at it in that aspect.
    The main reason for concern for me regarding docked tails is the fact that I noticed several top Serbian kennels following this particular trend in a couple of gr ch race box dogs and I couldn't think of a explanation and thought it might be something that I just wasn't aware of. I personally don't like it at all.
    Agk Your post is informative too because I have never seen a Happy tail to that extent... Best of luck with that.
  11. pitty123

    pitty123 Pup

  12. CHAMP

    CHAMP Big Dog

    They also pretty frequently use their tails to maneuver themselves off their back. I didn't see anyone dispute the fact that dogs USE their tails.
    As far as BALANCE, the tail is so little in weight when compared to the body that it's effect on a dogs balance would be minute to the point that it's not worth mentioning.

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  13. CHAMP

    CHAMP Big Dog

    Now, with that said, the dog that AGK posted is at risk of a pretty nasty, potentially life threatening infection, and it's a FACT that when a dog is dead it's not gonna use it's tail for anything, balance or otherwise.

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  14. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    I just want to make sure things arent getting confused through text. My reasoning for docking is purely medical for her benefit not to shave any weight of her for the square or my vanity. Personally I hate the look. Champ hit it right on with post #53. Im doing it so she dont get a secondary infection that will end up killing her. Anyone who would do it to duck a weight class is a fool in my opinion. The tail is part of the spine any altering of it has to most certianly affect balance and meanuvering to an extent. A propeller on a boat is very light too compared to the weight of the boat its attached too yet when its turned just slightly the boat drastically will go in the opposite direction. I veiw the dogs tails the same. Believe me, if it was unavoidable it wouldnt be getting done. :-) just so there is no confusion as to my motives.
  15. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    i believe most of the tails are docked is for medicial reason .....
    i did it once ...against the bars .
    one time got rit of it ...puting the dog other spot in the yard ..different move ..chain
  16. CHAMP

    CHAMP Big Dog

    I don't think a boat propeller is a very good comparison as far as balance goes AGK, but (as I said from the get go) I personally would not dock a dogs tail for anything other than a legitimate medical reason.

    Sent from my microwave using Tapatalk
  17. poorfarmkennels

    poorfarmkennels Big Dog

    What about dogs that come naturally short tailed, like a pig, have you all ever seen one in the [] that didn't exibit the balance deficiency?


    lol...shit taught that was k-stone shown off his septic p*****k,,,time to get that taken off agk...it's dead...seen it only once..but had a dog used to paint the walls red with his happy tail....


    ..agk...stick a rubber band around the dead piece,cut off the circulation b-tween the dead+live ..it will fall off ..soon as xmas over..keep putting in the anti/bio's..don't cover it anymore it will dry up and drop.....ps:give it to keystone then he need to put something in his pants....lol...lol
  20. Saiyagin

    Saiyagin Chihuahua

    Primitives out look aint nothing new, its only new for those without much experience LMAO.

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