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Dog-fighting 'godfather' given prison (Ed Faron, WSK)

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by mastiffsj, Feb 13, 2009.

  1. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

  2. Stookie

    Stookie Pup

    just read it thats all these people crazy they all love the breed but for different reasons but instead of becoming a team they rather split one side for the other. i cant say i agree with either 100% but to me they all made some good points to me.

    EX. the bully lovers say game dog people mess up the breed,the show groups think that sportsmen are to blame, and the sportsmen blame the both of them for for not keep to standerd

    its crazy
  3. ausapbt

    ausapbt Big Dog

    firstly whats crazy is this......
    the bully lovers think their fat f#ck dogs are pits when their not...
    secondly show people breed for appearance and have made their own strains
    third an honest dogman true to the breed only breads to only one standard... PERFORMANCE

    weather it be for hog hunting or other activities legal in the said dogmans country....

    a game bred dog is not the same as other above mentioned dogs and as such owners are less likely to team up...
  4. Stookie

    Stookie Pup

    yeah but if they ban one they ban them all
  5. gh32

    gh32 CH Dog

    It hard to be on the same team as someone who is working against you every step of the way.The bully crowd have their ideas,we have ours.I'm not on their team and they're not on mine.The day I have to try and agree with the bully crowd is when I'll give up on the dogs and get a goldfish.If they had their way the APBT wouldn't be nothing but a bunch of fat currs.What has messed up the breed is BYB to the extreme,breeding for colors,head size and other nonsense.Negative media attention influencing the mind of the not so smart public.The same one's that believe banning guns solve crime are the same ones that probably believe banning APBTs reduce dogbites.The gullible sheep of the nation.Where was the APBT problem 40 years ago when they were in the hands of REAL dogmen.There was no bullies,there was no BSL.There was no problem.But I don't see how APBT owners and bully owners can ever be on the same team,as they don't agree on anything.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2009
  6. Maruccio

    Maruccio Banned

    strange place u.s.a. you can buy in afternoon a big mac & ak-47 easely but you can't have dogs and you are considerate like a homicidal if you have pit bulls.I see some pics from wildside and he have extra shapèe dogs , healty , on some videos i saw kennel is one of the cleanest i ever seen and dogs with chain more long then eiffel tower.
    better rape and kill people in u.s.a then have dogs.your rights will be more.
  7. Stookie

    Stookie Pup

    The land of the free
  8. BustaH

    BustaH Top Dog

    true apbt will never die, its been through too much for that. It saddens me to see what is happening in America with the breed and as for the bullys well dont even ask me what I think, I will say one thing on that though the people breeding those things should be the ones going to jail for animal cruelty!!

    I know how it is to have dogs taken away and killed for no reason, it happened to me almost 20 years ago two healthy animals simply because I refused to have them neutered / spayed tattooed microchipped muzzled and insured up to 1 million public liability! my main stand was the neuter/spay thing. my dogs never did anything wrong, no fighting, no biting.....nothing!

    anyway America is becoming [or has become] another nanny state like so many others the world has changed. I work with the homeless, also with drug and alcohol addiction, while I understand these men and women need help some of them go out shoplifting everyday or commit other crimes to support their habit AND get free accomadations/ food/bills everything, they are in fact financially better off than I am many of them I love the work, its a valid job, the point im making is apbt owners are criminalised just because they own a dog they love!!

    my father/ grandfather and His father fought bloody wars to keep my country free of 'control freaks' wanting to tell us how to live and now we are all nervous about walking out the front door because preudo tree hugging liberal freaks who at the end of the day only have their OWN agenda [they are not willing to understand someone elses perspective] theirs is the only way! and we all must jump into line.

    hsus and others are making big money off the back of our breed, they have caused more cruelty to these dogs AND their owners than all of the ALLEDGED dog fighters in history put together!!:mad: its disgusting whats happening. Something I personally find very difficult to accept... btw I dont fight my dogs and never have, but I DO want a true apbt not some mixed up breed that struggles through its whole life instead of enjoying it!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2009
  9. I agree Chinasmom - my heart sunk when I read that the first time. Just reading through this thread again due to its resurfacing made me feel that same tightness in my chest all over again. These dogs really did deserve better. :(
  10. Maruccio

    Maruccio Banned

    kill 127 dogs only becouse their breed is the same thing of Nazi Raich kill Jews . totally insane. how these people can say "we are dogs lover".."don't buy coat from china " when they kill dogs so easely like you drink a glass of water. I will pay 1.000.000 euros who demostrate with uncontrovertible proves and logical the item of this acting by these persons.there are pets serial killer.
  11. Stookie

    Stookie Pup

    what you suggest Maruicco


    Why do some think that people have rights in america....
  13. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    Hey CL, its screwed up right now w/ some of the various issues, but its still the greatest country in the world man, and dont forget it.
  14. prpitdawg

    prpitdawg Top Dog

    this is the greatest country in the world. we do have alot more rights than many other countries. it's not our lack of rights that's the problem. it's the bs people that are infringing on them that's the problem. we don't need new rights we just need the idiots running this country to stop trying to take away the ones we already have.
  15. Zoe

    Zoe CH Dog

    No friggin' doubt. :mad:

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