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Docking dogs

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by pitty123, Dec 16, 2014.

  1. mccoypitbulls

    mccoypitbulls Underdog

    no - as i said - in my experience, I believe there to be no difference if this was done at an early age -vs - later on in life.
    I agree with that.
    I have never experienced having to dock a dog later in life. No beliefe in a myth there. I was asking if anyone had experienced it. Lets not assume what eachother know and take things out of context.

    Im glad you both have experiences of this situation to share, but I am one to believe nothing until i see it, and still I have to speculate on those incidents. im in the 10th degree and still learning - spare me
  2. mccoypitbulls

    mccoypitbulls Underdog

    good input..thanks for adding your take.

    we can also probably use a reptile and their anatomy to use as a refference in this. ie..the lizards shucks its tail in danger, it lays twitching on the ground, as the creature runs to hide.
  3. mccoypitbulls

    mccoypitbulls Underdog

    the dogs tail moves yes. even the docked ones move. Any of you see the type of dock, that is damn near all the way to the a-hole?? the tail has a function, and in my case "a dogs tail never lies" - well i guess a nub never lies either...because they still shake it...ha ha ha
  4. blueboy

    blueboy Big Dog

    I don't think balance is affected in dogs that have their tails docked when they're very young pup's. They grew up without a tail, so have adjusted.
    But in a dog that grew up with a tail balance is affected imo. Had a dog years ago that had to have his tail docked as an adult, similar circumstance as agk's gyp. He had looked good pre op but post op never was as impressive. Dogs he had handled easily before were able to get to him. This dog is the only experience I have of owning a docked bulldog.
  5. CHAMP

    CHAMP Big Dog

    "I was basically saying that the balance of a dog is going to get thrown off, given the dog had a tail to begin with"
    That's what you said, and it's a myth.

    Sent from my microwave using Tapatalk
  6. mccoypitbulls

    mccoypitbulls Underdog

    you are saying there is not to be a time of adjustment after the tail is removed for the dog to adjust its equilibrium?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2014
  7. mccoypitbulls

    mccoypitbulls Underdog

    take some videos for us to look at please - and bottom line - hope the dog is ok and not affected in a bad way of any sorts. Its obviously the best option at this point. keep us updated please my friend
  8. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator


    Shes doing much better. Took that picture today. It don't seem to be bothering her at all now that she aint chewing on it. I just couldn't bring myself to lop off her tail. I removed the exposed bone and any dying tissue, chemically cauterized it, Put her in an E-collar, Put her on clavamox and just been keeping the tail clean and dry. Healing up very well. She did end up loosing about 3-4" of her tail in this ordeal though but thats better to me than her whole tail. I'll post another picture when I get it fully healed up, maybe 2 weeks at this rate.

    Not too bad compared to how it was.


    It got even worse than the picuture above. All in all she is doing real good now both with the pain and in her mentality. She is for the most part back to her old self.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2015


    .....good stuff..agk..diy..???....i'd keep it un-coverd at times now let it dry up..some.....if this repeats for anybody it might be best have it done ..depends on the dog.and how bad it is...ya can save the tail or most off it when done right and looked after...if ya don't know what to do your-self go to the clinic...
  10. mccoypitbulls

    mccoypitbulls Underdog

    yeah man - shit - that looks better ..was wondering how it was going.. Great info by the way!!


    i know some-one who could use the "3-4"..waste he can stuff em down his bags..lol...kkkkkkkk...............lol....
  12. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    I never had it covered, bandaging a tail is a real big pain in the arse. I wanted to keep it open to the air to help dry it out. She's doing good with it. Being a scrub tech I have quite the high end first aid kit. I can literally do surgery with the shit I have, A pair of rongeurs took that bone off, Silver Nitrate sticks cauterized it and I just been using peroxide 2 times a day to keep it clean. Looks even better today than yesterday when I took that picture. Saved myself a stack...
  13. ursaminor

    ursaminor Top Dog

    Next time I need some medical attention I know who to call.

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