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-Ear Infections-

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by Laced Wit Game, Apr 7, 2010.

  1. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    ok well........
    as funny as it may seem, i spend about 2 minutes last night smellin my dogs ears lol
    both smelled the same (like a dogs ears lol)
    weird thing is, there is NO discharge. at all. the ear isnt red or purple or swollen (like ive seen on some dogs) and the only implication that i have is that it hurts her when i rub her/massage ear (she used to love it!).
    could this mean a ruptured ear drum?
    i would take her to the vet but my unemployment is pulling a stunt and its takin forever to get my check.
  2. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    will that treat all possiblities?

    bacterial,yeast (is yeast a fubgal?), mites?

    if its a ruptured drum would it heal?
  3. KuyaJames33

    KuyaJames33 Big Dog

    damaged ear drums will heal eventually...

    if u don't notice any discharge or any signs of infection and her ears are painful to the touch she may have a foxtail in there...
  4. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    i was thinking that too! but the thing is, shit is still green and lush out here. foxtails aint dangerous until theyre dried out.

    shit, i may just have to bight the bullet, borrow some money and try to find the cheapest vet in town just to get to the bottom of whats goin on!

    as far as medication, ill just see what he says, then buy it online for cheap!
  5. QVO RIP

    QVO RIP Pup


    See if when you rub the bottom of it's ear if it sounds like there's water could just be dirty ears excessive wax way at the bottom...if that's the case maybe just needs some flushing....I have used baby oil to flush the ear this is what my vet uses and has recommended.

    For infections I have also used white vinegar diluted with water.
  6. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    not really sounding like water (although i wouldnt know what the water in here ear would sound like)

    baby oil? just regular baby oil?

    i have white vinegar & reg. rubbing alchohol, wouldnt that work better? ill give the flushing a shot.

    it doesnt seem to bother her unless i touch it. it doesnt hurt her to touch the ear flap, just when i start to massage the whole ear. then she jerks and shakes her head.

    so should i flush, then givce it a few more days to see if i get drainage?
  7. QVO RIP

    QVO RIP Pup


    It would sound squishy when you rub the bottom part like your pressing on it and rubbing it at the same time.

    I have not used alcohol only vinegar... but i have heard vinegar kills any fungus and alcohol dries the ear and you can mix them both. If it goes longer than 3 days take it to the vet.
  8. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    ok it was it was a fighting battle but i got it squirted in there (i think, she's been shaking her head now for about 30 seconds)

    should i just go ahead and do the other ear also?

    by the way i mixed half vinegar half rubbing alchohol, how many times a day should i do it.
  9. ElJay

    ElJay CH Dog

    it wont hurt if you do the other ear. and the alcohol vinegar mixture you're using is great. once a day should be plenty till you can figure out what the deal is.
  10. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    what are the chances of that healing it?

    the ear i noticed has tiny (almost nothing) crustys on the ear falp. not really discharge, almost looks like pealing skin. does that mean anything?
  11. QVO RIP

    QVO RIP Pup


    Give it a couple of days to see if that mixture kills the fungus or infection and If it continues after that you should take it to the vet, however I doubt it has a yeast infection because you already said it's ears don't smell bad and with that type of infection they smell pretty bad like cheese.
  12. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    ok so i found some 500mg cephalexin capsules, should i go ahead and give her one a day? i found em in the cupboard so i only have 5 of em.

    i also found some shit called "PANOLOG OINTMENT 15ml" i only got a few drops left, but i found a site that explains lot about it, but the use too many medical terms for my simple thinking. so what do you think> heres the link.

  13. HighCoastHiker

    HighCoastHiker Top Dog

    You know what, this sounds like a trip to the vet is in order.
    You really need to know what you're dealing with and how to know what you're looking at before you start down the home remedy trail. It could be a lot of things, and the truth is that the wrong remedy can hurt your dog permanently.
    For now, get a clean wash-cloth, wet it in warm water, squeeze it absolutely dy and wipe your dog's ear as far as you can get in with your finger. That's it. Keep the dog out of the water and out of the cold. Work out a way to get to your vet or even someone with real experience with these things who can show you what to look for, what to smell for and what to do.
  14. Old Timer

    Old Timer CH Dog

    It will more than likely kill what she has in there, This stuff works very good.

    You don't want to give her the antibiotics because you only have 5 of them, The dog will need way more than 5 if she needs them. If you don't give her enough whatever she has will come back with a vengeance as soon as she runs out of the medicine.

    Something I would do is go to either Walgreens or Walmart and try to find the tool that you can look into her ears with, Both the stores used to sell it for about $15.00 and it will give you a better idea what is going on and if she does have a foreign object in there you will be able to see it. If you can't find it though I think it is time to take her into the vet and see what they have to say.

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